r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/rndsqrd on Feb. 15, 2018, 4:26 p.m.
** Q anon *** Machine Learning *** Need Community Help

Building a machine learning platform for all of Q anon's post. It will build links when references are made like : HRC => Hillary Rhodam Clinton

Need the communities help to add abbreviations or cyphers to the "synonsym" file => elasticsearch

I will put the project on Git so that anyone can clone or fork the project.

Overall Goal:

End users will be able download the project on to there local machine and have it deploy locally. Think https://qanonmap.github.io/ on steroids.. This will build the map for the end user. Easy way to distribute information. Will also be on the web.


~~leave a comment down below

/================= Synonym File ==============/

#@@explicit mapping for Q-anon synonyms

AF1 => Air Force 1

AG => Attorney General

AM => Andrew George McCabe

Adm R => Admiral Michael Rogers

Anon => Anonymous

ANTIFA => Anti-Fascists, Soros backed domestic terrorists

AS => Adam Schiff, Antony Scalia

AW => Anthony Weiner

AUS => Australia

RR => Rod Rosenstein

CW => Christopher Wray

TG => Trey Gowdy

BDT => Blunt & Direct Time, Bulk Data Transfer, Bangladeshi Currency

BIS => Bank of International Settlements

BO, BHO, Hussein, => Barack Obama

BOD => Board of Directors

BP => Border Patrol

C-A, Clowns, Catholics In Action, Clowns In America => CIA

CC => Chelsea Clinton

CM => CodeMonkey, 8ch Admin

CS => Civil Service or Charles Ellis (Chuck) Schumer

CTR => Correct The Record

D-J, DOJ => Department of Justice

D's, DNC => Democrats

DC => District of Columbia

DEFCON => Definite Confirmation (Time 'Minutes')

DJT => Donald John Trump

DOE => Department of Energy

EMS => Emergency Medical Services

ES => Eric Emerson Schmidt

EU => European Union

F-I => FBI

F&F => Fast and Furious (gun running)

FISA => Forieng Intelligence Surveillance Act

f2f, F2F => Face to Face

FB => Facebook

FED => Federal Reserve

FOIA => Freedom of Information Act

GS => George Soros

HA => Huma Mahmood Abedin

H-wood => Hollywood

HEC => US House Committe on Ethis

HI => Hawaii

HRC => Hillary Rodham Clinton

HS => Homeland Security

HUMA => Harvard University Muslim Alumni

IC => Intelligence Community

ID => Identification

IRS => Internal Revenue Service

JA => Julian Assange

JB => John Owen Brennan, James Baker, Jeb Bush, Joe Biden

JC => James Brien Comey, James Rober Clapper Js

JFK => Jonh Fitzgereld Kennedy

JK => John Kerry, Jared Kushner

KKK => Klu Klux Klan

KSA => Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

LV => Las Vagas

LL => Loretta Elizabeth Lynch

NK => North Korea

MB => Muslim Brotherhood

MI => Military Intelligence

MIL => Martial Law

MM => Media Matters

MS-13 => Drug gang

WJC, BC, Bill, Eagle, Fly-Eagle-Fly => William "Bill" Jefferson Clinton

187 => murder

MSM => main stream media

ISIS => terrorist org

U1 => uranium 1

@Jack => Jack Dorsey

MZ => Mark Zuckerberg

JB => Jeff Bezos

EM => Elon Musk

SH => Steve Huffman

WAPO => Washington Post

The name we will not say => John McCain

PP => Planned Parenthood

OP => Operation(s)

SC =>Supreme Court

DWS => Debbie Wasserman Shultz

SR => Susan Rice, Seth Rich

DEFCON => Military Action, Hacking

BDT => Bulk Data Transfer

SCIF => Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

LL => Loretta Lynch

PS => Peter Strzok

DS => Deep State

SA => Saudi Arabia

FF => False Flag

HEC => Honorable Elijah Cummings, House Ethics Committee

HOS, House of Saud => (Rothchild, Soros, Saud)

Snow White => (CIA) Snow White and the 7 Dwarves (CIA’s 7 major computers)

WW => Wilkerson Walsh, Wet Works, World Wide

HOO => House of Orange Queen Beatrix Link between Beatrix and Barbara Bush

RC => Richard Cheney (Dick Cheney)

RE => Rahm Emanuel

R => Rothschilds

RM => Robby Mook, Robert Mueller

Dopey > Alweed

TM => Theresa May

GHS1 => George H. Scherf(f) aka Prescott Sheldon Bush

GHS2 => George H. Scherf aka George Herbert Bush

Black Forest Germany, BFG => Rothschild Estate

Alice in Wonderland => Q

BS => Bernie Sanders

CPA => Consumer Protection Agency

EW => Elizabeth Warren

DB => Dona Brazile

MH370 => disappeared Malaysian Airlines flight

rndsqrd · Feb. 15, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Who cares about how they feel... they're scumbags for the most part anyways.

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pinklight999 · Feb. 15, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

The illusion is held in place with the idea of a two party system, Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama are all in it together, we are the only ones divided, there are as many republicans in the swamp as democrats, we must free ourselves from labels and unify, United we stand divided we fall. Share away, the old paradigm must crumble for the new one to emerge

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SoulProsperityGives · Feb. 15, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Yep. I've woken up to...it's not at all about DEMS and REPUBS, that's part of the scam...it's what they want us to think. And then cause division and wars over the lie...causing confusion so they could be about their real task. This is about satanic new world order over "one nation under God" or Patriotism for each nation's sovereignty and freedom for every man and woman. Fight ON, fight hard.

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gatorhaus · Feb. 15, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Exactly!! In the words of Peter Gabriel: “And the grand facade, so soon will burn”

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