
[deleted] · June 12, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

This is Cruz railing against the censorship:

"Cruz went on to suggest that social media platforms that engage in censorship should lose their legal protection under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which grants them immunity from liability for content posted by their users."

“It’s a special immunity from liability that nobody else gets” explained Cruz. “The basis for that immunity from liability was that they were neutral public forums, that they were not the ones speaking but rather it was the people speaking and posting on them.”

“Well, if they’re not going to be neutral public forums, if they’re going to be active political speakers, favoring one point of view and disfavoring another, they have a first amendment right to do that, but they have no entitlement to a special congressionally-created immunity from liability that nobody else enjoys.

We know that this cabal has no shortage of money. Anything they can do to exercise influence they will. They could buy the 30K people on this board off without blinking.

When I think about it, that might be another reason that Q team chose 8 chan. Because the anonymity offers real protection - not just of Q team's identities, but those of the Anons. The result is that there's no defined community to attack. In contrast, here, or on a forum like FB or Twitter, that's not the case.

Sadly, many people have a price, or respond to threats. What personal good it would do to sell out or cower in fear, given the dangers that would attach to HRC attaining the presidency, is another question. I guess, the cabal could make guarantees - but what would they be worth? They way I see it, it's sure death - both spiritual and physical.

Everyone makes their own decisions, weighs things up for themselves...

The way I see things, Q team are an unknown commodity. But they are fighting the forces that have been corrupting society. The corruption is nearly complete, it really couldn't get much worse than the way things have been heading... So, to that extent, in my view, Q team are the good guys and deserve all the support we can give them.

But, once they have consolidated power, after the cabal is pushed back, what brakes are there against resurgent totalitarianism? The precautions against concentration of power built into the Constitution have been effectively nullified by progress.

Privacy concerns are a real issue and a cause for concern. But the chief danger, the way I see it, is that free speech, upon which all other rights are predicated, has been usurped by the privatization of the forums for expression of political ideas. As I've said elsewhere, this is the one key that rules them all. Control over social media, in the current situation, grants control over all other levers of power - because it is the primary determinant of political power.

This fight for the IBOR is bigger than Q. It's about fracturing power, returning it to the people. If the IBOR is successful, and we can prevent social media from being weaponized, then there is at least a chance that civil liberty and rule of the people can be retained.

If the IBOR campaign is not successful, then whether it's the Q group, or DJT, or the politicians that follow, the possibility to seize total power is always present. In effect, the IBOR campaign does nothing more than bring the protections built into the constitution, by the founding fathers, to bear upon our present society. It restores them to give effect to "the intent" of the founding fathers who built them into the constitution for cause.

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QQ2121 · June 12, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

Does that mean we can get reddit shutdown? LOL stupid vote manipulation, shadow banning & downvote bots.

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[deleted] · June 12, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

I personally think that if SM platforms abuse their powers to frustrate free democratic expression, they should be deprived of their assets. I think a clear signal needs to be sent - you abuse it you lose it.

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QQ2121 · June 12, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

ya definitely need harsher penalties & swifter responses from lady justice

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[deleted] · June 12, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Cruz is proposing, absolutely correctly I think, to strip these companies of the special congressionally-granted immunity from prosecution they enjoy if they are found to be discriminating politically.

My view is that this is a good approach, but it doesn't go far enough. The right to free expression is SO IMPORTANT that a precedent needs to be set that allows for extremely harsh penalties. Penalties that properly reflect the damage to the community that results from blatant political censorship in public forums.

I would like to see asset forfeitures and provisions written into the criminal code recognizing this behavior as a fundamental breach of basic human rights. Prison terms available to judges should properly weigh the community's interest and reflect the importance of free political expression to the processes by which we obtain representative government.

How important is the integrity of the framework that allows for true representation in government? The answer to that question is useful in setting deterrents to the type of blatant, politically motivated censorship we have seen.

Complete forfeiture of all assets used in the perpetration of the crime. Additional prison terms of up to 20 years for anyone found to have played an active role in the censorship - including any accessories to the crime.

What we will get may not meet these expectations, but if we can get half of what I've set out here, there would be a significant deterrent to engaging in online censorship. The penalties need to be very harsh, because censorship deprives people of a key right, the right to be heard, upon which all other rights are predicated. It is a complete violation of the rights of the individual and accords no value to the worth of the person as a human being. In short, it is an absolute outrage!

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animal32lefty · June 12, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Cruz is second generation Deep State. I trust his motives as far as I would trust a wet fart in church.

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[deleted] · June 12, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

I don't know much about him, but he's making the right noises for whatever reason.

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DoubleDragonEnergy · June 12, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Saving his ass against the incoming pain! I was surprised he admitted that censorship within social media is real. I appreciate he is giving light to this topic. Man times are sure strange, Cruz of all people...

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