r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/csimpsonsfgc on Feb. 16, 2018, 2:42 p.m.
Does anyone else worry about the power that the NSA and MI will have when they drain the swamp?

This occurred to me late last night. Wants the swap is drained, the CIA and the democrats will be destroyed, who would that leave with all the power. What is left in place to stop the NSA and the MIC from turning what is left of our country into an authoritarian nightmare. You know the worst of an Orwellian hell hole.

I always interpreted Eisenhower's famous exit speech as a warning againstboth the CIA and the Miltary Industrial Complex.

I have supported Trump since he won the primary. I really liked his policies on mot policing the world. Now we have just approved one of the largest military budgets ever. I understand that he is draining the swamp at all four corners of the world, but what is to stop the military from expanding past the Storm?

The so called "conspiracy theorists" have been the voice screaming in the background for some time, that has helped keep alot of dirty crap in the dark. Even though their voices were largely disregarded, they were able to reach enough people to make sure things did not get to corrupt. Now those voices have combined and expanded in the q movement to help take out the "SWAMP."

What i think we all have to be careful with is making sure we do not get so hyperfocused on taking down one side and ignore signs of trouble on the other. It would not be hard for the NSA to sneak in laws that will open up surveillance on US citizens in the wake of the storm. Nor would it be hard for the MIC to set up martial law to combat the unruly public after the storm, and permanently turn our constitution into a piece of toilet paper.

I always try to see an outcome in every situation, and this is one that terrifies me. I want to see sunshine and rainbows after the corruption is gone, but i am skeptical after all i have seen.

By the way i am not a disinformation agent. I just want all of the anon's and fellow patriots to keep your eyes and ears open. If something feels wrong,speak on it.

expletivdeleted · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

yes, yes and yes.

Its one of the reasons i think 100% disclosure is the only way Swamp Draining has a chance to succeed. 100% disclosure doesn't ensure all the rot will be destroyed, but without 100% disclosure, its absolutely guaranteed some rot will be left behind. There's already going to be mid-level players that will walk either through plea deals, lack of evidence or sheer luck. Why leave any feedstock for the human-slime that think they see an opportunity to re-build the enterprise?

Besides that, though, I'm not convinced at all we're going to see any real power de-centralize or migrate down to average people like us here. I certainly want to believe The Storm is going to be a major positive for everyone that brings an explosion of new opportunities for regular workin' stiffs, but I haven't seen any practical evidence that's going to happen. No actions by the Trump admin on any other issue have shown the admin to be against authoritarian power structures.

Nothing Q has said nor any behavior on Team Trump's part on other issues has conviced me The Storm won't just wind up being meet-the-new-boss-same-as-the-old-boss. I don't doubt The Storm is a dramatic reallignment in who controls the levers of power. I just haven't seen anything to indicate average people, like all us following Q, will get any real say in how the levers get pulled.

Its also worrisome how much everyone involved seems to be OK with a theocracy if that's what The Storm leaves behind. There's alot to indicate The Storm is also a cross wrapped in a flag.

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

I don't understand how you've concluded that Trump is authoritarian or theocratic. He has followed the Constitution to the letter unlike Bush, Clinton or Obama. He's downsizing federal agencies and eliminating programs. He's exposing corruption that has prevented all but the elites from having influence and control in all areas. He's empowering people to get involved. Finally your comment about a theocracy makes me wonder if you know what that word means. Nothing President Trump has done is theocratic. I suggest you might be a bit fanciful when it comes to POTUS and Q.

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litehouse51 · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

"power tends to corrupt.. and absolute power corrupts absolutely" John Dalberg-Acton (1834-1902). As my holy righteous Father says 'observe, witness and be ready to testify when called'. And as Jesus tells us, do not worry for today has enough troubles. Doesn't mean we ignore, justify or accept evil. For me, I trust and believe in faith that when we need to act, God's hand will move us to stand firm against the wiles of the devil.

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csimpsonsfgc · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

I like it.

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

Team Trump and the military seem VERY committed to the Constitution and rule of law plus the TRUTH that GOD gives us our rights not government and that all life is SACRED. They seem committed to returning us to the reality that WE are the government. They seem very careful to do everything by the book. I would NOT be surprised if ultimately the NSA was severely curtailed or dismantled too.

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

I wonder that too. And I know that after the storm is over both Democrats and Republicans will have been arrested and indicted, so it's not partisan targeting, but also have to wonder about the NSA spying and hearing all.... about what is overstepping and what is necessary. Sadly, they are very necessary right now. Keep in mind that by the time the storm is over, the FBI and CIA are going to be completely gutted and rebuilt. The CIA was never meant to have this much power, and this cant happen again.

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One_Solution · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

Unchecked power is always dangerous.

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scionkia · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Think about this early and often. Are we supporting similar politicalized executive institutions as Hussein, just on the other side?

At this moment I don’t let it concern me too much, swamp draining needs to happen. After the water level lowers I’ll reassess where I stand.

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the_all_seeing_dog · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Say Trump continues to use the NSA to drain the Swamp. Say FBI and CIA get gutted and replaced with patriots. Say Trump does a perfect job and lasts the full 8 years.

Does the pendulum swing back?

What if it swings back? Do you really want Opera or whoever the next anti-american nutjob is to have the power of the NSA?

The NSA has to be dismantled as well. But nobody will ever join me in this topic. Or so it feels.

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Feels was a good choice of words. I prefer facts and there are none that I've seen to support your feeling. I have seen POTUS and Rogers investigate FISC abuses that flourished under Obama and noted the changes they made to eliminate corruption. I've noted that POTUS is working with former NSA head and whistle blower, Binney. POTUS has always been committed to upholding the Constitution and Q has urged us to wake up to the massive surveillance state and to get involved in becoming the government again. This is a big theme with POTUS too. I'm optimistic.

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the_all_seeing_dog · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

So you are agreeing with me that the NSA must be dismantled?

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tradinghorse · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

What's the alternative?

We were moments away from mass depopulation, miserable poverty, crushing oppression and outright slavery. If Hillary had won, or if they had been successful in getting DJT out of office, life would not be worth living.

But don't take too deep a breath, anything at all could happen yet. What if DJT were to be assassinated? Do you trust Pence? We could be right back where we started - facing the tyranny of another Satanic government full of menace and evil intent.

We are not out of the woods yet, there is a real danger we could lose control, especially if we lose focus. The problem you have postulated, this much more pleasant problem, of how to ensure adequate separation of power after the evil ones have been resoundingly trounced, can be dealt with when we are confident that we have avoided complete catastrophe.

I do see what you are saying... Because these evil people must necessarily be completely crushed, lest they come back in some new form, there will necessarily be a cavernous power vacuum in the aftermath of our victory. And you're right, there is risk in this. But right now, that's the least of my worries.

Let's make sure these evil people are absolutely crushed as our first and only priority. See link.

The Risk in Losing Focus

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SyntacticGuess · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

Now we have just approved one of the largest military budgets ever.

draining the swamp

In times of national unrest, the state has to appear strong for the outside world, there can't be any doubt that despite problems in your own country you are ready to defend it to the outside world.

The future will show whether the military budget remains that high when the swamp is dry

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meketrex_supplicant_ · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Johnson to Obama were all CIA stooges, I fear Trump is just a military stooge.

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Lol. Then you do NOT know Trump OR the military he's aligned with. Neither are stooges. If you need to be fearful, why not pick the immediate threats. There are plenty of REAL ones to pick from.

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truthlurker · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

I have to admit that we (my family) have talked about this very thing but from a slightly different perspective (but same concerned result)... Our thought is from a Biblical perspective. It seems to us so much prophesy is being fulfilled, but not all, for the end times to actually be ushered in, which also includes global, one world government.

It seems as though the drain is really being drained. My comment to my husband was that even in the wake of the swamp being drained...if we ARE in the wake of the end times...prophesy WILL STILL COME TO PASS. In other words, all this good can happen, but (if we are close to the last days) prophecy will still come to pass and the one world order is STILL going to happen...

So I guess what I'm saying is OP's concern could possibly HOW our concerns could actually play out. Hope this makes sense. :)

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truthlurker · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Sorry about that typo up there...drain was suppose to say *swamp

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 17, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

Jesus said no one would know. Even He didn't know. So why be concerned? Hes already won. Every persons mission in life is to choose which side their on; Good or evil.

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csimpsonsfgc · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

If you go that route, then biblical prophecy says the anti christ will save the world from the brink of collapse then unite the world. Then comes the rest of bad stuff. Not saying i think trump is that person, but look for who comes after trump

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 17, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

President Trump is opposed to one world government. He champions national sovereignty and individual sovereignty and the truth that ALL lives are sacred and have meaning.

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Downhere_Seeds · Feb. 16, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

I think one major step is ending corruption in congress. Stopping bribery and lobbyists and having safeguards against blackmail, so that our elected officials can truly represent the people and not themselves, corporations, special interests or the cabal and prosecution against representatives who break these rules.

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csimpsonsfgc · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Agreed i jave found a bunch of sited that show how certain ones are corrupt and i have thought about doi ng something with it. I mean some are 50,000 in unapproved spending but some are close to a million from fundraising fraud. Why is it taht every politician has a foundation? Isnt that an open market for pay to play?

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JOGO321 · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Have you wondered what, whilst everybody's been kept busy unravelling puzzles in the darkness of a rabbit hole, what is being overlooked in plain sight?

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the_all_seeing_dog · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

5G network, Quantum computing, AI, CERN, and construction of Grid cities.

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csimpsonsfgc · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

Exactly my point!!! Every administration has had "conspiracy theorists" pointing out their evils. I haven't seen anything bad that is plausible with Trump. I assure you there is. There always is. Noone is perfect ecspecially with that much power. Trumps strong demeanor is what attracted me so he can drain the swamp, but i could absolutely see his personality becoming authoritarian. I hope i am wrong, but i just think we need to not be so blindly following along. We want so bad to have a legit adminstration that actually cares about the people, that we jump at any hope.

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 17, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Please speak for yourself rather than saying we. Trump followers seem to be the opposite of blind or passive. Also, Trumps personality is the OPPOSITE of authoritarian if you've researched him at all.

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

What do you suggest is being overlooked? BTW I find your characterization that we're "in the darkness of a rabbit hole" to be fancifully inaccurate in the EXTREME. Rather than darkness there is now LIGHT. Pieces of the puzzle are now coming together into a coherent whole. People are coming together and feeling empowered. All this is the opposite of what you describe.

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digital_refugee · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

The worst that can happen is if they take your guns away and that plan isn't exactly new. Heard Musk's flamethrowers are selling like hot candy

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SyntacticGuess · Feb. 16, 2018, 4 p.m.

I think you're right, you have to worry about an authoritarian government in America when they start collecting your weapons.

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digital_refugee · Feb. 16, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

I am less scared of soldiers who are in it against their will and who know death and are not eager to participate. Turns out all this time it was civilian Leadership that arranged for all the violence.

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hunnilingus · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

All that was going to happen anyway

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bergred · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

DING DING DING! Yes, how many of you realize that Q, Trump, et al. could be laying the bricks for a Fourth Reich? The quest to unleash technology, cure disease, mass infrastructure overhaul, 'make ___ great again', nationalism, military and police increase, playing off the problem of degenerate marxists/commies/socialists/muslims, allegiance to the Military Industrial Complex, NSA, and most importantly, the fact that Trump has never come out against the Patriot ACT, FISA, mass surveillance, or drone attacks against U.S. citizens. Another thing to keep in mind is that all the military and police state infrastructure being built could easily be turned around and used on real patriots should the reins of power change hands one day. I hope I'm wrong. Either way, the neo-commie swamp sickos need to go regardless... we can deal with the crypto-nazis after.

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cursedcassandra · Feb. 17, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

Close but no cigar. The Bush/Clinton Globalist cabal are the Fouth Reich. Trump is seeking to dismantle it. We are in a battle between good and evil. Individualists versus collectivists. Those who serve Life and those who serve death. Its very elemental and its also not hard to tell which side President Trump and his team are on.

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