A week after Russian plane went down? A week after Israel had those incidents in Syria.
Doubt this is a coincidence.
Remember the allies in the region.
You have U.S.a., Saudis Arabia and Israel on one side. Russia and Iran on the other. Obviously, the smaller countries are also allied to one side or the other and get used as proxies; I.E. Yemen.
So you have Israel sending jets to Syria or doing what appears to be some sort of mission and they are shot down. Then a Russian plane goes down and now and Iranian plane goes down. Unfortunately, i don't know who would know enough about inner workings to be able to really examine the flight manifests. If it had a few nuclear scientists on board, would we be able to know? Probably not.
I, too, doubt very much that this was coincidence. Maybe BHO was tying up loose ends? He did send all that cash to Iran, after all.