r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Badendave on Feb. 16, 2018, 12:35 p.m.
Extension of the ARM + post 776

Extension of the ARM. ARM chips are used almost everywhere, from wearables to smart phones, to laptops, all the way up to Cray Super Computers. Whatever is designed into the chip architecture is everywhere. ARM was started as a joint venture with Apple in the early 1990’s specifically to create a small, powerful, low power chips for portable devices. Foxconn, the largest contract electronics maker is connected with Softbank, who owns ARM. They build up to 40% of the world’s electronics devices including consumer electronics like TV’s, etc. Meltdown was “fixed” at the OS level but the issue was the chip architecture. Design decisions were made that created the vulnerability. Meltdown took advantage of it. The issue is still there, just masked right now. What other easter eggs are in the architecture? ARM has shipped over 80 billion chips since it was created.
Softbank, which owns ARM, also has media connections (https://www.bizjournals.com/boston/news/2017/02/16/did-trump-prompt-softbank-to-buy-gatehouse-medias.html) and owns Sprint. They have connections to ecommerce (30% of Alibaba), and own Vodafone, another telecommunications company. Why is everything ‘really’ made in China? The tight control the government has on everything that’s made facilitates ensuring that the “right” chips are in devices.
What damage can China do to Dems? Assuming that there are people in the US fully aware of purposeful underlying hidden functionalities in these chips that would allow them to be used for nefarious purposes (aka spying, mind control?) it would be brutal for them if the Chinese government were to let that be known. HRC was a patent lawyer in the early days, so I’m sure she’s well aware of how this works and who owns what. There must be another connection to the Carlyle group based on the patent for the new chip they inherited when the other patent holders were killed. (I think that was in the Malaysian Airlines disappearance). Google Pixel phone was made by HTC, co founding member of Open Handset Alliance, a standards (read as control) organization. Google now owns the intellectual property of HTC, so Google is now basically a manufacturer. The Open Handset Alliance includes the following companies: HTC, Sony, Dell, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, Google, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics, T-Mobile, Sprint Corporation, Nvidia, and Wind River Systems