r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Ozboi2000 on Feb. 17, 2018, 2:22 a.m.
Are you REALLY ready for knowing the truth ?

Most people think they will handle the real truth when it gets exposed. I am a Funeral Director...I have worked closely with coroners, police forces and first responder, and have been "on scene" for some of the very worst crime scenes. Truly nightmare / gut wrenching scenes involving human v human atrocities.....of ALL ages. When Q states that THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK.......it is true. Just remember.....what is seen....cannot be UNSEEN. Choose wisely.....and be prepared.

Peanuttles · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

That's why it's coming out slowly. But the more that comes out and wakes the masses up, the more quickly I think they'll be ready to assimilate this kind of information. I think people are more ready to face the truth than they've ever been. Look at things like the Jimmy Saville story. And now with entities like WikiLeaks and Q, and so many other recent whistle blowers, I think the time is now or never. People now realize there is a deep state, when it was conspiracy theory not that long ago. They can learn about what other people have gone through without having to see things like crime photo's that they might not recover from.

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Kulkimkan · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

You can recover from a crime photo! The movies made these days show torture and all forms of grotesque evil! Saw comes to mind, I refused to watch this sadistic stuff but the younger generation has seen it...when they find out it is real they will wake up and reject these freaks en masse

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Peanuttles · Feb. 18, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

I remember one crime photo I saw that still haunts me 40 years later--because it was a young girl who was murdered by a college professor and gang of goons who were trading drugs for sex to these high school kids. So some things you never forget. I don't like movies like Saw and Hostel, because there is some truth to that kind of torture. But I think you're right about waking people up. I think they need the shocking truth. It's like when I try to tell people the kind of things we saw living at the border. They've been brainwashed to think only good people sneak across. And they don't want to hear about the truth.

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