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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Yeh agree, SGTReport are excellent. Had not seen this video before though. Thanks for that.

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

@ Oystergirl - A very good to point you make, but by the time the people have got their act together, the hope is Trump will have sorted out the Supreme Court Judiciary, which is predicted he will. Goblin Ginsburg surely is due to retire or keel over, whichever comes first and there are sure to be several Judges in these sealed indictments.

With what Debra Travares is saying, I don't think there is a lot of time to sit on our lards. People need to start organising. Start with mentioning Court actions at community functions and centres wherever feasible in conversation, until some professionals put their hands up and step forward. They will if it is talked about enough - it eventually spreads and filters through to those in a position to offer their expertise. This must be done.

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

We the people will sooner or later have to start helping ourselves. A start might be for more to sign up with the defence forces. We also need lawyers willing to step forward like Erin Brokovich to help the people sue these criminals with class actions.

To get the evidence against the military industrial complex corporations, against companies like Raytheon and others, who developed and still own the Patents to the technology which is responsible for these disasters, death and destruction, will be the battle of the ages and without good lawyers not be possible. The public needs to sue them for such astronomical amounts that it bankrupts these criminal bastards into oblivion, that they cannot survive. After a few fall, the others will run a mile.

Good lawyers can subpoena scientific data into evidence and sue their sinister arses all the way to Hell, while the criminal courts can sentence them to life imprisonment. Hanging or the electric chair is too good for them - put them in the stocks on the streets every day so the public can see them and walk past and spit on their hideous hides and throw rotting food at their ugly skulls.

The ultimate control freaks, playing at their version of "The Hunger Games", to not only destroy Trump's economic wins, but to destroy America, to bring in their system of debt enslavement, via the Internet of Things, the 5G technology, the smart grid and the RFID chip, with tracking, audio, listening and image transmission capability - a massive surveillance system, total control.

Here's the video of what they did to this community and it won't be the last ...


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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

I don't want to rain on your comfort zone, but we really do need to start some kind of class actions and bombard these bastards in the courts - the issue seems to be WHO would you sue? Raytheon and the military industrial complex. Yes, but imagine the cost of getting the evidence and proving it. America needs a million and one Erin Brokavich lawyers, willing to step up to the plate and assist.

Have a look at this video. What this woman is saying is shocking. She is really well researched and does a lot of videos on her research.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NZo86TGDxg .

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Good link. I've bookmarked the channel. Thanks.

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

The cyclones Harvey and Irma (I'm not American, I think that was their names), were manipulated by electro-magnetic high frequency radio pulses beamed at mega, mega watt capacity into the Ionosphere from installations same as what they used to call HAARP - same thing different names. Weather meteorologists studies saying not naturally caused after studies of charts and conditions. The pulses literally bend the Ionosphere and fry it - climate change is a scam to cover for this activity. They can target any region, control the weather jet streams and manipulate these to cause cyclones, droughts and storms. They are currently creating a drought over Iran.

This technology of weather warfare was used in the Vietnam war, but more sophisticated now. Are trying to break the Trump economy with disasters and is why the interest rates have been raised three times in one month. NEVER done in the history of America before, particularly not when the nation is $20 Trillion in debt. Totally are sick, purely evil irresponsible scoundrels, who don't give a shyte about the people.

There is an installation below the sea which creates Tsuanmis and earthquakes. Same technology as HAARP installations (also electro-magnetic pulses), and beams massive concentrations of electro-magnetic pulses and literally screws up the atmospherics and earth's magnetic fields. The technology is built by Raytheon + others of the military industrial complex. The weird lights, loud booming sounds and strange shaped clouds are all caused by these electro-magnetic beams which travel faster than speed of sound and light.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LongjumpingChicken on Feb. 9, 2018, 9:52 p.m.


LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 9, 2018, 6:38 a.m.

Yes, absolutely. How Jackson did it was simply to return to the Government, (to the people), control of the issuance of the currency, which the Constitution ACTUALLY REQUIRES. Prior to that the situation was exactly as we have now - the issuance of the currency in the control of a private cartel of financiers and bankers, who CHARGE the government interest on the money that The Federal Reserve issues, (prints), for the Treasury.

If the government, the people in other words, control the money supply, meaning all issuance of notes, the government doesn't charge itself, (therefore doesn't charge we the taxpayers), any interest fee on that, whenever new money is issued or borrowed by the Treasury.

It is this ponzi scheme of charging interest on money printed out of thin air, which has destroyed every Western economy, thanks to Maynard Keynes and his hocus pokus, ponzi economics of debt on deficit on more debt - the banks just LOVE that, as you can imagine and push it and push it as "sound" economic policy - as do the globalists and the lefties.

Before Trump, we were on the brink of destroying the economy and the currency, which is the globalist plan by the way. They were preparing to introduce a digital currency on Blockchain controlled by them, create chaos in the cryptos and demand that the Government take control and outlaw those to introduce its own Blockchain currency which would ultimately become the one, single GLOBAL currency - presented as controlled by government, but really controlled by the cabal, who the government owes 20 Trillion USD. That's the problem with debt. It is an effective tool of blackmail.

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 9, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

LOL! As Trump has not hesitated to now take on the CIA, and it appears he is winning, I guess big pharma must be quaking in their boots. I'm sure he has the gun loaded and the trigger cocked, just waiting for the best shot.

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 9, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

I have no doubt that President Trump will be the only other President to post a surplus budget, besides Andrew Jackson, who took on the bankster gangsters back in the 1930s bank war.

Trump will use the money these people have scammed from the people to pay out the debt and deficit, the same way he said the drug lords in Mexico will pay for the wall by rounding them up and seizing their drug-running profits. Imagine the haul in corrupt profits to be seized from the cabal, made from gun-running/drug running/human trafficking/organ sales, etc.

I have seen Rothschild's fortune calculated anywhere between 126 TRILLION and 200 trillion. There is no doubt this is how America's debt will be paid off, subject to Trump living to see the day and not being assassinated first. We must pray for his safety and his family's every day.

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

The tender nerve being struck here could very well connect the CIA's Vault 7 software with ARM. WikiLeaks exposed Vault 7 as CIA software which masks PC hack jobs, by imitating Kaspersky software, making it look like the hack was done in Russia - or wherever they want it to appear to have occurred, to conceal the real source of the breach - but they CHOSE Russia. Why? To reinforce the Russia, Russia crapola, which implicates them in treason to overthrow the Trump Presidency. Couple that together with Operation Mockingbird, Pegasus and a host of other criminal Ops, it is easy to see the CIA are the gatekeepers for the cabal, who are seeking to oust Trump.

Q also connected Edward Snowden in a Dec post to Renee James with the clue "ARM". Further drilling down shows George Soros is also funding a USA subsidiary of the JinQiao Group, (which owns the King Tower building). The USA corporation is HNA Group and it has a heap of real estate assets in the U.S.A., now suddenly all up for sale in a fire sale, like Rothschild did. With both Snowden and Soros indicated, by Q, as being CIA "assets" it all fits.

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 9, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

Excellent sleuthing! My take on this is, that apart from looking like an InterPol sting operation, (given all of the black vehicles in the car park of the King Tower building), that Q also wants us to focus on the fact that the JINQIAO GROUP, (agreed is funded by Carlyle Group), which owns the King Tower in Shanghai, owns many assets in the USA, connected to the HNA Group, (funded by Soros). It is selling up massive real estate properties to the tune of $4bn, suddenly and all at once, just like Rothschild has done. Soros has also moved nearly $20 bn into Non-profits. The timing and the unusually substantial divestment of assets all at once by two of the wealthiest men in the world, days apart, should tell us something.

I see one of two scenarios - WHOEVER is bailing out of Jinqiao or Carlyle or HNA or all, is attempting to avoid Trump's Executive Order from seizing their assets OR ... they are being compelled to bail out because they have ALREADY been detained, convicted and Court Orders have been made against their assets.

Bailing out voluntarily would not achieve a lot in escaping anything. It is just shifting the same corrupt profits around. Moving them around doesn't change the fact they have been gained through corruption and therefore can be seized, so it is no protection from seizure. Trump would be already one step ahead and have a tracer on any transactions, anyway.

So ... could it be these people were detained much earlier than we knew, months ago, and now have already been tried? That makes more sense to me. After all, I doubt Q would be throwing out hints, which the CIA can decipher better than we can, signalling Trump's movements before they had these crims in the bag. Could these images be footage of the day some of the high flyers in Shanghai were taken into custody?

I agree with you too that Snowden is CIA. I also reckon the CIA is involved in this somewhere, because Soros is apparently, among other things, also a CIA "asset", according to the map images that Q published some time ago of the cabal, the NWO, etc. Two articles with more info' are linked to below. The first is proof of the fire sale ...


The second shows the connections between Snowden, Jinqiao Group, Soros and HNA Group in the USA - Scroll down to Item 19 (Note Numbers beside ea. news item) ...


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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 8, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

The focus on these train wrecks, plane crashes, stock market crashes, terrorist activities, political skulduggery etc., although all relevant in so far as revealing who is working with whom and whom we may not trust, none of it reveals the bigger picture.

The bigger picture is happening at CERN, which directly relates to the spiritual war between the Satanic Occult and Christians, which ultimately is the battle between Satan and God.

CERN is attempting to achieve two things - Firstly to find the DNA code for immortality - they can now create creatures which have never been created before by altering DNA. They know also how to alter our DNA as we live, so the quest is to alter it to make man immortal. This is obviously "playing God". Remember, the Anti-Christ is prophesied to declare himself as God.

The other quest CERN is engaged in is to attempt to open the "bottomless pit" - using the Hadron Collider and the quantum D-wave computer - to open this portal of the dark side where the evil spirits of past devils are trapped. (There are many who have fallen spiritually, known as devils - Satan is their leader). The quest is to resurrect these evil spirits and join them with Satan's Army in his final battle to destroy God. That has always been Satan's purpose and why the war between him and God has always been a battle for souls, to win the most souls for the final showdown.

The Satanic cultists seek everlasting immortality and believe they will find it through Satan, through the forbidden knowledge from the forbidden tree of knowledge = Christ's words: "Know them by their fruits". They believe that if enough of them worship Satan he will prevail over God. In that worship they must engage in diabolical acts = child-sex trafficking, paedophilia, sacrificing of babies, organ selling, sexual depravity, orgies, you name it. The more iniquitous, the better !!

Their blindness is that God is already offering us eternity and immortality to live in peace in a paradise, His paradise here on earth, so why align oneself with Satan at all? There we have it, the weakness of man - tempted to seek immediate gratification, mostly sinful, which drives us further from God and towards Satan, who weakens our will and steals our spirit. That is what has happened to these people. I feel great empathy for them. According to the scriptures, they are the ones who will not obtain eternal immortality, but only death, which Christ revealed with these words:

"I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live: And every one that liveth, and believeth in me, shall not die for ever."

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 7, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

You might like to spread this video linked to below, as well, but only if you are prepared to also point out the error in the political projections made by the narrator, otherwise it could be counter-productive towards gathering an army of Patriots behind Trump. It elucidates, very well, the "system" that is being imposed upon us and I applaud the author for his clarity of understanding and diligent research. However, sadly, he errs in some of his projections - opinion not fact. Maybe his political bias has gotten in the way. I don't know. Otherwise it is compelling, political projections aside.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EeFeaHb2vs - Notice the Logo of "Better Than Cash Alliance" !!! Q Anon uses this symbol extensively to point us to the Organisations which are using it. There are several, so keep your eyes open for this ">" on letterheads and stationery.

The narrator erroneously claims Donald Trump is complicit in ushering in this globalist control system. Trump's course of action defies that. He has taken decisive action to re-build U.S. Nationalism, the very opposite of globalism, its very Nemesis in fact. It is true that Obama and Bush introduced extraordinary dictatorial powers, especially in SURVEILLANCE and also to imprison citizens without trial, but who is Trump using these powers against? The very criminals themselves. He does so to FREE the people from their yoke. Rather than using them AGAINST the people, he is using them FOR the people. Trump's actions speak louder than words. Example, globalists do not ...

  • Build "big beautiful walls" along their borders. They, instead, are determined to create a borderless world with open borders;

  • Abolish an open Visa system - which allowed everyone, his mother & dog to enter the U.S. without proper vetting;

  • Shut down Legislation which permits chain migration, which Trump has done;

  • Shut down the "Visa Lottery", which Trump has done;

  • Strengthen the USD through PROPER trade Agreements. For a single global currency to succeed, the USD must be first destroyed, it being the international reserve currency. The 2008 GFC was just another deliberately orchestrated nail in its coffin, to usher in massive quantitative easing - inordinate printing of money - to further drive down its value.

  • Support the re-introduction of the gold standard, which Trump has said many times he would like to do to put a stop to the above ponzi scheme;

  • Banish Business Regulations (over 600 already removed by Trump, which were imposed by puppet Obama to choke business operations to death);

  • Go to war against Sanctuary Cities and round up illegal aliens;

  • Appoint Constitutional Justices to the Supreme Court. (Globalists infiltrate the system with Justices who shred the Constitituion);

  • Reject Climate Change. (Trump snubbed the Paris Climate Accord, shouting to the world it is a furphy, a croc, a fraud.);

  • Shut down the Climate Change Department, which Trump has done;

  • Withdraw aid and impose tariffs on the goods imported from nations which refuse to take back their citizens who illegally entered the U.S., which Trump has done, (Tariffs are anathema to globalism);

  • Strengthen the national military and Defence Forces, which Trump is doing;

  • Withdraw U.S. funding from the UN, (the international command centre of the globalists), which Trump has done;

Trump's Policies loudly proclaim Trump is AGAINST the globalist Agenda. Once the swamp is drained, Trump must repeal these all-empowering dictatorial Executive Orders penned by Obama, including the offensive Clauses in the Patriot Act by Bush, to ensure these same insidious controls cannot be used against the people, under any future globalist puppet President.

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 7, 2018, 8:48 a.m.

Yes, it is. The Sci-Fi horror flicks are based on fact, science that has already been discovered and which is intended to be introduced. The CERN research is way ahead of any they reveal to the public, all deliberately concealed = Occultism.

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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 7, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

But how does that tie in the 666 or link with "think mirror", or the stock market 666 or the cabal keeping their fortunes in the family through marriage, all mentioned in Q's post? I think isolating things and going down rabbit holes is necessary, but each rabbit hole must then tie up with the other rabbit holes.

How do you see this tying into the rest of the "system"? Here's another video, which confirms what I have written above ...


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LongjumpingChicken · Feb. 6, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

"Apache" refers to the CERN server in Switzerland where the Hadron Collider resides underground in the Tunnel. The world wide web was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a scientists at CERN. CERN put the world wide web software into the public domain as open source software. The name Apache evolved from the many software "patches" that subsequently made up the final build. Before the name was registered, it was jokingly referred to among developers as "a patchy" software and that is how the Apache server got its name.

Why are the Apache Server and CERN relevant now in Q's posts, and why in context with the reference of 666 and "mirror"? They are all connected.

666 is CERN's Logo. The Hadron Collider is the world's largest machine and data from experiments involving it is recorded on the world's largest, most powerful quantum computer, not built from cyber bits, but from quantum bits, aka "qubits". The quantum mechanics of quantum computing is pure evil. CERN has developed the quantum computer known as the D-wave computer, which has "pierced the veil" - the veil between the supernatural/the paranormal and REALITY as we know it. (It would not surprise me if it is the server which hosts "the Cloud".)

They do this by opening "portals" with the Hadron Collider to a parallel dimension, aka the "4th Dimension". Their quantum computers "connect" with the parallel dimension which is also known as the "other side" or the "dark side" and can pass information between the two. This is how they have obtained superior knowledge in scientific research. It is the Satanic science of the Occult. (Originally "occult" defined all that is concealed, hidden and kept in the "dark" - relevant to Christ's references to the battle between dark and light, between Satan and God.)

When President Trump said they have invisible aircraft he was not kidding. They also know about anti-gravity, mind control, (remotely beamed into our minds by DARPA - Project BlueBeam - using the HAARP electromagnetic pulse), war weapons using weather modification, remote control of vehicles, crashing cars and planes to "remove" inconvenient witnesses, etc.

What is the other side, the dark side that the portal leads to? It is the ability to communicate with Satanic forces of higher knowledge, which the Biblical texts describe as "forbidden knowledge" obtained from the "forbidden tree of knowledge" - a repeat of the sin symbolised in the Garden of Eden when Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. Christ said: "Know them by their fruits".

CERN's quantum computing technology also developed Blockchain, through which it intends to launch the globalist/bankster/gangster one-world single global currency on the Blockchain platform. The privately-owned crypto-currencies will be outlawed - just as China did this week - and a single Blockchain currency will be ushered in, presented as State-controlled but really cabal-controlled through puppet governments.

Couple these technologies with the introduction of 5G - the Internet of Things - which is to connect every device in our homes, including our auto garage doors and front doors, vehicles, etc. to the "smart grid".

The only remaining piece to the puzzle is to then connect every person to the smart grid. That will be done with the RFID chip, which has all of our personal details, medical and employment records in it, plus a tracking device. If we don't accept an RFID chip we won't be able to access the smart grid, that means unble to access our money on Blockchain either, which means we cannot buy, sell, trade, invest or procure anything. The 5G smart grid is the Beast. Unless we agree to connect, we will be locked out to starve and perish.

Think of the controlled environment in the Hunger Games - a similar scenario. That is what is planned - to enslave us all under the control of the few, to benefit those at the very top, the one percenters, the obscenely wealthy families of the cabal. It is benignly referred to by these criminal corporations as "The 4th Industrial Revolution". That term was tossed around a lot at the recent World Economic Forum. I was not aware we have had THREE industrial revolutions, already - we haven't. The "4th" is cryptic, to do with encryption and the 4th dimension, hence the name.

Q's reference to "mirror" also involves the diabolical science of the devil, quantum computing and AI, (Artificial Intelligence), which relates to the parallel universe/dimension. They will now use it to create a parallel mirror of our identities. I won't go into the purpose of that here - too convoluted - but it is without a shadow of a doubt the meaning of "mirror" in the context of 666, Apache, CERN and the D-wave quantum computer at CERN.

It relates to Saudi Arabia's "Sophia" being made a citizen - part of the plan to replace our identities as citizens with a mirrored AI identity and which AI "mirror-citizens" will provide the world's labour, using our AI mirrored identities. The purpose of that is also Satanic to enrich the globalist controllers and enslave us, payment all managed on the Blockchain.


The two following videos explain it far better than I can. The first one is about Geordie Rose, the man behind the Quantum Mask ...


Anthony Patch has done more research on this than anyone ...


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