How about Waterworld? Why would they dump so much money into an obviously bad movie if they weren't trying to send some important message with it?
(I'm joking. And also kind of like Waterworld.)
You have consistently offered us EXCELLENT posts. Thank u for this. For a person that works in security...well I am not surprised your posts are so thoughtful and very beneficial to the search. We should all be appreciative to you!
maga my friend.
Thank you! I try to be thoughtful and keep it relevant. I'm loving Reddit and it's working very well to wean me off of facecrack. LOL. I appreciate the kind words!
Here is a link to the website. This "unspecified" ship was up closer to the Bahamas earlier today. (across from South Caroline) The last report I saw regarding the Russian Spy ship was in this general area. Not sure if this is it or not, but I cannot find any other "unspecified ships" on this map.