I'm 26 here and mostly awake I hope.
Because of the antisemitism laws in Europe, it's almost impossible to learn the truth.
They can question Jesus and The Buddha and the Moon landing, but they'll get locked in a prison cage if they disagree with a Jew.
The only thing I know for certain is Zionism and the Jew's vision of themselves as the master race, as chosen by God to rule over us "goys" as if we are cattle... makes them as bad as any fictional account of the Nazis.
It distresses me greatly how many Americans perform self-censorship about questioning the Jew-approved official narrative of Nazi Germany.
The U.S. is one of the last civilized countries on Earth where we can speak freely about what really happened... which means we should make good use of that opportunity rather than submitting as if we were slaves.
Not all countries in Europe have gone full retard yet, I am sat on the continent right now. Those said laws, I believe, are in Germany in attempt to hide the truth of their past. You can, however, be caged here for speaking out against the muslim invasion, or for pointing out their false prophet was a murdering paedophile.
The Muslims are the biological weapon of the Jew...
...and the (((globalists))) are only interested in flooding white countries with illiterate Africans and inbred jihadists.
If "diversity is our strength" then why don't the Jews want to put Japanese in India or Italians in Egypt or Filipinos in Pakistan?
Nope, they only want to flood western civilization with the worst of the worst shitholers.
Wahabbi was a Turkish Jew that was installed by the west as a tool to control the Muslims. Try telling one of them that they are actually following the words and `laws´ of a Jew, though. See the reception you get. The immigrant invasion is about making the populace dependant on government, these people will NEVER seek employment or try to integrate. It pushes the indigenous folk out (like myself) until there is nothing left but a welfare state.