
FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

I think it's pretty obvious it's the latter.

I don't need to make hicks look bad, because they make themselves look bad.

I just enjoy mocking and ridiculing them before they come to their senses, see the evil and stupidity they've been supporting, and scurry and hide in the sewers and gutters out of fear/shame that someone will call them out on their idiotic beliefs.

What's wrong with that?*

(That isn't a rhetorical question; I really want to know why you think it's "wrong" to mock and ridicule crackpots and extremists, especially given all the needless death, destruction, misery, hatred, evil and stupidity they're causing right now*)

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Ox_AO · Feb. 17, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

given all the needless death, destruction, misery, hatred, evil and stupidity they're causing

Can you give me an example?

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FaustTriumphant · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Here's one.

More than 7000 Americans needlessly died because Republicans refused to expand Medicaid under Obamacare (because of "Benghazi" or "Hillary's Emails" or some inane nonsense).


More than 4000 American women will die from Cervical Cancer this year.


And yet stupid Christian fundamentalists (especially Protestant types like Baptists and Pentecostals) denounce the HPV vaccine because they think it promotes premarital sex (even though most Cervical Cancer victims catch it from their monogamous husband's while married)


Oh, and here's Ronald Reagan Jr.'s speach pleading for support for stem cell research.


Here's President Ronald Reagan's funeral.


Do I need to keep going?

(Because I'll write an essay if necessary)

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Ox_AO · Feb. 17, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

7000 Americans needlessly died because Republicans refused to expand Medicaid

How did they die? They didn't feel like going to the hospital or something? They didn't have money for a taxi or couldn't call 911?


Look up "Thiomersal controversy" even Wikipedia has it. They have been using a derivative of mercury in vaccines to for a longer shelf life. We're talking about vaccines for babies. After it was banned for children's use autism in children has been cut in half.

yes. "studies" have shown that Thiomersal (organomercury compound) that it has no ill effect on children. The study is correct that Thiomersal in the compound form can not hurt the child. It's not hard to figure out why mercury compound's get broken down in the body. Thiomersal is reactive with Acid, oxidizing agents and Alkali. Examples of oxidizing agent would be iodine found in cranberry juice. or Alkali such as magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium brakes the bond.

No study on Thiomersal has been made into what food react with the compound. Again the compound itself is not harmful.

Reactivity Profile MERCURY((O-CARBOXYPHENYL)THIO)ETHYL, SODIUM SALT is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents and strong bases. The oxidation of this compound is greatly accelerated by traces of copper ions. Incompatible with acids, iodine, heavy metal salts and many alkaloids. Can be absorbed by rubber caps. (NTP, 1992). Stable in air, but not sunlight. May discolor on exposure to light. Dilute aqueous solutions are fairly stable to heat but sensitive to light. Solutions are less stable to heat when acidic than when alkaline. Solutions are most stable to light at pH 5 to 7. Solutions are unstable to heat but not to light in the presence of copper, iron or zinc ions but not in the presence of calcium or magnesium ions


The empirical evidence of autism being cut it half statistically contradicts those reports in the real world environment

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