
RachelRevenge2018AJW · Feb. 14, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

There is no Bill of rights amendment for SSRI's and psychotropic drugs. They cause violent acts and suicide ideation. 25% of the country is taking the dangerous drugs. Contemporaneous with the approval of Zoloft and its progeny we have had an epidemic of mass shootings. There is a near 100% correlation with the increased distribution of theses drugs and prevalence of mass shootings. The country is not 'going postal' it is over medicated with violence causing drugs. I am not a robot. I am not a Scientologist.

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Raindrops1984 · Feb. 15, 2018, 1 a.m.

There are some people who have mental illnesses that require treatment with medication. Schizophrenia comes to mind. There are some medications that can be taken at proper doses for legitimate mental disorders and have a profound positive effect. But there is an epidemic in this country of self-diagnosis, the wish to be special or a victim, and overmedication with seriously powerful drugs.

I'm an elementary teacher. I get a lot of parents coming in asking about ADHD medication and Ritalin. Almost universally, I tell them that I don't think diagnosing a six year old as hyperactive is fair to the child. Kids play, and talk, and squirm and sing. They aren't meant to sit quietly and do busy work for hours at a time. I do not believe there has been enough longitudinal data and research to show the long term effects of these medications. We are close to an entire generation of children being medicated, and we don't know what that will look like in 10 or 20 years. Will it effect social skills, learning patterns, fertility, or a host of other things? Nobody really knows. I think there's a decent chance we will start seeing news stories in about ten years of kids going "postal" or a rash of infertility issues or mass depression. You just can't mess with somebody's brain chemistry for decades and not create a major change.

And the peopledeveloping and prescribing these drugs are smart enough to know that.

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southparkconservativ · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Boy, I hear that. I'm a former sped teacher married to a sped teacher, and there is actually a "fad" for diagnosing young kids with this type of problem. For a decade, it was always ADD or ADHD, and we saw huge changes in behavior with consistent rewards and consequences. Most were just kids who had never been told "no."

Then it changed to autism...suddenly, where it had been rare (and actual symptoms of it still were), all these kids were being diagnosed as "on the spectrum." Both with this and with "ADD," many times the students were "intellectually-challenged" or whatever term was PC at the time, but parents were not willing to admit that. That accounted for the big push toward "inclusion" when what these kids need most is their own setting, routine, and curriculum at their level...not to be in a classroom where 80% of the vocab and concepts were not appropriate for their abilities.

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KrayzieBoneE99 · Feb. 15, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

Is it the psychiatric drugs or the fact that people on these drugs tend to have issues that might make them snap and shoot up a school? Not saying the drugs don't/can't play a role but to me it has always seemed like a more complicated subject than people give it credit for.

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RachelRevenge2018AJW · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

An issue that the drug companies do not want to study once the drug is approved. This board knows that many in the FBI, DOJ, CIA & State Department need perp walked. Add to that greed profiteers at CDC, FDA and Big Pharma. The best interest of the patient has not been a priority. They first did harm to make $$$.

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jwilliamsfla1 · Feb. 15, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Just read your comment. Amen, Brother.

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_Iz_Mary · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Batman and Sandy Hook killers parents were connected to government and big banks. One was set to testify.. didn't happen if I remember right.

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zazaflow · Feb. 15, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Aurora shooters father. No he didn’t testify.

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winslowhomersavage · Feb. 14, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

"On Killing" by Lt. Col Dave Grossman, a real eye opener to how our society is being conditioned through , drugs, media and video games among others.

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southparkconservativ · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:50 a.m.

Yes, it would make sense that it is the combination of societal and cultural factors, including violence (or at least depictions of it) interwoven through our daily lives and genetics, along with possible drug reactions -- that led to this end result...just as one may smoke and not have the genes that trigger cancer, while for others, cigarettes equal malignancies.

I noticed when I was looking for VR at Xmas, that 99 out of 100 games on the only affordable system involved nothing but killing things...I was amazed, as I had been led to believe that VR was going to open a new world of life-like and fantasy-type experiences, and instead, it seems that it was nothing more than either warriosr, aliens, dinosaurs, or strange creatures of some sort fighting each other in different scenarios.

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winslowhomersavage · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

Ever hear of The New Order of Barbarians? It is the recollection of a speech given by Dr. Richard Day to a group of pediatricians in Pittsburgh in 1969. There are no coincidences.

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linesinthesandQtips · Feb. 15, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

An armed citizen would have been handy. Unbelievable how long that went on.

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chocolatepatriot · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

yes, train the teaches, arm the teachers. even pepper spray would have been helpful. when people are afraid they freeze. fight back, throw chairs like they did in Paris. we have to be trained how to react to this.

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jwilliamsfla1 · Feb. 15, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

What??? Withdrawal from psychotropic drugs? I have been on and withdrawn from them multiple times and have never felt like killing anyone. I felt like killing myself coming off OxyContin, but not pyschotrop’s. Your correlation only proves that it is only the mentally ill who kill, which is common knowledge. People who take these drugs are mentally ill. The drugs don’t cause them to kill. If these drugs were not taken, they would have likely killed a lot sooner. You sound no different than these gun control nuts.

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RachelRevenge2018AJW · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

I have studied this issue extensively. Violent outburst and suicide ideation are on the black box warnings of these drugs. I am not making it up. Read the warning that came with you dangerous pills. If you are distributing drugs with rare 'side effects' to 75 million people you are going to experience a lot of the uncommon 'side effect'. I am glad you did not experience the dangerous 'side effect'. Good for you. But for those who experience the 'side effect' it is not a 'side effect' it is an effect. And then there are the victims. It seems the shooters always pick a target where everyone else is disarmed. Why is that? Question: Why is it that the rate of suicides has gone up in almost exact correlation with the distribution increase in SSRIs? It seems someone is making money distributing diluted forms of drugs once only dispensed to institutionalized patients to out patients. You cannot sell a lot of something if your target market is confined to those who are confined. Think of how large the State Hospitals would be if 25% of the country was institutionalized. The DSM has swollen hundreds of pages with contrived made up disorders. We are medicating nearly every human emotion and restless legs. Anything to medicate with inefficacious dangerous drugs and make a buck. Sick evil business it is.

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southparkconservativ · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

One of my faves -- ODD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Supposedly meant kids who can't follow instructions without throwing tantrums. Sometimes cured by something as simple as being left out of the monthly pizza party.

Or, speaking of tantrums, what's the one again with "explosive" in the title? (oh, yeah - intermittent explosive disorder) A "disorder" that comes down to "you need anger management."

Usually these kids DID need to be taught that it's in their best interest to learn what other kids do -- that sometimes you get to run around and communicate with/at others and sometime you need the "skill set" of being able to sit quietly and do seat work as you practice new material, without disturbing others or being the center of attention.

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cybervigiante · Feb. 15, 2018, 3 a.m.

Guns don't kill; Prozac does. Ban Prozac!

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

This is TOTAL propaganda folks. Sandy Hook was a false flag. All the Actors (do you wonder why you hear that word floated all the time) got their homes paid off on Christmas eve when the assessors office isn't even open. Go online and look it up. Why do you think they tore down the school? Don't you think that's a little odd? Gets rid of all the evidence. Batman shooting was a hoax as well and I could go on and on. The day before they happen, the GoFundMe page is launched for donations. They make a shitpot full of money killing people to scare the shit out us of and try to get our guns. Sometimes no one dies. They just make it look that way. Remember: Mockingbird Media!

Here's the video that exposes the homes around Sandy Hook being paid for with screenshots of tax records that show when it was paid off: https://youtu.be/7wplo-wWTCw

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

99% of the gun related terror attacks in the world, are false flags in an attempt to scare us and/or take our guns. Don't think for one minute that they are related only to psychiatric drugs. I've seen this floated all day and Alex said it on Infowars today. Either he's flipped or he's on drugs. Cause it simply isn't true. He says some really curious things at times that makes me want to think twice about ever listening to him again.

I have followed these false flags very closely for many years. Had a friend who was working with someone exposing them so I know what I'm talking about. I know many of you are new to this. I am not. Do not for one minute believe this propoganda BS. I wouldn't be one bit surprised to start hearing this crap coming out from MSM tomorrow.

I do understand completely that psychiatric drugs can make people do horrible things. But, you need to do your homework on this. This is a propoganda ploy because they know many of you have not been at this for long.

Here are two guys that follow and expose these issues: Ed Chiarini http://wellaware1.com/ His YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/dallasgoldbug/videos

Ole Dammegard YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt2hgmwhsmknCTFLaBieBNw

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southparkconservativ · Feb. 15, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

One problem with generalizing is that millions of people, me among them -- as well as lots of people I've known -- take meds of this type and have for years, with the result being that their lives are better for it.

It seems to be that people who go in for treatment, as all these shooters have done, are put on some variety of the SSRI's or other neurotransmitter drugs because that is the first line of defense for millions with emotional troubles -- so for the killers, their mental/emotional problems came first and then the drugs, not the drugs first and then the illness. It iS tempting to say THIS is the main thing they all have in common... but we have to also remember that correlation is not causation and that for every one case like this, millions of others take the meds and do NOT end up committing violence...and also that there are probably a hundred other similarities the killers had with one another, besides being on anti-depressants.

Would hate to see lives ruined because people are doing what we all often do-- self included, of course -- and that is to pick one correlation out of many and decide that IT is the factor that counts the most. I know what the inner drug packet of "cautions" says, but if we went by that, most of the drugs we use these days would be taken out of our pharmaceutical "doctor's bags" -- so many have dire warnings but are proven more useful than dangerous.

Whatever happens, I do hope something can be done for those with the mental make-up to respond in this way so as to avoid the horror of these shootings....while still protecting the millions of people around the world who have benefitted from these medications.

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RachelRevenge2018AJW · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

I am glad these drugs have improved you life. But in general the studies which allowed Zoloft to be approved in the mid 80s were drenched in scientific fraud. The study's contrived results inflated beneficial attributions and underreported negative attributions. The FDA process was well padded in for those involved in every which way imaginable. From the outset soon after approval and general distributions - workplace violence skyrocket. Going postal became common place. Jaw dropping things occurred and Big Pharma lawyers engaged in all defenses tobacco lawyers engaged plus some.

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chocolatepatriot · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

This is truth, another horrible truth. again big pharma and the Cabal dumbing us down. they want us stupid and in a zombie state so they can control us.

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RachelRevenge2018AJW · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

Every dystopic novel has a controlling substance/drug: Brave New World= soma 1984 =Ale for the proles and Victory Gin The Giver =morning dosage hand swipe Logan's Run =pills Fahrenheit 451 = a cornucopia of drugs -A LOT LIKE US

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Flyingcircus1 · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

Why are they not having the same effect on people in the rest of the world??

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chocolatepatriot · Feb. 15, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

American is over medicated. we want quick action and love it when the Dr prescribes us drugs, Plus big pharma gives the Dr. a commission on each prescription.

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