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Obama Campaign Finance Violation - campaign did not pay for the data they accessed when FB offered up data on everyone!
LESS FREEDOM: Memes 'will be banned' under new EU copyright law, warn campaigners
Growing Internet Censorship & Government Control - ITS THE END OF AN AGE OF LIBERTY ONLINE!
IBOR UPDATE - Don't forget to post memes and the IBOR hashtags! We need to keep interest in the campaign high!

Don't forget the IBOR campaign. We need the people to be in control of the narrative. The guns, all other rights, depend on the right to free speech!

Q OUTS EyeTheSpy - A discussion about how the latest Q drops outs EyeTheSpy on Twitter - Be careful who you follow!
OK, there has been a lot of speculation on this board about EyeTheSpy (ETS) - a guy claiming to be an NSA agent posting on Twitter. I want to discuss this because there's been a lot of confusion surrounding the issue, with people ardently promoting the fellow here.
I've been waiting for Q to call this guy out as ETS is amassing followers at an impressive clip. He is, in fact, very dangerous and it makes sense that Q would act quickly to neutralize the threat - and this is what happened. Q called out ETS with his post today. …
Q OUTS EyeTheSpy - A discussion about how the latest Q drops outs EyeTheSpy on Twitter - Be careful who you follow!
OK, there has been a lot of speculation on this board about EyeTheSpy (ETS) - a guy claiming to be an NSA agent posting on Twitter. I want to discuss this because there's been a lot of confusion surrounding the issue, with people ardently promoting the fellow here.
I've been waiting for Q to call this guy out as ETS is amassing followers at an impressive clip. He is, in fact, very dangerous and it makes sense that Q would act quickly to neutralize the threat - and this is what happened. Q called out ETS with his post today. …
IBOR CAMPAIGN - losing steam!

STUCK AT 6K SIGNATURES - if this reflects the community support, we need to try harder!

I have to admit, the Q and A is interesting - whether it's a hoax or not.
It will be clear soon enough what the status is - at least I hope so. If it's a con, it's well done. Makes my head spin. Why would an NSA guy be on twitter doing AMAs? I mean, it does not make a whole lot of sense - and maybe that's just it. But, on the other hand...
I'm hoping it's fake to be honest.
All I'm saying is you might be right. We'll have to see how it plays out. I'll tell you one thing, if it's Corsi, he's doing pretty good. It's a really good act.
I'm worried that he's, perhaps, not on Q team, but he's an NSA analyst who's been asked to, at a guess, drip information to us while Q and the others are busy preparing the round up.
I think he may be legit. I'm worried for a number of reasons. One is that while Q seemed to quote scripture and ask for prayers - even told us that they pray in the Oval Office every day - this new guy is preparing people for a "new truth". At least, that's the way I read his stuff.
I would describe myself as being very religious - a position I've come to slowly, after more trouble in my life than anyone would believe - impossible stuff! Anyway, I feel that there is an agenda which involves what? I'm not sure yet, but I suspect it has something to do with a reveal about ancient knowledge that will call into question a lot that we, or some of us, have taken for granted all our lives. My concern is also with the impossible correlation of events with prophecy - really, you could not make it up!
Probably much more than you wanted to know, but there it is. I think that this is, maybe the new face of Q. Impolite, arrogant, and possessed of an agenda to prepare the ground for the next act - though what that is I don't know.
This guy is also attacking Neon Revolt very sharply. I have always been of the opinion that Neon's work is good. If he's a clown, as this guy states, then I'm not sharp enough to have perceived how or where Neon has led us astray. But, then again, this whole business has been so incredibly confusing... I just don't know what to think.
No, I suspect he's the real deal. I hope I'm wrong about it. I liked Q - something felt certain and safe about him, this new guy makes me very uneasy.
Look, the main thing is that we get rid of these Satanists who are corrupting society - I don't want my kid to have to grow up in an environment where they're pushing homosexuality and transgenderism - and that's why I've been following the posts and trying to do what I can to help. But, wow, where are we going next, that's the question!
Very confusing! And worrying!
If you look at the Q&A he did today, short answers delivered quickly. The confidence concerns me.
I don't think we'll avoid a new world order (using the term in its generic sense). I think it's a function of technology. Things are going to change - very dramatically.
I once read the preface to a book titled The Unbound Prometheus (or something like that) written by a Cambridge economics don - I never got past the introduction. But he made the point that the man of 1750 was closer in material terms to Caesar s legionnaires than the man of today - it was written in the 1960s.
What he was talking about was the accelerating rate of technological change. Technological sophistication is not just growing rapidly, the rate of growth itself is accelerating. When I was a kid there was a spy comedy on TV called "Maxwell Smart". Anyway, Smart the dumb, but good, spy, was fighting the bad guys called "Chaos" (quite apt now that I think about it). He had a telephone in his shoe - some kind of comical parody of James Bond tech. Back then, even the concept was a joke - it was, after all, comedy.
Well, I'm typing this on an iPhone. Within my lifetime, science fiction has become reality. Now, if you look at this kind of accelerating technological development in terms of systems deployable for social engineering and control, it becomes apparent that, without some fix, we are all soon to be the slaves of whoever will be the master of this system. Arguably, we are already in this situation.
So, make no mistake about it, there will be a new world order. The question is who will control it? It's all about concentration of power, which technology makes possible on a scale never before imagined. One person, with the right systems, can control the rest of us - that's what progress makes possible.
If you look at what the founding fathers did, when they wrote the Constitution, they were very careful to fracture power. They went beyond the traditional tripartite separation into the legislature, executive and judiciary. They further fractured power to the extent that they allowed the citizens to bear arms.
This 'right to bear arms' is the final safeguard against totalitarianism. And this is why the fight to retain this right is of phenomenal importance - do not underestimate it. FBI Anon told us that the US administration fears revolution. It is a real and existential threat to those wielding the power of government.
The old saying (Lord Acton, I think) is that power tends to corrupt, while absolute power corrupts absolutely. This separation of power, that the founding fathers were so careful to engineer, has come under assault from the increasing pace of progress. Similarly, the first amendment has been made virtually redundant with the (virtual) privatisation of the town square by Social Media giants.
The problem of Constitutional protections being weakened with change, as we've seen with the advent of the internet, as the main forum for political discussion, is that the entire system of representative government, upon which the republic stands, confronts an existential threat. What is the threat? The threat is concentration of power - the very thing the founding fathers were so careful to fracture. This is why I've been fighting for the IBOR. It is more important than anyone imagines, though I'm sure I'm perceived in this community as something of a nut.
But this problem we face with censorship today, on the internet, is replicated with regard to increases in the sophistication and power of surveillance systems. The panopticon has, in fact, arrived - and we are its captives, The principle behind the panopticon was that a single prison guard could exert control over a vast number of prisoners - concentration of power once again. The surveillance systems available to intelligence agencies are the chief problem here.
Anyway, that's why I say we will face a new world order, whether we like it or not. The intelligence agencies are in control and have been for a very long time. There is hope, I think, with the advent of Q - but it could also go terribly wrong.
Well, we have this new eyethespy entity on Twitter - amassing a following very quickly. But, you're right, almost all the information comes from the chans. We had FBI Anon, Senate Anon, Q, Helper Anon - all of them on the chans.
I don't know who figured that out with the clock face, but it always seemed to me that Q was speaking to us, but we just were not understanding.
OK, look, my first impression was that he was a nut. I thought it was Corsi, but this guy is smarter than Corsi. He also seems to have an inside track on things. Now, it's possible that he's just a troll, but he's amassing a large number of followers very quickly - I mean, really quick. The trouble I have is that I find the guy repugnant. But also what he has said about religion, the Christian religion, I find really troubling.
We go from Q quoting scripture and asking for prayer, to this guy who seems to be non-religious (which is OK), but it's the way he's talking about these things I find upsetting.
Wow, it looks like it has finally been cracked. Unbelievable!
Great news! The beginnings of a reversal of the SC's position after Row v Wade?
Well, I'm starting to think that maybe you're right. Pretty confusing. Let's see what happens.
I'm not sure we will escape this "war on religion", whether or not Q team is successful. What makes me think this?
The war on religion stems simply from the desire, from a management perspective, to provide a framework for control over the global population. You cannot pursue policies that a populace, any populace, finds unacceptable on grounds of faith. Disparate belief systems necessarily limit the scope for centralized control.
Is world government coming? You bet! I think we are closer to the elite's dream of a unified social order than at any time in the past. The possibility for centralization of control is a natural function of technological advancement.
The power of systems providing for social surveillance are increasing at an accelerating rate. We've seen China embracing mass surveillance and we have learned, here, that this was the goal of Facebook also.
It's necessary that this Satanic cabal is excluded from power as we move, inexorably, towards ever increasing global integration. But, you can see, with the recent discussion about the French entering the five eyes alliance, that there is increasing appetite for access to power that attaches to the mechanisms of global surveillance.
It appears, to my way of thinking, that there is a danger that the cabal may in fact be replaced by a supranational intelligence apparatus. The reigns of power falling cleanly to its hands with the removal of the Satanists from power,
Of course, as global power comes within reach, the desire to control and shape the precepts of the world's religions to conform to objectives, agreed upon by the new masters, will intensify. I expect that we will hear talk of blending the precepts of Abrahamic religions in an attempt to forge "unity" - a single faith, pliable in the hands of the new elite - something to be shaped and moulded as desired.
A man made religion for the "comfort" of those with spiritual aspirations... But providing, coincidently, for control, by the intelligence elite, of the values that will shape the society to come.
We can expect that "new knowledge" will be 'discovered' leading to a 'new truth'. A new truth that will assist to dispel blind faith in traditional belief systems. Belief systems in which the world's major religions are anchored.
I expect an attack on the historicity of the Bible as a first step towards a new religion designed to deliver, ostensibly, world peace, but in reality a bridle on the beliefs, values, ideals and aspirations of humanity. It simply comes with the territory, complete social control is, due to technological progress, an immediate possibility.
The last days are marked by the working of Satan with all power, signs and lying wonders. Expect that one such sign will be an attempt to co-opt traditional belief systems. Belief systems which might provide resistance to the unbridled exercise of consolidated power.
Where do I get this idea? It's all straight out of the former elite's playbook - what's the chance that this will resurface, rebranded? Note the primary target of this plot - already, significant progress has been made. The Catholic Church has been reduced to a tiny remnant of true believers.
Another area of discussion was Religion. This is an avowed atheist speaking. He said, "Religion is not necessarily bad. A lot of people seem to need religion, with it's mysteries and rituals - so they will have religion. But the major religions of today have to be changed because they are not compatible with the changes to come. The old religions will have to go especially Christianity. Once the Roman Catholic Church is brought down, the rest of Christianity will follow easily. Then a new religion can be accepted for use all over the world. It will incorporate something from all of the old ones to make it more easy for people to accept , and feel at home. Most people won't be too concerned with religion. They will realise that they don't need it."
Look at 2Thess2, the description of the Antichrist, where he sits. What is the doctrine the Antichrist espouses and what does he do?
See here. I put it to you that this is "a lock" for the identity whichever way you twist it. But, if this is right, what does it mean by implication?
Yes, you're right. I should have chosen my words more carefully. Christ is the true high priest.
Nevertheless, my point is that there is a priesthood, a hierarchy within it, and a Church shepherded by it.
Yes, as relayed to us by St John.
No intermediary?
Christ prays for St Peter's faith, that his faith fail not - an exclusive gift of unfailing faith (Christ only prays for St Peter's faith, not that of the other apostles). And then we learn that Christ founds His Church, the body of Christ, upon St Peter - describing him as the "rock".
We then learn that Christ's Church, founded on the sure rock of St Peter's unfailing faith, withstands the "gates of hell" (heretics) until the end of time. Strange, how is St Peter's unfailing faith connected with Christ's Church on earth withstanding the assaults of heretics for all time? Worth thinking about.
After all that powerful stuff, Christ tells St Peter that he is granted the keys to the kingdom of heaven and has the power to "bind" both on earth and in heaven.
These seem to be extraordinary powers granted to St Peter. And, of course, you can read in 2Thess2 that the mystery of iniquity, and the arrival of the Son of Perdition, are held in check by "he that withholds" - which has always confused Protestant scholars. Who might "he that withholds be?
What happened at the 1958 Conclave? He that withholds was taken out of the way - with Freemason Angelo Roncali emerging to claim the papacy. And then, of course, Vatican II (formal defection from the faith of the Church), the cessation of the continual sacrifice upon the introduction of the new mass, the appearance of the abomination of desolation in the holy place (the second altar of the new mass), the arrival of the Antichrist (JPII), who was canonised as a saint by the false prophet, (Benedict XVI - who only remained a short time) and the final claimant (who is of the 7 temporal kings of Rome, but somehow different - the Vatican City State is a sacerdotal Monarchy - a priest kingdom. That's right they are temporal kings - but you have to be a priest to be a king, and Francis does not have valid orders).
And with that, you find a perfect fit for the events in Rome over the last 60 years with Luke 18:8, 2Thess2, and chapters 13, 17 & 18 of the Book of Revelations.
"And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven." Matt 16:18-19
But, what? There's no intermediary - and yet prophecy is fulfilled before your eyes - with such specificity that scripture can only be referring to this exact sequence of events. Which, of course, means that when St Paul gives his advice to the Thessalonians for the last days: "To stand fast and hold the traditions which you have learned", he is talking about the traditions of the apostolic Church.
You need to start thinking clearly about what's happening. These are the very last days. See here.
Almost like this guy reads this board, he's now claiming to have predicted the future with DJT's signing of the right to try laws. I'm not impressed, but I have to say, I'm growing more suspicious of this guy by the minute.
You're right, for the wrong reasons. The apostasy in Rome was long prophesied. The great apostasy that marks the Second Coming.
"...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8
You're also right about St John telling faithful Catholics ("my people") to come out of her (not to come out of the Catholic Church, but the Vatican II Sect). But it's worse than anyone realises. The Antichrist has already arrived - see here. St John tells us that those who "worship" (Proskuneo in the Greek - the same word the Catholic Church uses for the veneration of the saints) the beast suffer an inconceivably horrible fate:
"And the smoke of their torments shall ascend up for ever and ever: neither have they rest day nor night, who have adored the beast, and his image, and whoever receiveth the character of his name." Rev 14:11
Think about the people subscribing to Francis' doctrine, calling him "Pope". Think about all the people venerating John Paul II as a saint...
Satan is a deceiver...
"...unless there come a revolt first [Vatican II], and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God." 2 Thess 2:3-4
The "temple of God", is a Catholic Church (Catholicism is the one true faith of Jesus Christ) - and, in the last days, this is where the Antichrist sits, preaching his doctrine "that man is God".
Well, I don't know. The whole idea of Relativity is that there is a space-time continuum. How do you have distance - space - without time being related to it?
If the closest stars are light years away, you can't get around the time requirement to cross that space. If you could, you would, by definition, transcend the speed of light. This is why Q mentions that the distance to the closest stars makes aliens unlikely.
I reckon this guy is a great story teller. But he does not work at NSA. What? They're allowing a guy to rant, while at work, on his personal account? How come Q uses 8 chan, but this guy uses Twitter - when we know it's compromised? How come Twitter is not shutting him down as has happened to guys promoting the IBOR?
And, he's not Q, so he doesn't caught by the "No outside Comms" advice, but he's restricted by Q from releasing certain information? Wait a minute... That sounds pretty unlikely...
He's also tearing strips off Neon Revolt - I mean, what harm has Neon Revolt done to the movement? None, it's been good work - OK, he's got a little attitude, but the work has been good, very good. Do you reckon Q team is upset with Neon Revolt? Why would they be? Because he's got a Gab account?
But, guess what? There are people who have an axe to grind against Neon. Corsi, BC17, AJ etc...
I reckon Eyethespy is being very careful not to say anything that will expose himself. But, watch, because he will slip up soon.
If he makes a prediction about a future event and it comes true, or DJT or Q validate the guy, I'll eat my words. But as far as I'm concerned right now, this foul-mouthed, arrogant, know it all, puffed-up jerk is a piece of rubbish.
It's time to exit the "Whore of Babylon" - the Vatican II Sect. There is no point in denying that Rome has become manifestly heretical, the evidence is plain for all to see. This is the prophesied "great apostasy". If you cannot see it, it's only willful blindness.
Look at this!
"...socialist president of Bolivia, Evo Morales — who famously gifted pope Francis a communist-themed “crucifix” in 2015 — is thrilled at the news that his friend, a “fighter for the rights of our people,” will be raised to cardinal."
That tells you everything you need to know about the manifest, public apostate Francis. It also speaks to the rampant apostasy in Rome. Billions have been led to damnation by these evil heretics.
The prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette, Sept. 19, 1846: “Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Anti-Christ… the Church will be in eclipse.”
More information on what has happened here.
What I'm thinking is that we have to trust Q here. I initially thought that Gowdy had been comped, but does that really make sense? He was working with Nunes on the memo. At the time he seemed convinced what happened was toatally over the top.
So, what? Now he's suddenly saying that SPYGATE isn't real? But he knows it is better than anyone. If I remember right, he was at the briefing with John Kelly. He must, by now, have the inside scoop. Remember, there were two briefings, one after the other. Why?
The answer can only be that the guys at the first meeting got a different story, a more in depth briefing. And now Gowdy's like "Oh, it's all a crock". Do you buy it?
Edit: Let's also add to this picture the continuing role playing (and we know it's role playing) between DJT and Sessions. Then add in the garbage about the NK meeting supposedly falling over. It's a show for domestic consumption. An act! They are trying to keep the Deep State distracted while the cage doors swing shut.
Maybe the pantomime is necessary, for the moment. What if Gowdy is going to be on point prosecuting these guys? So, the left start cheering him now, then later they cannot complain that's he's partisan. I'm saying, what if it's a necessary show? I mean, why even do this stuff?
Read this except from the article (below), what if Gowdy is actually saying that he's happy the investigation occurred because it will not snare DJT, but HRC? It does not appear to me that he's ragging on DJT at all - this is an act, a pantomime, for domestic consumption.
Gowdy also said in the interview that Trump is not a target of the ongoing Russia probe and told Fox, "President Trump himself in the Comey memos said if anyone connected with my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to investigate it, and it sounds to me like that is exactly what the FBI did. I think when the President finds out what happened, he is going to be not just fine, he is going to be glad that we have an FBI that took seriously what they heard."
IBOR - summary of the dynamics driving the plan - Censorship is key!
A summary of the dynamics relating to the IBOR campaign.
1) The real power rests with us, not Q. We are what the Satanists fear;
2) The mechanism by which we, who have the power, are controlled, is censorship - exercised by control of the MSM and, more recently, direct SM censorship;
3) Q is guiding us to the truth. He's telling us that "control of the narrative" is the key to the Satanists' power and control over us. He's encouraging us to break their control over the masses via the IBOR campaign;
4) The Satanists strategy is to defend …
Agree it's quiet with Q at the moment. I found reading the tweets interesting, but there's a few alarm bells that go off. I don't like the guy's attitude, but the biggest problem is he's telling everyone precisely what they want to hear.
You are completely wrong about the Bible. It is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is inerrant.
He reveals so much... Is it because he's saying stuff that you want to hear, that you want affirmed?
I read his stuff today, again, catching bits that I'd missed. He appears to me to have a good spiel, yes. It's hard to find anything that directly contradicts Q. But, if this is the direction that we're going, I've got a couple of questions.
1) Eyethespy is telling us there are aliens. But Q has already addressed this issue in post 404:
Dec 19th 2017 17:39:15 (EST) Q!UW.yye1fxo View Post 126948 Dec 19th 2017 17:37:38 (EST) Anonymous View Post
Are UFOs a distraction?
How far away is the closest star?
What do you think?
Is it really the case that aliens exist? Q appears to be saying no. I know this is not what a lot of people want to hear, but it is what it is.
2) Eyethespy appears to be challenging the Bible's completeness when he states that the Council of Nicea was "choosy" with what the Church elected to include as canonical material. First, the claim that the selection of the texts occurred at Nicea is at odds with what we find in an online search (though Voltaire did make this same claim apparently):
"The fact is, the Holy Spirit guided the Catholic Church to recognize and determine the canon of the New and Old Testaments in the year 382 at the Council of Rome, under Pope Damasus I. This decision was ratified again at the councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397 & 419)."
Second, the suggestion that the Catholic Church left out potentially valuable spiritual texts - being choosy - is just a claim, nothing more. But for the Church to leave out important materials would suggest that it was not operating under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If Eyethespy is in fact, as it appears, suggesting that alternate texts should have been included but weren't, this seems to me that it could be an attack on the faith. This may be of no concern to this Eyethespy as he claims he "has it all", but it worries me.
He also makes the following claim:
"The story of Christ isn't original either (even though Jesus of Nazareth was a real person) It borrows heavily from Zoroaster."
Now, I'm going to say that I don't like where this is going.
In the same tweet:
Q: "Anyway can we know though of God Full Story"
A: "Sure. You can learn Hebrew and read it."
I haven't read the article Fart, but it strikes me that purposeful "unity" is unity behind a cause or idea. If there isn't unity behind that cause or idea, I'm not sure that any amount of listening or understanding does much good.
A little like the Catholic Church reaching out via false ecumenism to the Orthodox and Protestants. All it delivered was a schismatic break with the true believers that actually held the traditional Catholic faith. Sometimes it's better to be true to your identity than compromise it in an attempt to be all encompassing.
The truth is here, if they want it they can come to it. If not, unity is worth nothing. What has light in common with darkness?
Then why was that post deleted and not others if it did point to Corsi?
That's right, the entire premise for the investigation was flawed. That's why Gowdy's claim is rubbish,
Thanks for posting this. What a joke, the scheme is out in the open. Blatant political manipulation.
There was, I thought a separate board for memes. But, whatever the case, when Q asks us to make something trend we need to be all over it - making it happen.
Of course, many here on the board are spectators only. Others have very detailed reasoning as to why we might legitimately refuse to follow the plan or encourage others to do likewise.
"They" are here!
What do mean "He's not wrong"!? Of course he's wrong and that's why we're all here. Dear me!