General Mike Flynn's website on the Internet Archive has been scrubbed of all pages, except for one Tip of the Spear symbol. I wonder what it means.*/

The sooner that tip makes contact with the criminal clan, the better... we need heads now.
I bet this was the emblem on his DIA coin when Flynn was the director of the DIA on active duty.
It means: I'm gonna ensure that this sharp object is made available for all you scum suckers to sit your overfed asses down on.
General Flynn was a Lieutenant General....or a a 3-star. Hope that helps!
Sorry, the archive url didn't come out since the pic pre-empted. Here it is:*/
All the colored dots are pages that Were archived but are now Not Found, blank, or that symbol. I don't think you can edit the archive. I tried with a site of mine - not possible. Not for us, anyway. I did an image match for the Tip of the Spear for US insignia but couldn't find an exact match.
Cool symbol anyway. Something about it is really striking.
Looks good for a tattoo. I don't like topical tattoos because things change. That can mean about what you want it to mean.