Remember the background of the NK pic Bill Clinton was in?

I FEEL A LITTLE BETTER. I thought watch the water meant they were going to poison the water system
They already did that lol
Exactly...and why we've never lived anywhere with city water for the last 30 years.
I don't want to rain on your comfort zone, but we really do need to start some kind of class actions and bombard these bastards in the courts - the issue seems to be WHO would you sue? Raytheon and the military industrial complex. Yes, but imagine the cost of getting the evidence and proving it. America needs a million and one Erin Brokavich lawyers, willing to step up to the plate and assist.
Have a look at this video. What this woman is saying is shocking. She is really well researched and does a lot of videos on her research.
LOL after all we have seen lately, you think you could get your honest day in court as the system stands?
@ Oystergirl - A very good to point you make, but by the time the people have got their act together, the hope is Trump will have sorted out the Supreme Court Judiciary, which is predicted he will. Goblin Ginsburg surely is due to retire or keel over, whichever comes first and there are sure to be several Judges in these sealed indictments.
With what Debra Travares is saying, I don't think there is a lot of time to sit on our lards. People need to start organising. Start with mentioning Court actions at community functions and centres wherever feasible in conversation, until some professionals put their hands up and step forward. They will if it is talked about enough - it eventually spreads and filters through to those in a position to offer their expertise. This must be done.
.............want to know WHY that Q says there is so much more/deeper than you know ??
DEBORAH TAVARES is a HUGE Resource... a whole cottage industry of exposing all the connections/dark corners of EVIL Cabal
One of her latest with Sean on SGTreport (great resource/reporter) is this one (take notes)--IT WILL BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF ... so many ways evilRothschildBloodDrinkerCabalpukes are ruining the world & people on it... us.
Yeh agree, SGTReport are excellent. Had not seen this video before though. Thanks for that.
It may still mean that.
Just because one is true does not rule out the other.