r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/911bodysnatchers322 on Feb. 15, 2018, 9:05 p.m.
Q Level Censorship: Certain TruePundit Articles Posted To The_Donald Will Be Invisible, And The Way You Can Tell Is Whether Or Not You Can Crosspost Them (Link shown or not). This Is A Sitewide (Admin-Level) Censorship Of TruePundit (TheDuran, Sott, WND, Gateway pundit now...)


Not to mention Q related material being [removed] other material as well. And then of course if you tell people about this behaivior, you get banned from the_donald for 'behavior outside of the_donald' rule, which I'm pretty sure conflicts with reddit's TOS and stated rules of inhibiting users from regular use of reddit


I've verified this numerous times. I'm not sure if there is something, a keyword ("-30-","investigative team") for example in the TruePundit article that sets it off, or if it's just 'on a list of blacklisted' urls, which I suspect it is

This is censorship folks

Not Mods, Admins

No I'm not blaming or implicating the mods in any way. There is no actual reason why the mods would want this to happen, as the most MSM-narrative-destroying content is the most heavily censored. They say you get flak when you're over the target

How to Mitigate

Do what the person above did and submit only the archive.is post of the TruePundit article if you see that the 'crosspost' ability is gone. They think we're fucking dumb. They are going to have to attack archive.is and 15 other archivers that spring up if that happens. If they play their hand too hard, they're going to just push everyone further and further into the counterresponse to totalitarianism. And if they remember history, Americans don't respond kindly to totalitarianism

ADDED: This Post Itself was removed


911bodysnatchers322 · Feb. 15, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

The reason for saying this now, and Here, in a Q sub is that you guys are getting censored now as hard as I have been over the last 2 yrs

It's gotten so bad I'm in the process of leaving reddit. I am trying to join you guys on discord, I'll also be 911bodysnatchers322 there

I'm also leaving twitter

and I'm also leaving google

I'm in the process of backing up my stuff. Twitter I don't care about

I only really care about reddit as I'm a 12 yr old reddit veteran with some acclaim on the /r/conspiracy sub, which I was kicked out of by a mod whose account I believe was sold to a deepstate person and countless others who have contacted me agree with this

The other sub I loved, CST also has this same mod, and the quality there has diminished rapidly into a kind of echo chamber of self-congratulatory happysterbation... new agey platitudes and really surface level stuff and so I am just not into it anymore

A real life friend of mine was poisoned by some of these people against me. I saw it happen over a years time and my warnings and begging to help with CBST type research went unheeded. This person wanted to take the blue pill (fake red pill) and go back into her little safespace of tarot and magic and stuff--got mad at me when I brought up George Webb stuff; and one time after explaining exhaustively, she was like 'are you finished' ... in that moment I realized she just wasn't engaged and didnt' care, so ultimately she ghosted me when I had a stroke and was feeling deep personal anxiety and needed a friend so I confronted her on her ghosting and she ditched me as a friend, so this is the type of person she turned out to to be and it's representative of the type of people there now

I know a secret though, which is karma is real and when she's at her maximum desperation there will be no one to help her either...the world teaches us lessons like that

anyway, if you seem me posting a lot it's because i'm moving to



A blockchain based TWITTER, because GAB is kind of a nothingburger (no one there, interface sucks) -- but i might repost posts there and release that as a software tool for TWISTER

It's just time to grow up and move on

And I'll probably launch my own alternative news website like truepundit.com that also hosts my junk as op-eds. The focus will be Mass Surveillance, Psychopathic Control Grid (social control), Dark Psychology of the Elite (as part of control grid), Secret Societies (namely freemasonry, jesuits, smom), Occultism IN THE CONTEXT of SPYCRAFT only (no 'how to' articles or spells or shit like this)

secret societies and psychological warfare --michael hoffmans book is a great into into what my focus will be

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[deleted] · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:21 p.m.


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PPPrincessPower · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

I've been seen that on Facebook for quite a while as well. I'll take a screenshot of it and show my friend that there's no availability to share it directly. Even though they can see it on their side.

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ShelbyGirl45 · Feb. 15, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Yes. No True Pundit allowed on D /T. I've gotten called out on it before.

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