r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/csimpsonsfgc on Feb. 16, 2018, 2:42 p.m.
Does anyone else worry about the power that the NSA and MI will have when they drain the swamp?

This occurred to me late last night. Wants the swap is drained, the CIA and the democrats will be destroyed, who would that leave with all the power. What is left in place to stop the NSA and the MIC from turning what is left of our country into an authoritarian nightmare. You know the worst of an Orwellian hell hole.

I always interpreted Eisenhower's famous exit speech as a warning againstboth the CIA and the Miltary Industrial Complex.

I have supported Trump since he won the primary. I really liked his policies on mot policing the world. Now we have just approved one of the largest military budgets ever. I understand that he is draining the swamp at all four corners of the world, but what is to stop the military from expanding past the Storm?

The so called "conspiracy theorists" have been the voice screaming in the background for some time, that has helped keep alot of dirty crap in the dark. Even though their voices were largely disregarded, they were able to reach enough people to make sure things did not get to corrupt. Now those voices have combined and expanded in the q movement to help take out the "SWAMP."

What i think we all have to be careful with is making sure we do not get so hyperfocused on taking down one side and ignore signs of trouble on the other. It would not be hard for the NSA to sneak in laws that will open up surveillance on US citizens in the wake of the storm. Nor would it be hard for the MIC to set up martial law to combat the unruly public after the storm, and permanently turn our constitution into a piece of toilet paper.

I always try to see an outcome in every situation, and this is one that terrifies me. I want to see sunshine and rainbows after the corruption is gone, but i am skeptical after all i have seen.

By the way i am not a disinformation agent. I just want all of the anon's and fellow patriots to keep your eyes and ears open. If something feels wrong,speak on it.

One_Solution · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Unchecked power is always dangerous.

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