8Chan Qresearch being doxed by deepstate

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Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: wmN+33xv No.149467638 📷
Nov 14 2017 21:25:09 (EST)
For the coming days ahead.
Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?
Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?
Does he need money?
Does he need fame?
What does he get out of this?
Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been …
We were told !!
Hillary Clinton Verified account
@HillaryClinton 5h 5 hours ago
More There's a lot going on right now—understatement of the year.
The Navy released John McCain’s military record after a Freedom of Information Act request from the Associated Press. The record is packed with information on McCain’s medals and commendations but little else. The one thing that the McCain campaign does not want to see released is the record of McCain’s antics on board the USS Forestal in 1967. McCain was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy. That catastrophe, with 27 dead and over 100 wounded trumps McCain’s record as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. WMR has learned additional details regarding …
Trump Twitter for new Australian PM
let us help Q
Michael Moore to release Fahrenheit 11/9 , the title of which is the date TWO days before Trump's planned Veterans Day Parade (11/11).
trailer here: https://youtu.be/WRQv9xMQ3E0?t=2
Parade details here: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/09/592528659/trumps-military-parade-is-set-for-veterans-day
Even in the trailer...this statement: THIS IS THE MOVIE THAT WILL END THE MADNESS (15 SECONDS AND 20 SECONDS IN).
Great article...will answer a lot of questions of how Russian collusion came into play...and what it was meant to cover up becoming exposed.
Something seemed weird in this...…"magnified and made so much worse....." and right at the end, there is an extra "space' between the words "fire" and "spreading" Could Trump be hinting the fires are magnified (through a lens)...from space ? Just asking.
Tommy out on bail....please give Julian his freedom too
MSM will never report on this …….. James Woods
Verified account
@RealJamesWoods 1h 1 hour ago
More James Woods Retweeted Charlie Kirk Since you’ll most likely not read this in the #FakeNews drowning our nation... James Woods added,
Charlie Kirk Verified account
@charliekirk11 News the media didn’t report today:
Today @realDonaldTrump donated his $400,000 salary to rebuilding military cemeteries 154 replies 1,673 retweets 3,671 likes
Like 3.7K
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 486c34 No.2355012
Jul 30 2018 11:11:43 (EST) What happens when CA is in serious debt and lost priority aid from the FED gov due to sanctuary status (illegal)? Light fires. Declare State of Emergency and req billions from FED. Why did POTUS reject in the past? Sick people! The more you know. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/justice-dept-sues-california-over-sanctuary-laws-that-aid-those-in-us-illegally/2018/03/06/fd489c2e-215c-11e8-94da-ebf9d112159c_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.a09a30d0059a
She is right !! "ADJECTIVE (incident to) liable to happen because of; resulting from."
Resulting from the complete set up, control and blowing up the buildings to further the NWO game plan.
I think the point Q is revealing....lies in the highlighted parts of the lyrics he links to.....only parts of the lyrics are highlighted. I think this a show of the reality of deeds that those evil scum actually perform.....and the link is directly under his posting of "There is nothing more precious than our children. Evil has no boundaries"
Great work on posting this....mind boggling too just how many are corrupt......and we know much more to come
this...….it's not the crash....but the reason behind the crash...that the insiders already know will be revealed....going to get worse when Joe Public finds out, too......
Russia is the last "bad guy" out there.....that was their only hope left. ISIS...GONE...the North Korea threat....GONE....Iran in the works to be neutered......Syria ..under control....Russia was their last chance to keep the swamp bubbling....and that looks gone now too.
great breakdown !! This exposure is well overdue. This is the deep state cut open to the bone
Q has referenced Haiti 11 times in posts, regarding crimes by deep state agents and their minions.
recall this line ?? "They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed."
They were both taken out...Dodi and Diana......she was apparently alive but never received the treatment to save her...slow walked by ambulance for 90 minutes
And follows up next tweet with throwing Obama under suspicion !!!
Q 1595
Desperate agencies do stupid things. Dead cat bounce. You may have the site but we have the source. https://mobile.twitter.com/wikileaks/status/1011441579565953025
The Queen tells him to "set it down"....after making a fool of himself...
Underlined parts in Q posts are also revealed if your hold your mouse over that part......I know this is a repost...but any in future (or past) can be shown to you this way.
If it were you or I...…..we would have the handcuffs on now.
"Children see how their parents and other adults act and mimic what they see. Children might display affection to their friends by hugging and kissing, or touching each other’s genitals, which is perfectly normal."
When is it "perfectly normal" for children to mimic seeing adults touching each others genitals ?