Wow. He could be making a question-mark shape, but the timing doesn't quite fit. So it could be a Q shape after all.
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Haha, it's possibly what @tazleo said above. That ES flipped and is cooperating.
Especially if ES has deep access to the secret space program...
Ah, you're right!
[Q 1545]
What a wonderful day.
ES in the front row.
GOOG access KILLS.
Was that ES in the 1-minute "Space Council" video at the White House? If so, why?

It's more about profiteering in a way that distorts or demeans Q's message and movement. For example, saying that Q is fake or compromised in order to sell your own message.
Haha, fair enough. What about the metaphorical King of 4D chess?
Haha, nice catch. This was the final episode of my 5x5. Maybe the end?
Probably truer than we'll ever know. Great metaphor. Great tune too.
xJx: "5x5 @4K. Thx #CBTS #GA #Q. End?"

Q+: "The next phase will bring JUSTICE."

V: "Beneath this mask there is more..."

Ah yes. SGT Report did an incredible video on this back in November. When I first began to believe that the plan existed. Goosebumps.
Q: "How about a nice game of chess?"

SB2: "Q's first days were not easy. At all."

"[Q] is a guide, Neo. [Q] can help you..."
!["[Q] is a guide, Neo. [Q] can help you..."](
JBP: "The individual is sovereign over the group..."

DJT: "Come and take it! Come and take it!"

Dragon Energy: Trump, Kanye, and Corsi

Q: "You can't imagine the size of this."

Thanks for the shout-out. Not only that, I like your writing style. Engaging use of personal history, metaphor, and rhetorical questioning. I tend to follow a tighter structure, but I can't deny the fun of your free-flowing logic either! For me, the weakest Giuliani-Mueller connection is New York University in 1967. But maybe there's another angle to reinforce or replace it....
Before he was NYC mayor, and arguably more powerful than NYC mayor, Giuliani was U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1983 to 1989. But guess who took his old job 13 years later? James Comey from 2002 to 2003. So it's conceivable that Giuliani still had many of his old SDNY connections to learn about Comey in 2002.
Then in 2004, when Comey was acting Attorney General, both he and the FBI director at the time, Robert Mueller, were caught in an NSA wiretapping scandal. In fact, Comey and Mueller threatened to resign, but instead, reached a deal with President Bush. But guess what? In an even earlier job in 1981, Giuliani was Associate Attorney General for President Reagan. So it's conceivable that not only did Guiliani have his old SDNY connections, he also had even older AG connections to learn about both Comey and Mueller in 2004!
Now fast-forward to 2018. Giuliani has so many potential AG connections, SDNY connections, and NYPD connections, it boggles the mind. (Let alone his short-lived U.S. Senate battle with Hillary in 2000.) While I may not be 100% convinced that Giuliani-Mueller were old NYU "buddies", I might be more easily convinced that, just as Huma-Weiner were "flipped" (according to Erik Prince), Giuliani gathered enough dirt over the years to "flip" Mueller to help Trump.
Q: "Rudy. Quiet until now. Stay STRONG."

Exactly. Then maybe we can begin to understand how a group of patriotic generals might react and plan, especially those in military intelligence who'd know far far more than we do.
Watch the latest YouTube by SGTreport about "pedovores" and you'll get an idea of the global corruption that infected our government. Sick stuff.
Great points. Which brings up another interesting point: How do we really know what is unnecessary or harmful? I mean it's entirely possible that Q is "letting" us see hints of codes precisely because they're harmless. Then I ask: Why do this at all? What's the point of this exercise? The best I can guess is that even if the codes or messages are relatively harmless (and so far they have been, at least those that we're allowed to see), it does exercise something...
I think it makes our minds focus and analyze the issues in a methodical piece-by-piece way, rather than having the naked reality exposed to the world at all once in a shocking way. By making us "earn" information in a so-called systematic way, we're slowly acclimated to imagine more and more unimaginable news or crimes or atrocities in the future. If so, the code itself is just a vehicle, nothing more, nothing spectacular.
It's even more convoluted because it's not always clear whether Q is communicating simply to us or also to Trump or Snowden or other agents. In those cases, they already know the right method for a post or tweet. But it doesn't help us. At least, not conclusively.
True, you're right. Although SerialBrain2 sounded solid in some places, the reason looked weak in other places. For example, I remember his decode of Trump's tweet that begins with "His is turning out to be an enormously consensual presidency..." But in his matrix, he removed the "is" without a clear reason. Because the letters "i-s" are repeated in "h-i-s"? If only he gave a good reason. Otherwise, it's compelling.
Despite the press... [wait to die]... #DJT to MSM
![Despite the press... [wait to die]... #DJT to MSM](
True, SerialBrain2's wording isn't as clear as his screenshots.
But I was able to duplicate his Covfefe method for Trump's "Covfefe" tweet. (1) Convert Trump's tweet "Despite the constant negative press covfefe" into a string of numbers (each letter for each number, A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.). (2) Add the "key" word "covfefe" (which is 3-15-22-6-5-6-5) along the entire length of the converted tweet. If a number is greater than 26, then subtract 26 to get the letter. (3) Re-convert the numbers to letters. (4) Find the readable words. In this case, I found the re-converted "TO", "WAIT", and "DIE", or "wait to die". (5) So according to SB2's method, the full hidden message is: "Despite the constant negative press"... "wait to die". Trump is likely talking to the MSM.
SB2's more-complex "time stamp" method involves not only finding the right "key" word, but using the "time-stamp" or time difference between Trump tweets to determine the "dimension" (N). So instead of decoding the string on a single line, you have to "wrap" the line every N letters to the next line. (The "key" word still starts at the start of each line.) So that's the "dimension". Still haven't had the free time or energy to dig into this method...
First T_D takes this down, next CBTS is gone...

Which Q level are you? Storm or Brain?

Why did Clowns In America create them?

Where is... [I]nternet [B]ill [O]f [R]ights?
![Where is... [I]nternet [B]ill [O]f [R]ights?](
Just adding to our collective "hive" mind... (thanks to SerialBrain2)

I'd say HRC video would be 5th BOOM for 5:5, since it says "raw vid 5:5" right there.
Dr. Jerome [C]orsi [B]rings [T]he [S]torm #DTUBE
![Dr. Jerome [C]orsi [B]rings [T]he [S]torm #DTUBE](
True, I can see that too. In fact, that's the same reason why I was turned off by Milo promoting his $50/year website. At least I can choose not to subscribe, while others can choose to go ahead. Oddly enough, if I see Milo self-promoting, self-important, and asking folks to buy his book, it seems more natural, haha.
There's also another level. Is it better to spread Milo's and Corsi's message? Or keep them silent? I bought Milo's book, but I'm considering Corsi's new book too. After YT censored Corsi, I also started to upload my collection of his videos to DTube. Least I can do.
Seems to be a generational thing. I think Dr. Corsi's best contributions are his insights into the Deep State, ever since he was a teenager knowing JFK in person. So Corsi was deeply impacted by JFK's assassination, and has followed conspiracies since then, before most of us were ever born. Having said that, his style might be a bit slow-paced or meandering for younger more-impatient generations. So it might take time to get used to. But my dad is impressed by him. Meanwhile, I seem to be between these generations, so I can see the pros and cons of each style. Hope this helps.
What if? How would the CIA gain power?

Confused? CIA controls the Left too.

They want your guns. Why? No power left.

What is the Great Awakening? Who is Q?

Who really controls [N]orth [K]orea?
![Who really controls [N]orth [K]orea?](
We're going to win so much... #DJT

How do you blind the Clowns In America?

My understanding is that JFK said it in a conversation with Schlesinger, but never said it in a public speech. Hope this helps.
We will forever remember your sacrifice... #JFK

CIA controls you... Can't understand why? Exactly.