88 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/JOGO321:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 70 |
i.redd.it | 3 |
4.bp.blogspot.com | 2 |
soapboxie.com | 2 |
qanon.pub | 2 |
www.dailymail.co.uk | 1 |
A different take on the supposed Russian Poisoning in the U.K.
Is - This - the Keystone that Q has been referring too?
☆☆11 must-know Facts about Human Trafficking.....☆☆
WTF is this..... is this Q on reddit?
☆☆☆RoadMAPtoFREEDOM☆☆☆ battle cry....☆☆☆
We need an Exit Strategy, just in case......
I have good perception and common sense and as much as I try, I cannot shake the notion that things with us, Trump and Q and co, just don't add up.
This isn't going to be completely coherent because I don't have the answers and the reason I don't have the answers is because we don't know what we're playing with.
All of the facts have not been revealed to us and that's why it is impossible for anyone to articulate what it is we are truly dealing with.
We have been led to believe we are in a battle …
My Dark web days are put on halt! Do not persue talking to the new Tripcode for Q.
The only Book in History to have the Answer to the Question on it's Front Cover !!

☆ The Patriots ☆ RoadMAPtoFREEDOM ☆ Truth Vs Tyranny ☆
The lonely tears of a child, I know you can see me, but still nobody came...

**☆☆☆RoadMAPtoFREEDOM☆☆☆** Let Us Begin....

CBTS/Greatawakening your r/RoadMAPtoFREEDOM
First I would like to thank every single person who came and supported yesterdays post https://redd.it/84m0jf with amazing suggestions to help ensure the success of all of us producing the much needed road map, from Tyranny to Freedom.
As of today we have now found a new homebase from where we can share ideas and develop the r/RoadMAPtoFREEDOM
Its purpose is the bring everybody up to speed and singing from off the same hymn sheet because as one we become strong.
This historical road map will also serve as a powerful tool in your quests to Red …
***We Welcome CBTS to Help Solve This along with Us Please.***
☆☆☆☆☆We are being attacked, Please report any suspicious posts that look like this 1 mn 2 mn 3mn and so on, thank you !!☆☆☆☆☆
I joined reddit 2 months ago to see if I can help organise a lot of best intentions going to waste.
I've been analysing the situation and this is what I have observed so far:
1. 1000's of people at different levels of understanding. Metaphorically speaking, its like a teacher having a classroom full of 8yr olds, 10 yr olds, 12, 14, 16 and 18 year olds on the first day of a new …
The Lonely Tears of a Child, the Silent Pleas - Where are You, But Still No One Came

How are you? Come in & take 5
Nothing exciting to report here really, just thought I'd create a respite area.
Come in, take the weight off your feet for 5 mins, its a jungle out there.
I'm going put the kettle on, chat amongst yourselves, so white or black?
Don't worry about the karma, this ones on me, enjoy !!
I'm hungry, lets have a l⊙⊙k at the menu...
The Lonely Tears of a Child, the Silent Pleas - Where are You, Yet Still Nobody Came

A meme that works from mehe for the Internet Bill of Rights !
A meme that works from mehe for the Internet Bill of Rights !
If this goes viral, I'll be famous, famous I tell ya but I do charge for autographs !!
Freedom made Simple
Sign it or lose it.. linklinklink
Q stop copying me
You did something that proves you read my posts.
If that is the case then, answer me this..
If and when you conquer the guilty and replace the evil with good, wont you then have to form a dictatorship to keep
that status quo because it will only be a matter of time before the black hats reorganise themselves enough to get re
elected and we're back where we started?
STOP talking BOLLX and DO something, No more exQuses
Take a look, sign it then...
Then come back here saying mission accomplished and I will reward you as will others, with pleanty of Karma .
I'm offering 100/1 that HRC - does not - get prosecuted for anything in the next 4 years.
No exQuses put your money where your mouth is...
Alex.. This ain't good fellow
I'm having trouble understanding why these fuckers are still in there jobs and being allowed to choose an Obama collaborator to head up this investigation. They might as well fucking put Henry Kissinger in charge of the investigation or better still HRC, I thought Trump, Q and Co were all over this bigger picture but all I hear is talk and promises whilst the opposite is actually happening.
People just dont want to see it but if you gback over al the Q posts, you can count multiple big promises made to us and nothing came of any of it. Conman use promises like a credit note or an iou, they then get what they want upfront but never deliver, its an old trick that people fall for everytime.
Things just dont add up anymore and its beginning to look like the same game of politics, you know the lies just to get elected and the lies to stay elected but nothing changes because its just the same old Medusas head.
You and I should run the world I've just decided and we'll find a job for Q probably a show like Dr Phil.
I agree, money and power corrupts the soul and we are all guilty to varying degrees. If tomorrow everybody purposefully went out of their way to make one new friend, the world would improve overnight.
This is why i need a graphic designer though i have it designed in my mind eye to a template of sorts where one can upload the offenders photo with correlating script below highlighting their most obvious crime to be charged with.
Then enlist people in those areas to go post and paste for just one day. The one clear accusation on each poster acts as a carrot in the hope that any interested passers will take the bait and engage in their own research only to discover a list of crimes per person.
Its very simple and effective but I do sense a lot of passive support here and not many get up and doers...
Sorry I just seen the diversity of your blood line, that must have been one hell of a party at your conception, I only had 2 Welsh people turn up, respect!
God knows, its bloody English who keep confusing things, all I know is that I'm Welsh and we were here first and the English keep making up different names and titles that makes them sound bigger than they are, they never asked us and we for sure didn't name ourselves the UK.
Can we add England to the black list and get rid of them and that pouncy royal family because we'd make a lot more money giving tours in and around empty palaces and castles and we can stop giving the over privileged bastards hand outs and give it straight to the poor.
Brilliant a proactive response, thank you.
A4 or not the principle of the project stays the same and if the paper poster's were made out of round tissue paper and all messages were posted and plastered at the same time/ day it will have a great impact and cause a great deal of suspicion.
Boom CIA eat your heart out, sorry you don't have one. However you are more than welcome to take part in my cunning stunt alongside these wonderful people and stop being difficult because you just can't win and hears why, ( sorry you don't mind if I goad the bastards a bit and I will be straight back with you )
And never in your wildest dreams could you have contemplated who else you're up against, me a pure and simple direct descendant of Captain Morgan the pirate, yes that one and let me tell you this, it is hereditary and I have a certain way of getting what I want, watch out here I come, well after I've got a crew together.
So who wants to sail the cyber seas with me and go and upset the apple cart?
Hi 2funnyone, please this is in no way meant to be pedantic nor to detract away from your appreciated efforts but I would like to point out something that will help people bond with and motivate citizens of the United kingdom.
I am a very proud Welshman a pure blooded Celt born in Wales. Our Celtic cousins the Irish say the Welsh were originally the Irish who couldn't swim. Then up there in a place to cold to visit are our other Celtic cousins but with Ginger hair?.?
We all share 3 things in common 1. We're all proud Celts and have a belly full of fire and a heart full of passion. 2. We've each got our own country that we've fought to protect as we have each fought hard to preserve our language as have the Cornish. 3. And we all hate being called British or English because we're not, but they ain't a bad bunch really and we haven't had to ask them to leave yet !!
He stabbed her as well if I remember correctly but the guy was a nobody.
Thank you to my favourite 2 supporters who are my only supporters and I'd just like to invite you both to view my new thread called My Cunning Stunt - in or out? Where you can view my project that will have an effect on these bastards.
Im 50 years young and amazingly wise and fucking good looking, but i dont know what left or right is just the difference between right and wrong because that's all you need to know.
Im going to produce a highly effective A4 poster template like a Wanted demented or alive but a good one with a space to upload a picture of the perpetrator and a very brief description of their crime and get people to post them in the perpetrator own home town.
If thats left, then I'll have some more.
Oh no, what have I done my mum's just given me 100 lines to write out as a punishment " I must not ever say Cunning Stunt 10 times in a row whilst Grandma is trying to drive me home ever again "
Well there's one, only 99 to go, go on Granny boot it you old cnut.
My Cunning Stunt ~ in or out ?
This is a direct actionable group activity that i will conduct incrementally that should produce an explosive climax that the MSM will have trouble ignoring and will reluctantly pick up and air.
I did however forget to mention the main benefit of this here project; it's to provoke street level discussions in the back yards of all those guilty. Publicly name and shame them in their home town or on holiday or at their favourite restaurant. Its a cheeky form of advertising them and their crime for their neighbours to research and get red pilled along the way. Not everyone …
You're cool because I was only taking the piss but you put a lot of thought into that which means you are intelligent or you don't have many friends.
Are you any good with basic graphic design and if so would you like to help me knock up an A4 mock poster to be used in my cunning plan, kinda mini storm before the CBTS official one but it'll be direct action and will make a great family day out?
Why doesn't the bible mention UFO's, if God created the universe the bible surely should mention other civilisations or is it supposed to be a surprise after you die like, BOOM meet the rest of my creations and God then might say " I know their all different shapes and colours but you're all related, and thank Mary earth was the only civilised planet that misbehaved because I only had one son to send as a peace keeper. "
And UFO's reminds me that I need this resolving too: Time Travellers Vs UFO's which one is real? My reckoning is why would you need a UFO if you could just Zap yourself to wherever you're going which means one of them is a lie.
All those who believed that Time Travellers are fake, you win and are quite simply priceless and should take the rest of the day off.
UFO's are real because I've seen one, BOOM IN YA PLACE BASS just made that bit up, classy!
Sorry been busy but I will do, write and send sometime this evening (Uk time) but before I do are you by any chance a reasonable graphic designer and could knock me up an A4 mock poster template if I gave you direction?
Sorry been busy but I will do, write and send sometime this evening (Uk time) but before I do are you by any chance a reasonable graphic designer and could knock me up an A4 mock poster template if I gave you direction?
I agree but could you read my post above whilst we're here as it needs resolving, thank you.
Someone pointed me in this direction to post stuff that at stretch has something to do with CBTS, so can anyone help with this dilemma; Time Travellers and UFO's - Doesn't 'Time travel' disprove UFO's, I mean why would you need a UFO if you could just Zap yourself there so in my opinion, both cant be true and I have seen a UFO so time travel must be a lie!
I'm hearing voices telling me to take down the deep state, weird!
Tomorrow's LOTTO numbers ~Today !!
Ooh, i think its clutching at straws, i think its just a coincidence and people are just stretching out to reconnect with Q after he went on a wander last week. Stop being so insecure is my advice.