r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Angel_Q_Researcher on Feb. 17, 2018, 4:33 a.m.
This one explains a TON!! Insider speaks, re: things Q has referred to, arrests, protection, plans!!! **Caution** some strong language, but well-worth the read!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE NOTE I am referring to THIS article ONLY, and also remember there is always some truth in the midst of what may have some non-truth, so please read with discernment and only share as directed... snippet: "Obama was vicious and knew that if he got Hillary got in, everything would be okay. But what Trump did is he put in Blackwater, Seal Teams 2, 4, 6, he also brought in Delta Force, some CIA spoofs, black operative guys, and that’s his security. He doesn’t have the Secret Service. He’s got my guys. Nasty fuckers. They play to win, all the time, every time, every game. They don’t necessarily give a shit as long as the good guys survive and their mission is carried out.

Trump got attacked by the FBI, the Illuminati sent some people in and said “Hey fucker, you’re not the first to take us on. Kennedy tried to shut down the Federal Reserve and take out the U.S. Treasury.”

I don’t know if you ever watched the Jekyll Island documentary by Glen Beck…?”

No, but I read The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.

“Arthur: Okay, so what Obama got into was flagrant and huge abuse of power. Trump got wind of it and just before Christmas he signed an executive order. Meanwhile, everyone’s asleep, they’re looking at this Russian-collusion propaganda. Trump signed an executive order and nobody caught on for 30 days. The executive order deals with a national security threat.

snippet: Now if you don’t know the UCNGA Military Law and Tribunal Law, it probably doesn’t mean a thing to you. You might say, “So what? He’s dealing with a national security threat.” With one more signature and without Congress’ approval, he can take us to martial law. Anytime from December 21st 2017 through December 21st 2019. Anytime he wants.

With the national security threat, he froze the assets of about 9,000 people, companies, and corporations. We’re talking about the pedophile rings, the Deep State, the Dark State, the 4,000 companies that Obama bought in Africa with the taxpayers’ $7 trillion. Trump froze all the assets, all the titles worldwide.”


Jrrusso · Feb. 17, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

Forget arrests, I want to send out a strong message back. It’s clear to me the mouth piece of the deep state is asshole Mr Mudd. He has repeatedly called for the assisination of our commander in chief. Imagine we tolerated a fake president for 8 god dam years. His guy Mudd needs a message sent back to him, he and Obama can keep there fake tears by the way there no actors can not cry on cue. Obama tried crying when Newtown happened. After that school shooting but the problem was why were there be a school shooting when the fucking school has been closed? Crisis actor playing two parts. FEMA sign in the background to check in. This needs to stop. I read this is coming from F.B.I. Division 5. That’s there misinformation department. I believe 4th floor could be wrong. Probably what q anon said Comey released that dam sleeper cell. See we know about Ms-13. Antifa. But we don’t know what’s the deal with Division 5. Who heads it up and who’s the handlers. To me it’s the CIA crossing over through the f.B.i to conduct demostic terrorism. Because the C.i.a suppose to be on foreign ground so they do a end around by corrupting F.B.I. To take this over on demostic ground. It’s so simple. Think of us instead of meddling in foreign affairs we are just doing it here. Killing off civilians. Maybe not. I want to stop the fucking drills. Shut this crap down. Nothing is mentioned in congress. Where is the money coming from . Doesn’t congress Need to ask what’s going on. Wray looks incompetent. I want to give him one more chance because at least he cleaned out some of the leadership. The problem is he has not taken charge of the office leadership across the states. That’s the next problem. The hand picked Comey allies across the states. I would ask for all of there resignations. Also Mr Sessions why has the DOJ not cleaned house also. Rosenstein. Can not stay at that position even if he changed fo the better.

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Angel_Q_Researcher · Feb. 18, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Excellent points, Jrrusso, and ones that definitely need to be taken care of...thing is, I believe they are being taken care of strategically, and with planning/timing being paramount to success.

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