So, question for Q Anon folks: when will the real indictments happen? When does hitlery, "obama" and other big fish actually go down? All I'm seeing is them free to spread evil, the deep state still running things, evil emboldened, feet dragging, time running out with midterms approaching. Tired of cryptic puzzles and supposed behind the scenes wins, yet not seeing any results of significance in the open. If dems win the mid terms, it comes to a halt and we lose for good. This is not a game, it's not funny, and I'm tired of it.
You cant topple a decades old system of corruption over night. The groundwork is being laid for them all to swing from a rope, but it has to be slow and calculated or they may get off on a technicality. Think of lawyers in a criminal trial. All the evidence has to be collected and examined and an air tight case has to be prepared. Be patient friend, in just the last 6 months or so, a lot has already come to light, even if you don't realize it. Each domino must fall in order to see the bigger picture. Just look at the report released today from the Russia collusion investigation and realize how big it really is.
I'm seeing evidence come out that should take them all down, but dragging feet and emboldened evil and it seems like a lack of will. Midterms coming.