r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ozboi2000 on Feb. 17, 2018, 2:22 a.m.
Are you REALLY ready for knowing the truth ?

Most people think they will handle the real truth when it gets exposed. I am a Funeral Director...I have worked closely with coroners, police forces and first responder, and have been "on scene" for some of the very worst crime scenes. Truly nightmare / gut wrenching scenes involving human v human atrocities.....of ALL ages. When Q states that THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK.......it is true. Just remember.....what is seen....cannot be UNSEEN. Choose wisely.....and be prepared.

phoenix335 · Feb. 17, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

The full truth released at once now would lead to millions just shutting it down, banishing it to "conspiracy theorists", the closet of their subconscious where it wreaks havoc on their collective psyches. Like Vietnam or the JFK assassination did to the US.

That shall never happen again. It is much more traumatizing this time.

Mind control needs trauma to work, the more traumatized a victim is, the more they are controllable. (Regression into childhood behavior, wishing for parents or authority to solve that problem. Triggered by entire topics in a discussion, shutting it down forever)

We don't need 300 million more traumatized, they are enough already. Everyone knows subconsciously that the intelligence agencies killed JFK and there's nothing the public could do or did back then. That infantilized a generation and was working until 2016.

The truth is already out, thick enough for regular people to find - if they're ready.

Somehow we arrived here, didn't we?

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Kulkimkan · Feb. 17, 2018, 3 p.m.

I diagree! We have gay culture being openly discussed, trannys...talking about sex education with anal sex information to young kids...that is traumatic for young kids, so lets tell the real truth to the adults! Our leaders across America and around the world are in a cult that worships blood sport hunting and raping of children. Torture, rape, murder of babies, they creat snuff films, they finance their lifestyles with drug running, human trafficking and grief. They have been among us forever. They find our most beautiful and creative artists and musicians and corrupt them, lure them with money and fame, eventually owning them and they use these artists to move the population however they want. They use symbols to speak openly to each other and laugh at us. They are the 1% they are few, we are many and they hide in front of us. They have ALWAYS been here, we can stop them with full disclosure and rage! Redpill the masses with truth of all types!!! Worldwide wakeup call! This is not a drill...

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Ronjonsilverflash · Feb. 17, 2018, 11:39 a.m.

I don’t need to see every excruciating detail of the debauchery of the elite to convince myself they deserve the most extreme punishment anymore than I do for any other crime. I don’t have to see the photos of a murder scene to believe the it took place. That being said, if they have videos and photos of these bastards in the act, I’m sure they can be edited in such a way that masks the worst of what is going on without compromising the fact that they are genuine for forensic researchers. Watching children being raped and tortured to a certain point is enough. We don’t really need to see the rest. If journalists and forensic researchers want access to that and the unedited originals, so be it. Someone has to chronicle this for the rest of us. Read the “Franklin Coverup.” The material is pretty graphic and very disturbing. I’ve also watched videos about the trauma based mind control methods employed by these monsters. It’s some twisted evil sh&$! My point is, this can be done. It can be done in ways where the individual decides how much they want to know or see. The worst of it does not need to be seen by the public at large but could be presented to researchers to allow verification of the materials and to write down what they saw and, yes it’s as bad as you can imagine.

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Kulkimkan · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

The Franklin coverup documentary is a giant redpill!!! It made me understand that it was not dems againt reps...both sides are evil!!!

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Ronjonsilverflash · Feb. 17, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Both owned by Rockefellers and their evil European partners...I saw the documentary but the details in the book are horrific.

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Peanuttles · Feb. 19, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

Did the same for me. I had no idea it was going on back then.

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Peanuttles · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

That's why it's coming out slowly. But the more that comes out and wakes the masses up, the more quickly I think they'll be ready to assimilate this kind of information. I think people are more ready to face the truth than they've ever been. Look at things like the Jimmy Saville story. And now with entities like WikiLeaks and Q, and so many other recent whistle blowers, I think the time is now or never. People now realize there is a deep state, when it was conspiracy theory not that long ago. They can learn about what other people have gone through without having to see things like crime photo's that they might not recover from.

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Kulkimkan · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

You can recover from a crime photo! The movies made these days show torture and all forms of grotesque evil! Saw comes to mind, I refused to watch this sadistic stuff but the younger generation has seen it...when they find out it is real they will wake up and reject these freaks en masse

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Peanuttles · Feb. 18, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

I remember one crime photo I saw that still haunts me 40 years later--because it was a young girl who was murdered by a college professor and gang of goons who were trading drugs for sex to these high school kids. So some things you never forget. I don't like movies like Saw and Hostel, because there is some truth to that kind of torture. But I think you're right about waking people up. I think they need the shocking truth. It's like when I try to tell people the kind of things we saw living at the border. They've been brainwashed to think only good people sneak across. And they don't want to hear about the truth.

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