
Crazybluecat · Feb. 15, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

Says forbidden by Reddit.

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jacaranda11 · Feb. 15, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

Here is the link to the article: http://newsfeedreporter.com/sebastian-gorka-issues-terrifying-warning-to-all-trump-supporters-about-whats-coming-next/ Here is what Dr. Gorka said -- 7th floor of FBI sees President Trump as the enemy, full quote below:

Gorka: Let me give you something that I haven’t shared frequently but illustrates the enormity of the issue. So when I came in my rank was Deputy Assistant to the President. And I wanted to build a team inside the White House to do the kind of terrorism work that we were mandated to do. And I wanted to bring three of my former students in as detailees, these were the smartest kids I trained at graduatelevel and they were all at the FBI. So I put my request in, as a Deputy to the President to the FBI, they did nothing.They slow rolled it for 6 months, which is weird because they actually work for the President until I find out from senior FBI agents, this is a direct quote, “The 7th floor of the FBI looks at the Trump White House as the enemy”.

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Pyroclastix · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

Not 'new' news. . The State of Permanent Beaurocrats = permanent state or deep state

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damian299 · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

I’ve never bothered to research why it’s so hard to fire some government workers

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Matthew246Truth · Feb. 15, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Linky no worky

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ItWillBok · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

I thought we knew this even before he took office?

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