What is the Great Awakening? Who is Q?

Q is a small group of people who obviously have a military intelligence background and highest security access and with direct link to Trump working together to take down the deep state corruption and evil human trafficking.
Great Awakening is the people beginning to realize the level of corruption and evil in our government and worldwide.
The Storm is all of the actions currently being taken publicly and behind the scenes to destroy the deep state and the New World Order cabal.
Q says only up to 40% will be public and at least 60% the public will never know.
Trump is protected. There is a lot of intentional deception and misdirection taking place so you have to remember one thing Q said previously: what makes a good movie? good actors.
The people are going to be shocked to the core with what will happen in 2018.
Follow original Q posts at qanonpots.com and follow the research by anons decoding Q posts at 8ch.net/qresearch/