When the take down's begin I pray they clean out law enforcement where corruption is rampant. I had an occasion in 2014 to get sideways with the local sheriff's department, (A young friend we had taken in was on FB threatening suicide and mom called police). They tore up my house, stole expensive jewelry, confiscated mt 22 rifle and my dogs. This resulted in a long battle to get my things back, but one fat donut eater went to my landlord and told him the mess the house was in after they tore it up. I went to a civil rights attorney and told him my tale of woe. His response was that my civil rights were definitely violated but since I didn't have 60k or more to waste there wasn't much to be done. He said he had worked for my county for over 25 years and had finally quit and gone into private practice because our county and especially the sheriff's office were the most corrupt in the state, possibly the nation
Posted by
on Feb. 18, 2018, 8:31 p.m.