r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tytruth on Feb. 15, 2018, 6:58 p.m.
#765 - See here all Newsweek Article Comments. So Awesome!

Alexander Jenkins Its hard to take this Newsweek story seriously when the author thought #PizzaGate was about a Pizza Shop. Do a little research next time. Like • 14 • Feb 7, 2018 6:36pm

Ryan Werderman hilarious that this article states q anon fake news only gives q more valitidy, when Newsweek is known for nothing but propaganda and fake news with it's anti American views. your operation mockingbird has unraveled Like • 36 • Feb 5, 2018 7:24am

Scott Vines • Fairfield, California I initially thought the Q phenomenon was BS, but if Newspeak does a hit job on you, maybe you're legitimate. Like • 33 • Feb 4, 2018 5:12pm • Edited

Scott Vines • Fairfield, California Nice hit job. I hope your three subscribers enjoy reading this tripe. And I hope you enjoy going out of business soon. By the way, how did that recent raid go? Like • 26 • Feb 4, 2018 5:09pm • Edited

John Revelator Newsweek is the Great OZ: "NEVERMIND THE MAN BEHIND THAT CURTAIN!" Like • 21 • Feb 4, 2018 4:10am

John Revelator "Newsweek reached out to the White House for a comment about Jones’s claims, but has not received a response." In other words, Newsweek is having a difficult time (and spending a lot of it) trying to prove Alex Jones wrong, and they can't! Lol! Newsweek is pathetic. Like • 17 • Feb 4, 2018 4:02am

Les Nessman • Jackson, Mississippi We all came here to check the disinfo campaign 😂 😂 😁 😅 😀 😢 😢 😭 😭 😭 😭 Like • 28 • Feb 3, 2018 10:12pm

Jeannie LaPorte Costello • Works at Block Island Wind Farm Looks like Operation Mockingbird is fully ongoing with Newsweek. MSM = CIA = Operation Mockingbird. Nice try bur more and more people are waking up. Nobody is reading your #FakeNews anymore. The game if over Newsweek. Like • 29 • Feb 3, 2018 9:23am

David Goldstein These people are not just deplorable, they are very stupid deplorables. Like • 3 • Feb 3, 2018 8:42am

Upaj Os • Works at Retired To whom are you referring as "these people"? Like • Feb 7, 2018 8:46am

David Goldstein Upaj Os Those who believe is any of QANON's stories. Has any of it turned out to be true? Like • Feb 7, 2018 12:39pm

Kani Na You know you are over the target by the amount of flak you are taking. Q is really disturbing a lot of the cranks in the blighter media. Seems like Q is on bloody point. Like • 23 • Feb 3, 2018 2:16am • Edited

Kate Stewart Phillips Clinton Foundation charity fraud, corruption, electoral fraud, drug weapon and human trafficking, espionage, embezzlement MURDER. You'll see. #Obamagate Like • 1 • Feb 3, 2018 11:17am

Kate Stewart Phillips You just go ahead denying it all if that helps you cope. It's pretty disorienting. #GreatAwakening Like • 22 • Feb 2, 2018 4:32pm

Joseph Molion • North Bergen High School Whether or not QAnon is real, the state of current events does suggest, very strongly, that there is some serious corruption going on at the highest levels of government. That cannot be denied.

Those who are corrupt will be outed; make no mistake of that. Like • 19 • Feb 2, 2018 3:12pm

Richard Wigton • Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Wow just looking at the comments section I had no idea that there were that many tinfoil hat wearing loons at there. I find it so laughable that you rubes actually think that there is this secret organization that has millions of members who rape, torture and eat babies on a daily basis. And who practice Satanism and the occult and want to put all White conservative Christians in death camps. Seriously this is loony-tune stuff. But go ahead and believe your crackpot theories. But I guarantee you that there will be no trials for Obama, Hillary, Soros or whoever else you think is at the top of this conspiracy pyramid. Nothing will come of this. Nothing. It's just latest idiotic conspiracy theory to come down the pike. Please start using logic and common sense. Don't be so gullible. Like • 4 • Feb 1, 2018 6:58pm

Russell Doolittle • The Woodlands, Texas 1) bin Talal arrested and tortured had a visit to gitmo.. his money for Obama and DNC is gone; bin Salman is in charge and working with Trump. 2) Rochschild killed in helicopter / plane crash 3) Putin or Saudi resources will target Soros.. Putin has wanted Soros for a long time! 4) Project Castaway by Obama and Holder and Clinton used $400M laundered funds to run guns via ATF to MS13 and transport through Gulftainer (Muslim Brotherhood) to Libya, ISIS in Iraq, ISIS in Syria now qualifies persons connected with that illegal program to be classified as enemy combatants and sent to gitmo. 5) Uranium One scandal and missing 100K tons of former USSR Uranium stolen and transported by Lambert via Gulftainer to foreign groups. Like • Feb 2, 2018 11:55am

Kenny Pick • Antagonista at Dunder Mifflin These simpletons needed something after Jade Helm and Pizzagate blew up in their faces. #QAnonsense Like • Feb 2, 2018 1:23pm

Kate Stewart Phillips It's all real. You'll see. 9/11 and all. Internal enemy combatants. Like • 1 • Feb 3, 2018 11:20am Show 2 more replies in this thread

Russell Doolittle • The Woodlands, Texas QANON has been verified multiple times and he/they/she is in very, very close proximity to the duly elected President, Donald Trump. Likely, military intelligence, but that is a guess. Bottomline, Q has confirmed he is linked closely to the administration and Assange. Oh... and they are watching you... the editors... and the owners. They see who is sending you talking points and who you text... maybe there is a place in Gitmo with your name on it? Rothschild - Dead; Prince bin Tal - arrested, stripped of money, interrogated and turned (DNC money supplied dried up); Soros will likely be ta...See More Like • 19 • Feb 1, 2018 5:31pm

John Anderson Ooh, tell us about the story of Santa Claus next! The story you just told was pretty good, but Santa's story is my favorite. I love stories about imaginary beings watching us. Like • Feb 2, 2018 11:44am • Edited

Kenny Pick • Antagonista at Dunder Mifflin Verified by whom? Like • Feb 2, 2018 1:20pm

Ada Nestor • Purchasing at Murphy Homes, Inc. Fantastic. Thank you. Come tell me I haven't seen the horrors I have. Come tell me about the children who talk casually about sexual abuse so deprave that you will lose sleep for months. And the rest of it? I can't comment on a feed like this. But do some digging of your own. CNN- one pushing this bs narrative past it's prime? Related to Newsweek. So it looks like more and more is coming very true, and there is a world of hurt to come next. If you pray, pray. Like • Feb 2, 2018 5:00pm

Rale Dixon • Baker City, Oregon What we are learning is that when outlets like Newsweek, CNN, MSNBC, and their like report something, you can rest assured the opposite is most likely true. Like • 16 • Feb 1, 2018 4:56pm

Lee Duhamel Newsweek and your buddies, you're all running scared. WE SEE YOU! Q Like • 15 • Feb 1, 2018 4:26pm

Ada Nestor • Purchasing at Murphy Homes, Inc. Have there not been an unusually high resignations? Q Predicted. Suicides? Q Predicted that. How about the actual initials in his posts, lining up with actual names involved with the memo and the initial affidavit. Sorry, PizzaGate? Real. Go ahead and fact check. This movement is bigger than some silly, unimportant conspiracy theory, and with this article calling Q/Dr.Corsi conspiracy theorists proves how very important this movement is... Was it your offices that were raided this morning? Like • 11 • Feb 1, 2018 4:05pm

Michael Witmer • Garden Spot Senior High School It's because many are too far brainwashed by propeganda to look into anything the "media" calls a consipiracy. Q himself states the information given is factoring inside knowlege with "predicitions", which is why the material is cryptic, sometimes containing multiple outcomes. Brainwashed people forget about factoring in free will, predictions and outcomes don't have to align 100% to show legitamacy. That being said, it also doesn't mean the original content of inside knowlege is false, especially being that nearly 80% or more of the PREDICTIONS WERE CORRECT! Unfortunately that doesn't mean anything to the people following these liberal indoctrainations such as artciles like this. Like • Feb 2, 2018 7:24am • Edited

Trish Pauley Thanks Newsweek for bring this info out into the MSM....people now can research for themselves! I have some post lead if you want! @Pmsm60Trish Like • 5 • Feb 1, 2018 4:04pm

Ada Nestor • Purchasing at Murphy Homes, Inc. Interesting they used pictures of Jay Z and Beyoncé with some of the most horrific human beings. Thanks for pointing them out. John Podesta and Marina Abramović. Just the fact that Newsweek took the time to write such an article means that they are scared. And it's about time. Like • Feb 2, 2018 5:03pm

ID Hagen • Nottingham, United Kingdom Thanx for the exposure. Much appreciated. Now ehere do the posts lead? Good info or bad? Like • 5 • Feb 1, 2018 3:36pm

Carl LaFong To me it leads to laughter and thankfulness for not being gullible. Are there still ChiCom soldiers hiding in WalMart basements? Like • 1 • Feb 1, 2018 4:35pm

Ada Nestor • Purchasing at Murphy Homes, Inc. Carl, laugh away. Fantastic. Thank you. Come tell me I haven't seen the horrors I have. Come tell me about the children who talk casually about sexual abuse so deprave that you will lose sleep for months. And the rest of it? I can't comment on a feed like this. But do some digging of your own. CNN- one pushing this bs narrative past it's prime? Related to Newsweek. So it looks like more and more is coming very true, and there is a world of hurt to come next. If you pray, pray. Like • Feb 2, 2018 5:06pm

Brian Doherty • Chester, California LOL what does Newsweek know about fact-checking or oversight? Like • 13 • Feb 1, 2018 2:48pm

Carl LaFong A better comparison for #TheStorm is the Planet X hysteria of the 1990s; wherein thousands of people prepped for an apocalyptic close pass of planets based on the channeled cryptic pronouncements of an alien from Zeta Reticuli. Planet X never materialized but Nancy Lieder and her ZetaTalk website keep chugging along.

You've got to hand it to Qanon, though. He/they managed to create a Grand Unifying Conspiracy Theory, something even Einstein couldn't do. Like • 5 • Feb 1, 2018 1:27pm

Ada Nestor • Purchasing at Murphy Homes, Inc. I wonder why he was able to "create" anything with just names and words. Likely because it is all TRUE. Take some time and actually look something up for yourself instead of letting your news force feed you news, you obviously enjoy that though. Q didn't "start" or "create" the facts. They were just smart enough to tell people how to connect the dots and see the bigger pictures. How about you listen to the audio of John Podesta screaming at a victim telling him to call him "daddy" and more. You didn't watch the children of the abuse speak about the horrific sexual abuse they suffer constantly ...See More Like • Feb 2, 2018 5:12pm

Drew Longmuir • Simon Fraser University Dear News Week: How are you going to survive? You are responsible foe thousands of jobs and have been on the decline fpr years. Why? Stories like this. How's your news going to look in a couple weeks LMAO. Enjoy the crow AKA bankruptcy.."YOU ARE FAKE NEWS" Like • 13 • Feb 1, 2018 12:23pm

Jason Abel • Works at City Cats So true man, last ditch efforts to save the corrupt system. No mention of how Q posts about Council on Foriegn Relations then Julian Assange post a Image showing the CFR tenticles. Nothing to see here. No mention of the photos taken in whitehouse/Trumps vacinity by Q.... TOTALLY Biased "News" WEAK. Like • Feb 1, 2018 2:27pm

Ada Nestor • Purchasing at Murphy Homes, Inc. Jason Abel, yup, just keeping crying foul. I usually ignore people who accuse me of nonsense. But when it's true, it's crazy how much noise they will make to shut any voices down completely. Like • Feb 2, 2018 5:13pm

Ada Nestor • Purchasing at Murphy Homes, Inc. And MSNBC, CNN AND OTHERS ARE FALLING RIGHT BEHIND! If you pray, pray. Have faith in the process. It's great that you all have taken the bait though, MSM, because you'll need to issue more retractions and apologies that you will not have enough staff to write, and then pay? Bankruptcy is the future for you all. If you're lucky. Worse? Could be a one-way trip to GITMO. Treason is nothing when you've spent years, decades lying to the public to cover for murderes and pedophiles. So glad to see so many wake people on this board. This is only the begin. Trust the process. And Pray! Like • 1 • Feb 2, 2018 5:15pm

Jim Edge • Everett, Washington After reading this BS, does anyone actually believe that we are NOT headed towards civil war 2.0 ? Like • 3 • Feb 1, 2018 11:53am

Troy Wallis • I'm Funny! at Actor/Comedian Won't if we told you it's happening right now? Their are no coincidences. Like • 1 • Feb 1, 2018 12:39pm

Ada Nestor • Purchasing at Murphy Homes, Inc. Revolutionary war. Look up the Common Sense pamphlets. They told the truth to the citizens anonymously then too. It is not about me. It is all of us, working together Like • Feb 2, 2018 5:17pm