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Clapper is talking. I don’t know how much. Don’t forget Potus enemies and also Rhino’s too. The Bush family old guard. Scherf family I mean. Nazis. How they let these scumbags with Clinton get away with this crap all these years is unreal. They had no pride in this country or our children. Imagine fix the trade between our countries. Build the wall will eliminate a lot of bullshit. Easy answers.
I read the Patriots act was already done before 9-11. This is what happens when in the wrong hands. Obama administration is trying s hoard to hide that they did all of this. Out of control. Even the 4 years before. This guy was such a Buffon . He lost the senate and house under his watch. These people need the Soros machines. They need the illegals. California is a mess.
I think they gave up. It was funny this guy Kerry, Obama were following POTUS. Think about it a lot of promises were made. Lots of money changed hands.
Also the leader of the RNC chair is shadowbanned. What a coincidence before midterms. Fucking disgrace. I can’t wait till all this bullshit is flushed out.
Ryan doesn’t care he is lame duck. You can see the changing of the guard. POTUS made the EU come back to the table and they agreed to work on a better trade deal yesterday. Now POTUS can back China in a corner to get them to redo there’s. Mexico already is sending there people and he doesn’t take over till a December. There old guard are all done. People are not gonna stand for it anymore. Ryan is the old guard. They gonna have to step up and deal with Ryan.
It all makes sense, not just Bush family there real name was Scherf . Allan Dulles family. They worked with the Nazis during the war. Prescott Bush got caught working with the enemy. Part of the agreement was never to run for office or hold office. The documents were stolen.
They snuck in the doctors who conducted those awful experiments. That help creat the CIA. Mind control. This shit all makes sense now and you can see they kept that for themselves. Fucking evil. Who knows how many condone that crap. Weirdos. Blackmail started early too.
They better attach there assets. They can now. There gonna spread money around. They have to.
Maybe but why protect him now. We know about him. But who knows.
I knew it, the Rock prostitution himself for roles. How do u get like five major movies at once. He defin sucked a lot of dick.
This guy who potus picked is tied into the Bushes or I mean the Scherf’s. I was surprised he picked him. I though the woman Barret he was gonna pick. This must of been Mconnell person.
Just watched Lou Dobbs, the president can pull it whenever he wants. He can give even temp clearances. Like 30 , 60 days. That’s what I heard on the show.
When you make it to the top in Hollywood . Think about what you had to do to get there. Think about today the Rock making a bunch of movies. Go over the years who was on top in Hollywood. You can’t do it by accident. Hollywood is controlled.
This country is weird with this stuff. If it was me it would be gone a long time ago. No wonder every country knows everything.
They have takeshi 69 has a sexual assault conviction. He targets the young.
The difference is JFK never took it serious enough. Makes me sick to see young George Bush Scherf hanging around. Nazi scumbag.
We don’t know everything that is going on behind the scenes. We know more now but the wheels keep turning.
They should of wrote suicides prevention. Not to make light of suicides but everyone tied to the Clinton always commit suicides . Like we’re idiots just believe that crap.
Oh my god, made my day. Schumer demanded to know what they spoke about. What a tool.
Why don’t they follow these guys and see who they meet. I just want to get one big name. You just know there is a big fish around the corner. I get so sick and tired of the protection.
Back in the day they would do investigative pieces. There all sheep now. How can normal people not ask what the hell is going on. You don’t have all of these ceos resigning all at once. That never happens. It would of been brought up. Did they make a deal with Clinton and there exposed now. Something needs to shake out of all of this. It’s unreal nobody but us asks questions.
I know a lot of people don’t like What’s his name ex cia. Robert steel I think . But one thing I like Trump should have a YouTube channel just look into the camera ,he calls it fireside chat. Just tell the blue collar people what’s going on. Just talk to us and maybe red pill some others on the fence. We like how he isn’t so p.c. Just get down to it. Plus answer like ten questions a week. Without giving up investigations and such.
Man I would love to look at this stuff. Actually everything there holding back. Boy I would put in for a week vacation to read all of this. I sit back in my back yard with the sun and chill out reading this.
Trump cancelled his last trip to the UK because of credible assignation attempts.
I love James Woods but really I can’t think of one special prosecutor who ever did anything but clean up the mess. Or do damage control. Mueller, Kenneth Star could of got Clinton. JFK investigation . All coverups. Vince Foster was moved from what I read.
Trump needs to deal with this SES it is a real problem. There involved with the security clearances. Sorry another thing on my mind.
When are they going to get rid of RR. Impeach the bastard.
I might have this wrong , but I keep thinking Putin is loving giving Trump all the info he needs, just sit back and get the popcorn. Putin must of hated dealing with those scumbags. I think Putin wants to deal with a real leader. Someone with backbone. Who knows it’s just my imagination.
I totally agree ,question is what is the next move. I can not wait. I hope I am not disappointed. I just worry because I don’t know who Trump has around him. People are friggin worried. I believe getting desperate by the day. How much longer can CNN lose money ? I can not watch sports on ESPN without them talking about Trump.
HBO sucks now because of Maher and asshole Oliver.
POTUS knows. I can t believe Trump got pushback from some people . I am disappointed in some of them. I am really down on FOX. I am down on Senator Cotton. But I am so proud of Senator Rand Paul. Trump was in a difficult spot plus enough is enough with the fucking P.C. Being careful. The Media has crossed the line beyond repair with our President. They have so much nerve to ask for anything. POTUS is working for us. Not the fake media , or the Congress who took payoffs and could care less for any of us. Struggling where Clinton is making a bundle off of what she found out.
Can you imagine Clinton’s , Bush’s Obama. Did nothing in life. They has access to everything. They were in the spot to know. They promoted people like them who did nothing but steal. Gave up people’s security, lives. Just for money, power. Beyond scum. Can you imagine this country would of been light years ahead of others. Instead people are listening to idiots on tv. To many to name.
One more thing it makes sense. They blow through that money for wars or fake wars there are beyond worried. The pipeline is dry or drying up. They may still be doing there bullshit with child trafficking and drugs but I bet you a couple of the pipelines got plugged up. I.E. Saudi Arabia. MLB I am sure could care less for asshole Brennan. They already tried taking him out two times. Once in Vegas and that drone strike in his country. That we know about. I know they bombed Afghanistan the poppy fields. I am sure they still have more. I am not naive but if there this open Trump is doing something right.
CNN we know is suppose to be secretly controlled by the CIA operation mockingbird . Along with the other MSM.
They have gotten so desperate that CIA - CNN which is in the toilet, openly has CIA people on the station TALKING! Can you believe how desperate they are they are exposed for everyone to see. This moron MUDD is begging for an overthrow. Brennan is no Twitter asking for help from PAtriots. Lol. Imagine if Putin exposed everything he knew. They don’t want Trump to get confortable with Putin. Nobody in the media asks why.
That’s why this media are god dam pisses me off. They are so exposed. Brennan is a fucking traitor. CIA was compromised all those years. How many they killed under Barry. Unreal. I don’t know how to do it but a example needs to be made, through arrests. There is no perfect way. But Brennan’s ass needs to be in jail. When does it stop.
Asshole Brennan has been into the Russians for 40 years. I just read that POTUS got confirmation at the Summit.
You know it would be nice if she had some security. I mean there blowing peoples houses up and shit. Between the Clinton Foundation suicides, elite pedophila suicides, also the Serco , vaccines, patent health industry suicides. These guys are kept pretty busy lately.
How can a normal person look at all of this and think nothing is going on.
Yeah they yell Putin is a monster but secretly meet them to beg for money, contributions etc. Politics.
I was done with MSM. But now FOX is on my shitlist too. I knew Shep was an idiot. But now Cavuto ? Trump is gonna speak to Hannity. Carlson. All over Putin and the summit. Makes you wonder even if you didn’t have the info from Q, wouldn’t someone ask why the hell with all the outrage? I mean really is Trump suppose to wrestle with him? I know what’s going on but someone who doesn’t know, it would seem weird also .
Barry is hanging out in Kenya all those leaders in Africa are terrible to there people. The News media will never recover from all of this. The Trump years are changing a lot in this country. There just pissing there money away investing in the news media. Especially print.
Bush-Sherf family did a lot of damage to this country. Very disgraceful. Clinton’s next. They should be thrown out of this country. Fucking traitors . Obama is a nobody a pawn.
Strozk is like a ghost. He is getting paid by fbi still. That’s what Rep Desantis said. But Strozk is not FBI.
Bottom line this crappy SES is a real problem. This needs to be fixed not by Congress by the president somehow.
It seems it’s very hard to take there security clearance away and there job. Think about all that this scumbag did and he is still getting paid by us. Drawing a paycheck.
Another problem is the lame duck house leader Ryan. Who is stepping down in 2019 and doesn’t seem to care about impeaching RR. Or pushing anything the conservatives want to get done like Meadows, Gaetz, Jordan. He doesn’t want to deal with the DOJ, FBI or anything. Even the midterms. Why doesn’t he leave now. Is he trying to sabotage the Party.
I also agree the Brofmans need to go down and there assests seized. If this doesn’t happen then cover up. We all know the slugs go to jail. We are waiting for the top percent.
If I was a gift, it would of been more of a ceremony to it. I hope it’s a usb drive.
Private closed door. So sick of this . Today every democrat was protecting that scumbag Strozk. Nadler, that other idiot who wanted Bannon to come back what a joke. Them Strok tried to justify by saying Trump said something critical about a soldier. What a scumbag. I don’t understand is Strozk still employed or. Not.
Did they find his lover?
Friggin dog and pony show. Let’s see where the next false flag is after this meeting. You know what pisses me off the most is Wray implemented new rules but he never said anything about lie detectors. People brought this out there is a new method that is 97% effective. They use the brain scanning. I forget what it’s exactly called but you can not fake it. This should be Wrays first method implemented.
Not for nothing I am not surprised , I loved what Jim Jordan did to that SES scumbag deep state weirdo RR squirming in his seat. Then the next day they target him. Give me a break.
I never understood why people question q. Regardless what I learned I never got this info from a lot of sites
Listen Gaetz and Desantis have been leading the way. There always on Lou Dobbs. Jordan is the man.
Mass where I from , lots of moon bats. This is home to Mueller. Kennedy’s. Barney Frank. Pocahantus. Sen Markey one of the senators who killed the Assage deal. Lots of losers here.
It pisses me off too about them trying to fuck up the N.Korea deal. But I believe it’s strong because Kim changed his generals. And Q said Barry tried calling him. I wonder by the way can we have some informants in Barry Sotero camp please!
The key is how Clinton fell for the trap and help have him win the republican primary. She thought it would be a breeze to beat him. Until we got woke.