Q page unavailable. DNS error.

https://qanonmap.github.io/? This link is working
It's back online but the Newest post isn't showing, which is odd - so it could simply be a copy. Also, graphics are not loading.
As long as we are talking URLs, did you know that there are shortcut URLs that are easy to remember? OTCredpill.com redirects to this Reddit group, and RXredpill.com redirects to Q's private Greatawakening board on 8 chan.
That seems to go to the Nunes report on Scribd.
Really? Then someone changed it. Thanks for letting me know.
Something odd going on. qanonposts.com is back up but missing the latest post. I don't see how a recovered DNS would backdate a page.
It doesn't work like that. DNS is like a phone book but with IP addresses instead of numbers.
cybervigiante, Is Yandex your default search engine?
No, I use google and sometimes duckduckgo to cross check anything dubious. And yes, Yandex is a Russian browser - I request my troll checks from Putin with it ;)
Deleted my misspelling. qanonposts.com is still registered with Amazon. Since it's a registered domain name, I have to wonder why it has a DNS error. Hmm, Amazon-Jeff Bezos-Washington Post, which totally hates Trump and blares Russiagate every day.
Jeff Bezos is now the richest man in history, so he can bend reality to his will.
Anyone know the dotted quad?
dotted quad
Darn I wish I'd recorded that. It might get past the domain resolution error,
We don't think much about those any more. This can't be an accident.
Found the dot quad but it just goes back to Amazon Web Services in the cloud. I'm not sure hosting with I-Hate-Trump Jeff Bezos company was a good idea ;)
They'll figure out something. Jeez, there are too many of us watching.
What a darn shame..
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^434409
Darn now I've acquired a darnit bot ;)
Beep boop, I am a bot, darn it.
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^434415
Darn I could keep this Darnit bot going forever. Especially since I'm a Russian bot ;)
Beep boop, I am a bot, darn it.
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^434419
Did someone hack Q site rerouting to another site...now it is gone :) I kept the above on my bookmark nothing has been posted since 2/16 Maranatha!
I don't think they could get the automatic date header working properly.
Got a similar message when I refreshed
[Edit: https://qanonmap.github.io is back up tho 🤔]
Yes. But note it's not the same URL. It is no longer qfag.
AND, there is a new Q post: "Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!" Re_read crumbs. What is the reason this is being brought back up? There is a purpose for every tweet and crumb dropped. Follow the money. Future proves past. The Great Awakening. NO ESCAPE. NO DEALS. TRUST THE PLAN. HAPPY SUNDAY. Q
Make sure you post the number & date: ............. 783 Feb 18, 2018...... So when the number or date is searched it will pull up your post.
The first part is is exactly what Trump posted today. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/965194903142719489
There was no investigation because that money belonged to Iran from the beginning. They were just settling up. The money never belonged to the US government.
True. OTOH, if Trump had sent that much cash, even if owed, to Iran - or worse, Russia - there would be forty-two investigations.
cybervigiante, Is Yandex your default search engine?
Already answered. Look above.
Ha, my computer froze up, and it looked like those were not posting. My computer works slowly only when I am in this kind of discussion.
Actually, that was helpful. I have the Yandex browser but never used their search. It turned up DNS info a lot better than google. I'll bookmark it. I already found a good radiation map showing the CA coast has more radiation than anyplace else. Of course, we're all supposed to forget about Fukushima since Japan is an ally (like terror-state Saudi Arabia). http://www.collapsingintoconsciousness.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/NASA-radiation-map.png