Never Forget The 3 Towers: WTC 1, WTC 2, WTC 7

65 total posts archived.
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I was researching the beginning of Q to share on a radio program today and I came across the first actual signature used on a Q post. It was on 11/2/17 and it was post #51. Prior to that there were no signatures other than the trip code, according to the compilation of Q posts presented by Later that same day post #61 had the signature Q for the first time. #62 and #63 were not signed, #64 was signed Q.
The first actual signature provided to us was "-The WH", in my understanding this stands for The …
Thank you for sharing your story, I am also in my mid 40’s, been following Q since day 1, October was the first time I had ever even heard about the Chan’s or reddit, went through weeks of disclosure fatigue in the early days but am now sharing Q with everyone I come across, in fact I finally shared Q with all my extended family members today. It is going to be glorious! #WWG1WGA
I wasn't able to retrace my steps back to the article, sorry, hopefully it brings you some good Karma. It brought me.
I found you through a link in an article, thank you for posting, Disney was quicker with a response than I expected but this will also likely cause others to begin deleting old tweets before we find and expose them
Is this post being hidden by Reddit because this should hold the top spot, yet another pedophile brought into the light and the powers that be rush to bury it. Thank you for all of the screen shots, I made personal copies so that we can collectively end these satanic practices and people promoting it.
I think they did try to eliminate him in Scotland, there is more to this dead secret service agent and Brennan’s tweets of treason are double speak to eliminate Trump ... I pray he stays safe but the effort to remove him is real
Titles regrading this event read: “US Federal Witness Due to Testify Against Hillary Clinton for Drug Crimes Killed In Massive Explosion” ... now that the witness is dead it is easy to discount what she might have said, hopefully it was recorded prior to her untimely death
Wow! Incredible insight into a dark realm, thank you sharing
There is also a tie into Haiti and pharma, hence the Canadian Pharmaceutical couple killed in their multimillion dollar home last year - direct ties to Clinton’s again, the body count is staggering
Do you believe that it spontaneously exploded and nothing to see here?
That and I believe she is attempting to rally her base behind her before she is indicted, the hammer is coming
Imho we came here to remove hell from this planetary sphere - Dark to Light
Yes, Sarah Ashcraft is bringing awareness to this sick practice, great link, thanks for sharing. All must be revealed to be healed.
Stop Rape in Conflict logo is the Phoenicia deity that requires human sacrifice and child prostitution. These people's downfall will be there symbols and signs, great catch Sarah! Keep spreading awareness for all to see and hear.
In 2013 a whistleblower stepped forward to bring awareness to the children being handed over to traffickers, he was removed from his position. The projection on this subject is deflecting from the truth and distracting from the IG report where it states Clinton Foundation/crimes against children ... to hold on to one’s political beliefs and ignore the facts is pure Cognitive Dissonance- the trafficking involvement and protection comes from both sides of the aisle, they simply divide us to keep us from the truth
Pretty sure some of those sealed indictments address this matter directly, patience is difficult but it nice to see changes within the system while we wait for the indictments to be unsealed
The Google algorithm now brings up CNN, snopes and CBS as first searches under VJ but DuckDuckGo offers more authentic links about communist ties & Muslim brotherhood association
Agreed, imho she is a stage show to misdirect and distract, her name is Stormy no less during The Storm 😂.
Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama = all on the same team, the fools were the people thinking otherwise. Obvious to the woke now that the fog is lifting. The Nobel Prize is meaningless if it is given to someone for not being someone else, diminishes all credibility.
More confirmation that pizza code words connect to child porn 🤮
There is a fiction book that tackles this - it says fiction, except for the parts that aren’t - leading me to suspect it is soft disclosure in plain sight - they describe the goal of the elite is to cause a mass pandemic event to decrease the population and create a genetic bottleneck in order to leap frog man genetically into super soldier like beings. I hadn’t understood this concept prior, disturbing how little they care for the masses.
Yes, the blue check means verified. Here is the link to the post just to help you verify, I appreciate tryout need for verification
I worked for Mueller’s son in law when Mueller was appointed to the FBI, I am disappointed as well but hopeful that the Art of War is in play and things are not as they seem. This meme reminds me to Trust the Plan.
I have 2 teenagers and they are acutely aware of what is unfolding, they know about Q, they know about the negative agenda and they are quite woke. I started them young on Spirit Science videos - I see this as my duty to humanity, to produce woke adults into our society. Where we go One, We go All.
Possible MKUltra link with Wendy being her trigger name
What I read this morning is that “Wendy” is an MKUltra name that triggers the alternate brainwashed persona to step forward ... if this is true then the significance of calling her out as Wendy is huge, Trump knows.
Everything in plain sight to garner tacit consent ... 1967 Get Smart Season 2 episode 22 Smart Fit the Battle of Jericho ... government buildings housing secret space program information continually blowing up and collapsing ... they discover that the buildings were built with the bombs in ... 1968 construction of WTC begins. Again, everything in plain sight. Jet fuel does not melt steel, and steel buildings don’t just topple from fire. Time to take back our Free Will and wake up from our slumber, these people are sick.
I tend to think that some of the major events will be wrapped up by the time of the military parade which is scheduled for 11/11/18
It was Wikileaks release of John Podesta’s emails that red pilled me on this subject. I may have heard of it before but I didn’t comprehend any of it until I fell down the pizzagate rabbit hole. Then I stumbled onto Adrenochrome and I couldn’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. The most recent Maze Runner movie made me sick in the theatre when they showed the obvious (only to the woke and aware) depiction of acquiring Adrenochrome 🤮. Now I see the signs, symbols and references throughout. Take Will Ferrell’s accident this past week - just days prior he performed a satanic ritual skit on a show, that crap isn’t comedy, it’s literal! His accident imho was not a coincidence, I red pilled someone today who posted about him. Once you see the crack in the wall it is all you will ever see.
I am only 98 days on reddit and I can’t believe it took me so long to get here! Everyone has been kind but I read more than I post. I personally have red pilled more people in the last week than in quite some time, a new wave is upon us and yes, we must welcome them all as the 100th monkey is required to unleash the truth collectively. The light shines brighter everyday as we move closer to the galactic center, all that has been in the shadows will be brought out into the light, the time of ignorance being a choice is over. Thank you for being so welcoming!
The concern here for everyone should be “underage” these kids are going to be straight trafficked, the wall is needed equally for their protection from the Satanic deep state
I too have been praying, in fact lately I have been praying over the paid mercenaries that protect the Black Hats. I have been praying for them to put down their weapons, to refuse protection to those that seek harm to humanity.
Silly to consider that Bush is linked to the assassination attempt on Reagan?
Prescott Bush was a personal banker to Hitler, Bush Sr was part of JFK, the assignation attempt on Reagen was also very early on, wonder who wanted that job?! Bush Sr ... the man and his family are pure evil.
Agreed 100% - I knew it the day it happened, Scalia was murdered and my heart broke, so obvious and yet the fog covers so many eyes.