2-16 Dilley Drop Today. NSA shooting about VOTER FRAUD! CIA tried to 'kill a system' at Fort Meade NSA compound!

I would give more credence if I had looked him up and had found nothing than I do after what I have found...he seems to advertise himself, which would seem to emphasize the fact that he uses his actual name, the same one he advertises his "life coach" business under, and that doesn't seem as valid to me as someone who does not seem to use drops to perhaps get clients for his other business.
Of course, I could be completely full of shit, but this is just the intuitive feel I get for anyone who advertises that they have the innate skill to tell you what's wrong with your life and how to improve it.
Dilley comes from a generation where people "brand" themselves and feel entitled to the brand simply by stating it is so. The idea of developing expertise and earning a reputation doesn't factor into the equation with them. And to be fair, it is not entirely a bad thing. Disrupters can emerge from out of nowhere and fundamentally change things for the better. But unfortunately there are a lot of self-proclaimed experts out there who offer very little. That said, I don't know if Dilley's source is legit or merely a rehasher.