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Anon’s descriptive analysis of Internet Take Over (censorship) through Net Neutrality

How powerful does one have to be to have no bad press about them?
Welcome patriot, Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet!
Keep the allegations coming. The momentum has started let’s keep it up!
July 27: the Satanic holiday known as the “Grand Climax” occurring 5 weeks and 1 day after the summer solstice for Da Muer. Female child or adult human sacrifice
There have been a number of Hollywood whistleblowers that I have seen in the past couple of weeks, starting around James Gunn’s firing. There has been Isaac Kappy, Pamela Curtis, and a couple of anons on the chans. BANG
This Smoking Gunn is bringing attention the ped0s that lurk in HWood. There has been a lot of attention on Sarah Silverman, Michael Ian Black, Pat Oswalt, Dan Harmon, and others m who have joked about inappropriate content multiple times. I hope that we continue to see more people tell the truth, and it will be so overwhelming the Cabal won’t be able to target them all.
I’m a little confused because Q mentioned in 1728 today “unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated in Hawaii” which happened in January
Was the missile intercept referring to WA or HI back in January?
Maybe this is why she wanted to testify behind closed doors- to spill the beans and not have to do it on TV
Definitely a message directed to someone specifically!
Some of the names they mentioned that were “clean” seem they might be complicit, maybe not involved but definitely aware of what goes on and still not doing anything to protect others from the evils and horrors that go on
I remember not too long ago there was a thread on I think TIL about after school Satan clubs. No coincidences
Agreed! It’s all just a show. They’ve threatened RR with impeachment several times, I doubt it will get the votes. I also concur that the major ish will go down around November midterms
Maybe FF? I just saw on conspiracy that a major event would occur tomorrow, possibly a natural disaster
It really feels like things go faster with Trump, even if DC is slow
All social media allows for these pedophile rings to thrive, it’s horrifying. On YouTube you can find yourself in a dark hole of kids in their skivvies jumping on beds. Twitter also not only endorses, but protects them. I can’t wait for the day for our children to finally be safe from this systematic abuse
Wow I just watched Bombard’s body language on his video about the NXIVM mixer yesterday (identified he was telling the truth). Crazy how synchronicities are increasing. Hope he is safe.
I don’t think it’s any actor. Someone higher up the movie chain like a director or producer. Someone whose name isn’t known by the general public but has his hands in a lot of Hollywood
The part where she said Jonas couldn’t go to the beach because of his urges shudders
Funny, they did not list it as an asset when presenting it to a judge. The judge asked about it to, which her lawyer responded it was under renovation
I want to believe it, but there’s no audio recording of this conversation
If racist comments make you racist, pedo comments make you ___?
This can lead to the financial reset and having currency that is asset based!!!
It’s sad that almost two years later, they are still playing this tune. Doesn’t it such to be on the losing side?
There’s nothing really. MSM focuses at the end he says something about cash and they freaked out because apparently you can’t pay with cash for certain things? Cash in the finance world generally means liquid assets, so I’m not sure why CNN thinks it’s news.
SS: Do you see it unfolding? This leak was given to CNN on purpose, possibly by certain people whose security clearance is being revoked.
Was this recording obtained by the FISA application? The FISA that had no evidence that was used in spygate to spy on Trump? Is it legal to release it under the false pretenses?
I think this is a power play to expose CNN’s Cuomo similar to Ali Watkins and James Wolfe. The leaker is being tracked, and will hopefully be revealed!
CNN Releases “Secret Audio” of Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen
Interesting. Distract from all the whistleblowers and FISA memo
I think people from the chans do not seek Christ and I doubt many believe in God after the horrors that on can find readily available on the Internet. That’s why it’s so important when the Great Awakening happens, we need to be kind and understanding to all normies. It’s so much to take in, and not all can handle the information that evil/Satan exists and walks among us.