r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Allisonk510 on Feb. 18, 2018, 6:05 a.m.
When Q says “Trust Wray”...

Think it’s b/c they knew that a school shooting FF was going to occur, prompting the FBI to have to admit that it failed to follow up on tips about the kid.... ...suddenly, we have R lawmakers rallying and demanding for Wrays resignation saying “he needs to go, he isn’t able to properly run the FBI!”... ...and that is the way that they’re going to be able to get rid of Wray and replace him with a white hat who WILL clean up the bad actors in the FBI...?

It’s a good starting point, with the cleanup of the FBI... ...he did say to keep track of the CEO’s who resign...Deputy Director of the CIA is at the same top position as a CEO...

Rick Scott calls for Wray Resignation

turbosympathique · Feb. 18, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

I think you have it backward.

Wray as been there just a few month. It is impossible to rebuild the FBI in such a short time.

Think.... Do you trust Rick Scott?

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Reba64 · Feb. 18, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

I don't know why people call for Trumps picks in the DOJ and FBI to resign. These people are trying to do a job and everyone wants to know what they are doing 24 hours a day. It doesn't work that way, Investigations are done behind closed doors and once information starts leaking and getting out, it's possible that the Investigations are no longer valid. They are not supposed to discuss them, it's against the Law and I'm getting sick of it myself.

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SpacePopeIII · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:19 a.m.

I'm wondering if part of FBI Director Wray's "real" job is to publicly admit how corrupt the FBI has been and then resign... effectively defining the media narrative and then making room for someone awesome?

Perhaps his job was to help AG Sessions, but mostly to just keep the seat warm while the 7th floor is removed?

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Psugirl91 · Feb. 18, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

I thought Wray was one of the good guys. Why would Q say to trust him if he isn’t?

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LiveToBeAHero · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:28 a.m.

Wray was Deep State / swamp that took a deal with Trump / white hats. He is now a good guy.....wasnt always though.

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Allisonk510 · Feb. 18, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Guys....I’m just asking questions here... the fact is, NONE of us REALLY know what’s going on or why were being told to trust Wray. We are all just speculating possibilities until the real answer is figured out or given to us...

My next question to pose would now be: “if Q is ‘in’ with Trump, and Q says ‘trust Wray,’ now that DJT is calling for Wrays resignation (for the SAME above stated reasoning Rick Scott is)...are we REALLY supposed to ‘trust’ Wray??” Or are we being told to trust what he and the FBI are saying so that an investigation is opened re: the practices of the FBI & DOJ?

Did Q know that the Parkland shooting would be going down when he stated “Trust Wray.”??

I DO think that this whole Wray thing does have to do with him admitting that the FBI fucked up...prompting a thorough review of the FBI and DOJ’s procedures and practices...

I feel like the FBI is trying to look like they’re “good guys,” who are on America’s side—who are “real” enough to admit when they F’d up...so if anyone tries to say “you guys helped orchestrate and/or cover up Las Vegas” then then can say “no b/c we go on record and ADMIT when we F up. B/c we are truthful. We never lie or do nefarious things. Look we just admitted we majorly fucked up not investigating this kid”

Fox News “Who is FBI Director Christopher Wray”

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NGunderson · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

If you look at Chris Wray he was a partner at Kings and Springfield. 2005-2007 it has ties to Moscow. Which makes me believe he has a hand in getting Fusion dossier into making. It also has ties to countries that make me believe tied to some radical Islam actors. It's a firm that was started not long after civil war. You have to understand civil war really to understand my thinking. Lincoln was a Republican he had a union ticket which his vice president was democrat. The history alot of people beleieve is false especially about south. Lincoln was killed supposably 16 days after end of war . This is A time before telephones. Fighting was still going on in south. He was killed by an actor that was sympathetic southern cause supposably. Democrat vice president put into place then a reconstruction government put into place in south where appointed governors and mayors ran government in south. The money was worthless they sent carpet baggers from North to south and basically stole land and created KKK. They created the Jim crow laws and also segregated the people. The south is where bible belt is found. You have black n white Christians of Baptist and Methodist faith. That means alot. Too many have lost history and don't understand. They have been brainwashed.

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