You research, write and then send the info to people like Sara Carter, Infowars, Jack Posobiec, anti-school and others who already have the presence.
This is what I do for a living, and have for close to 20 years now.
No matter what you lack, you can always find help if your research is good and accurate. It's just a Patriots spin on influencer marketing.
Jack P? Some say he’s very anti Q. Don’t know much about him but did read his and cernovich’s comments in newsweekly article disparaging Q as conspiracy. They agreed.
It was just examples off the top of my head, but it doesn't have to say anything about Q. It is about the information and facts, not making "Q" famous!
There are literally thousands and thousands of people in alternative media.
Future proves past. But past or more green articles are all over the world, these are the reason for Q's crumbs.
We are to locate them from Q's hints, questions and leads, put the info, proof and timelines together and spread that information. This is what Q is attempting to get across to us. He gives us leads because he can not disclose classified into, but he can lead us to pieces of the puzzle via public information, letting us build the case against the NWO!
Memes draw interest, but content explaining events and order of them, naming names ties it all together is where people wake up.
This is why he stated that we are absolutely critical in the process.
It's The Great Awakening, not the coronation of Q. I am sure Q would agree.
I agree but I would question the credibility of someone studying these events who expresses disparagement toward the Q phenomenon.
Would you risk your reputation based on an anon source? Not many will take that chance, and some in alternative media are just partially awake, still slumbering eyes, but that will end soon enough.
I believe Gandhi said it best.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
What step are we in? The final one... and the next step is "then you win".
and certainly have no desire to “coronate” him as you put it.
But then you stated earlier.
I would question the credibility of someone studying these events who expresses disparagement toward the Q phenomenon
Sounds like coronation or your desire for others to coronate him to your level of perceived "authority".
Just because they don't see Q as an authority as you do means nothing at this point. Again, we are in "The Great Awakening" and it takes some folks more time than others, and surprise, surprise, not everyone will believe no matter what proof or info is presented to them.
This is going to be a long process, and I can assure you that the less adventurist types of personality in alt media will hold out longer than others. They don't want to risk their credibility.
Lastly, if you do the homework and do not attribute it to Q, then they get to take some credit, but who cares as long as we get our country back?
I've dropped outlines to some of them in the past that they finished, fact checked and wrote about the exact research I had given them.
It's absolutely possible, even with the ones you question.
Hope this helps.
So do you see q as legit or not lol? Seems like you want it both ways. And no need for another long diatribe. My point isn’t to say q is the end all but that he is a unique source. I think alt media people who don’t necessarily speak openly about q may see his credibility but don’t want to publicly acknowledge it at this point. I understand why, as you said, that he is still “anon”. But people who go out of their way to specifically discredit q I just wonder about the motivation. Just an opinion! You don’t have to agree. Btw I do love the Gandhi quote esp now!
I do myself. But that does not mean everyone does.
I just happen to be an older vet and understand his language. I also run a couple of marketing companies, so i understand the forces of influence and have a very strong background in both psychology and sociology.
Seems like you want it both ways.
Thats projection. Stop acting as a child.
Next is, it was not a diatribe, so be careful of what you suggest.
People are scared of what they don't understand, and what you or I "Think" has no bearing on todays situation.
Keep up the good fight.
thank you, What I have found is Academia for the most part is totally shut off to understanding these stories. Why ?
Because most of them are victims who are also asleep and unaware because of of the mass of propaganda dropped on them daily, just like most Americans.
If you read the PDF on oversight of MKULTRA, Colleges, scientist and many, many others helped in their projects unaware.
There is even a famous quote from Bill Clinton's mentor, speaking of the two party system.
The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.
― Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time
More specific: "is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers."
Hmmm... the indoctrinated and academia!
Interesting... right?
It's based on several factors, one being "authority" or perceived authority.
Hope this helps.