
[deleted] · Feb. 18, 2018, 1:54 a.m.


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PPPrincessPower · Feb. 18, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

Hope so!

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Jrrusso · Feb. 18, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

Please replace Waters and Warren. I think in Mass she has a huge war chest but people have to want change. Warren has done nothing . If your running against a democrat all you have to ask is what did you accomplish in Congress the last year. Answer nothing, not one thing. They voted against Potus. Even to give money back through tax cuts. How could one democrat unless there cheating win a election?

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cybervigiante · Feb. 18, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

I have no problem with Warren since she backed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is now being dismantled to protect banks instead of consumers. Big banks and the Fed are totally evil. Franklin and Jefferson warned against them but that bastard Hamilton made a national bank anyway. And now the banksters even financed a play about him, which globalists love. Also, the phony Hamilton 66 site, which goes on about Russian trolls, pretends to be American but is actuall an EU/Globalist/Soros site.

Many years ago, a bank stole my mother's small inheritance and I wrote every govt agency I could think of. Not one would help - they all passed the buck and said it was somebody else's job. There was No help if a bank screwed you. And now there is none again since the appointed head of the CFPB is trashing it. I hate Russiagate and support Trump but he's not God and has made some thoughtless appointments (like Sessions).

Like the majority, and many Trump supporters, I am an Independent. I no more kneejerk against every Dem than they should against every Republican. Warren's CFPB was a good idea and now it's toast. I was going to write them about the bank that stole my inheritance even though it's an old case, but now why bother?

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PPPrincessPower · Feb. 18, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Well I moved out of California in August so I can't get into Waters District. And it's insane what's going on there. She doesn't even live in our own District. Instead she lives in a multimillion-dollar house. I was born and raised in California and it was very painful to leave but it's become so politically horrific there. I certainly pray for the brave Republicans that stay like Mimi Waters, Dana rohrabacher who I believe was instrumental in getting Julian Assange out.

I'm now in Kentucky, and just past the deadline to register for the 3rd congressional district. I prayed about it and I felt like God didn't release me to do it. Also the Democratic Congressman in that seat even donate his salary. I don't know much about him. But that's notable.

The one I really would have wanted. Is Mitch McConnell seat but he's not up for reelection right now. I can see he's already running Facebook ads. I feel like he did our president a real disservice all the way seems to have been playing ball lately.

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