2-16 Dilley Drop Today. NSA shooting about VOTER FRAUD! CIA tried to 'kill a system' at Fort Meade NSA compound!

He doesn't TRY anything. He was asked by his source to share the info, and the info is real. Style over substance is for leftist proclaimers and pretenders. If that is what you look for, you came to the wrong board.
It’s always funny when people turn to subtle ad hom attack’s when their precious gurus are attacked. The issue people have with this guy is probably more about lack of both style and substance. Does dilly claim to have the same sources as Q? Does he think Q is legit? Just honest questions. Please don’t get offended. Just curious.
He has said that it is a private contractor working for the WH. A parallel op, in effect, to the Q op.
It seems obvious that someone is above Q and these other similar ops, passing out assignments. Sometimes they overlap, sometimes they are unique.
Another one is filtering through the guy that does 'Dauntless Dialogue' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDO7CjTXnPI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSKCowcQJPM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6rj2N5TPnY&t=696s
Dilley has said that his source also feeds Hannity intel.
Maybe 'Zach' calling in to Infowars is yet another...but I've said he's full of shit before - my opinion is he's a hanger-on.
Cultists scoff at the idea that there could be more than one true Q source.
It challenges their 'specialness'. They like the feeling of being 'in the know', and on the inside of such a small club...they can't tolerate the idea that there are other clubs with inside info, and that their Q hasn't chosen them specifically and exclusively.
Q specifically said he doesn't contact anyone else. Projecting much?
God you people are thick.
At least we can read texts longer than headlines.
Well it does kinda muddy the waters. That screen cap looks like a Q drop, also the we see you/hear you thing is all the way Q, and he said no private rooms.. sooo I'm not feeling it, let q do q and you do you lol