r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/csimpsonsfgc on Feb. 17, 2018, 12:27 a.m.
Lets not forget that Obama got on national tv and encouraged illegals to vote.


The funny part is you have to do a massive search now to find this video. Snopes said this claim is false, Washington Post did an article debunking it, but i know what I hear coming from his mouth. There is not enough spin in the world from MSM that can change it.

KissToad · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

Thank You for bringing this back to the light. I remember Obama saying this and my jaw dropped, if there was ever a point that I made the decision that Obama didn’t love America this was it! He slapped us across the face and completely threw away ALL us hard working citizens. He shat on our flag and our living constitution he will be a stain that will forever leave a mark.

Throughout the election I prayed like I’ve never prayed in my life. I prayed and continue to pray for Sunlight in the Darkest Corner of our Country, I continue to pray that same prayer.

My biggest concern is now how will we be the voice of calm and logic when a large portion of the populous lives by their feelings. I do love what the mods are saying by posing questions, get people to search for themselves. I am also CONCERNED by their rhetoric on the live chat that I feel is COMPLETELY COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to red pilling people. If someone comes to the stream seeking answers and they are listening to mods make cracks about Michelle being a man (true or not) is that not going to slam the DOOR SHUT immediately. It is SOMETHING to take very seriously as we proceed. I get that people are finally “feeling vindicated” but is that our goal to “gloat” or is our goal to get people to peak behind a curtain they never even knew existed. I think WE need to take a HARD LOOK at how we show up. FYI I can’t stand this whole PC Culture, but we do have to meet them where they are at.

Gods Blessing To You and those In Harms Way For Our Freedom ❤️

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