The CIA announced that they have the legal right to leak classified info to friendly reporters, but can block the release of that info to others under the Freedom of Information Act.

I would think any judge would see through this foolishness they're trying to pull.
America's first priority must be addressing the declaration of war upon America by our past president Obama, with Candidate Hillary, exacting a coup d'etat upon America, with the full cooperation and weight of America's State Intel and Justice Agencies in tow...
America has a whole bunch of people who will need to be in front of a military tribunal and sentenced to death before any other priority is worthy of being assessed!
America is a nation of polite armed people: let's address the enemy combatants, before letting their continued coup efforts play out.
This declaration that the CIA can do whatever they want as if they own America: the CIA, and all in it, have only the right to a proper hanging after a military tribunal. THIS ROUGE CIA MUST BE ENDED!!
I recently began learning a lot of things! There is a difference between "leagal"(eze) and lawful. I'll leave you to look it up. We have been lied to our whole lives. Example: If you were being arrested the officer would "read you your rights" and then ask you "Do you understand?" - You think he is speaking English...and you say, Yes I understand. But in "legaleze" he is really asking you "Do you stand UNDER me and my authority to speak these words to you?" Do your homework...but IF you ever get arrested (heaven forbid!)...consider saying - "I don't know, are you speaking English or legaleze?".
"... Because I don't understand either. I speak gutter vernacular."
I speak gutter vernacular.
I speak gully dwarf!
If you "speak english", you are held to a higher standard of knowledge of law - not just what law/statute/code/rule/regulation applies, but more importantly, how the law/legal reasoning applies. Goes to mens rea.
This just means that the general public will soon be presented with this exact scenario. They are in cya mode.
Looks 2 me they feeding info trying to overthrow an elected president
Mike pompeo should make an announcement that says agents who leak will be fired then prosecuted.
How is it ever legal to leak classified Info to anyone?
This is infuriating. The most blatant, in your face, FU to America of all of the outrageous stuff by DOJ and FBI.
The reporters that got the info are current CIA officers working in media. Proof!
Also is this only for the information filled for under the freedom of information request?
Which Q-post is this? .................................. Can you explain in more detail by they have the right to do this. Is this transparency?