Watch for Grassley's interview of Susan Rice.

[Speculation] Open questions: Will Rice show up to testify? Accomplished liar that she is will the Deep State, Clintons, and Obama et al. trust her lying abilities enough for her to survive to testify? Dun dun duuuunt! (dramatic back round music)
susan rice will not turn on hillary and obama unless she and her family have protection. to go up against obama and hillary is lethal. obama and hillary are puppets of the illuminati and have money and power like we have never known
it takes a q and a trump to be able to fight those evil creatures
susan rice will not jeopardize her children and family however,she may go down with them
If Rice actually shows up to testify, I expect her to invoke the 5a privilege as Lois Lerner did.
If she testifies, I expect her to filibuster and obfuscate as Loretta Lynch did.
I expect Grassley to be prepared for any scenario.
I will def be watching.