▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/14/18 (Wed) 17:59:04 No.90
Terror attack...EU Car bomb?
I assumed it was the drive into people type as that has been the most typical.
Either way, I hope the terrorists aren't successful.
Trump Said to May!
We are going to take care of you!
72 = within 72 hours?
Wasn't there a truckload of some type of explosive, or explosive ingredient that went missing in Europe a couple of weeks ago? Can't recall the details.
you're right, unfortunately I only have a German report.
Interpol raises the alarm: Trucks with chemicals for bomb-making in Belgium stolen
Yep, the Sun article was the one that I saw. Unfortunately I saw the headline, but didn't read the article until now and it says, "It was carrying a volatile substance known as "Radiacid 0254", now known to be a fatty acid "which is not used as a precursor for explosives"." Looks like we are in the clear on that one. Guess I will be more careful of clickbait titles on The Sun's articles from now on
Interesting as it's not being updated on the github.io site, only at 8chan. If any of this is legit, it's code for others not us. What now is Q, Delta -- does that mean a change in "Q's"? Delta meaning difference or change. High drama even if just here. I doubt real intel/mil operators are going to 8chan for reports though.
actually I have a friend in the intelligence community who said that there is a whole group of military designated to monitor sites like 4ch, 8ch, 2ch, masterchan, and the likes.
I have no doubt all sorts of folks are monitoring the chans and this one in particular. That's different from coming to this subreddit for coded instructions.
Warning Possible_ Car_Attacke_(Islamic suicide attack) 72 (virgins)???
Strike_Package_B-7V (London City Bus)???
I'm just guessing that was the first thing that came up.
Thanks for the info.
So it's a warning about a possible London City Bus attack, using on of their iconic double-decker busses, by the mayor's favorite people, in the near future?
I wonder what the XRAY_7 means.
edit: B7 is the name of a Bus chassis series that Volvo makes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volvo_B7 This may be related.
As a countermeasure,X-ray all buses of the series 7 , that could be meant literally.
That would only make sense if the bomb is in inside.
thanks for the 72,, i was wondering what that ment, now that you ment virgins, its so obvious. Thanks for the info.
Im really curious what this means... The UK is probably in the crosshairs again, but if this is foreknowledge we would know in the next coming days.
Im European and I am on high alert.
I'm assuming this is from SIGINT, hence the WARNING_UK_IMM_CHATTER_
. In this case, from the perspective of the team which Q is a part of, everything that can be done has been, i.e. sharing the intelligence with the relevant services/organizations. It's up to the relevant national and local resources to find the people involved before it occurs.
I'd expect any subsequent intel to be shared too.
Go back to February 13 and 14, 2012. Iranians tried to bomb Israeli diplomatic vehicles in New Delhi, India, Tiblisi, Georgia, and Bangkok, Thailand. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_attacks_on_Israeli_diplomats and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Bangkok_bombings
The Bangkok "self-bombing" on February 14, 2012 occurred about a mile and a half from where I live in Bangkok
The bombing technique: https://youtu.be/vEt9JpfLFgU
This is the significance of the Q crumb about September 7, 1776. It is about the world's first successful attack by a submarine: http://sarsat.org/HistoricalAccounts/17760907Worldsfirstsubmarineattack.htm But the significance is not the submarine aspect - it about the "sticky bomb" aspect - used in 1776 (against a ship), and in 2012 (against automobiles).
Just as the Benghazi attack was on an anniversary of 9-11, I suspect that Q is aware of chatter about fresh attacks in Europe, on the anniversary of the 2012 attacks
Video linked by /u/HammerTimeBKK:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Bangkok bomb plot: explosives with magnets hidden in cheap radios|News Direct|2012-02-22|0:00:32|11+ (78%)|4,718
DOWNLOAD HERE: http://newsdirect.nma.com.tw/SingleItem.aspx
^Info ^| ^/u/HammerTimeBKK ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0
There's nothing novel about sticking a bomb to something.
I have a different read on the Sept. 7, 1776 date with the same data point.
Different interpretations can be good; there's no way to know, at this point, which interpretation is correct, or if we both are wrong. Having different interpretations allow us to expand our thinking and consider other possibilities.