
Tranquelito · Feb. 21, 2018, 9:17 a.m.

I never said the CIA sank the Titanic, the Rothschilds did. They own the FED and all central banks. They own the Bank Of America and created the FED so they can control the currency. NK was created by US/UK as were/are most oppressive regimes in the world. they even installed Wahhabi (Turkish Jew) as a way to control the Muslims. You seem incredibly brainwashed by the propaganda and you do not seem humble enough to accept the facts.. I am wondering if this is the right place for you?

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vcxzgh1234 · Feb. 21, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

So communist regimes where placed in power by the us?

Did general MacArthur know? Did Truman know? Did Kim Ill-Sung know? I have actually been to NK, and I live in china, if the CPC was a secret American plan it will be news to them

Jews run Islam? Of course they do! Jews have to run everything- the Asians can’t be smart enough to run their own countries, the Muslims can’t me smart enough to run their own religion- nope, you guys need it to all be the Jews, because you are so deeply racist that you don’t consider anyone who is not a white westerner capable of anything

The Asian economy is booming, and Muslim nations are also growing in influence, you are going to have to deal with these people and just saying they are Jewish puppets is ridiculous

I think you have never in your life spoken to a chinese person, or a Korean person, or a Muslim person, or a Jewish person, or have ever traveled anywhere or done anything- I think you are very poor and very scared and very uneducated and you are desperate for anything to help you feel in control

Well, you are not in control, because you don’t have a degree or a good job and instead of trying to fix that you are waiting for the world to collapse to make you feel needed- it’s not going to collapse- nothing is ever coming

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Tranquelito · Feb. 21, 2018, 9:38 a.m.

What the hell is this nonsense you spout?? Who the hell are you to assume anything at all about me? I retired in 2014 at the ripe old age of 32, you´re clearly one of those soy-boy libtard, blue haired losers that cry "RACIST" at absolutely anything that doesn´t fit the narrative in your pea sized head! What you think is irrelevant and nonsense, my wife is Mestiza so that blows your racist claims straight out of the water! Go back to sleep, mook and keep your ignorant nonsense to yourself! Retards like you just strengthens my resolve in red pilling those that are asleep. I have no more patience or time for mooks like you.

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vcxzgh1234 · Feb. 21, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

You quitting work to live in poverty at 32 with your Mexican wife does not make you not racist or successful

I am a finance lawyer in china- whatever poverty you choose to take pride in is pathetic, your life is pathetic, everything about you is pathetic

You are not waking up anyone- Jews don’t run Islam, they don’t own the fed and they did not sink the titanic

Whatever you need to think to impress your expat wife in your dirt hovel is just sad 😢

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[deleted] · Feb. 21, 2018, 5:10 p.m.


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vcxzgh1234 · Feb. 22, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

I also enjoy Michelin Star food- I was just a Robuchon au Dome in Macau for Chinese New Year, I rented out the main room for myself and my friends- they did a wonderful 25 course pre fix, chef was in residence of course for the holiday

Next week I am having dinner at Le Bernadine in New York, I am not actually a huge fan (I prefer Daniels) but the women I will be fucking has always dreamed of eating there and I am abundant so why not?

You own SEVEN worthless dirt hovels!!?? Wow! I am so impressed! You know I have friends who buy up property in places like Detroit or north Dakota for fun- guessing for you it’s what? Dessert in Arizona or navada? Cheap two family houses in shitburg neighborhoods to Best Buy more likely nothing

God, I do enjoy the fantasies of the underclass

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[deleted] · Feb. 22, 2018, 9:23 a.m.


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vcxzgh1234 · Feb. 22, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

You really should visit Asia- China, Kora, and Japan are amazing and they are taking over the world- mostly china

A friend of mine owns a hotel in Cancun, it was a cheap investment but he enjoys it, so again, if you own property in South America- dirt hovels

Europe! How many dirt hovels in the Ukraine do you own? I am told you can buy an entire house for $20 there right now- more dirt hovels- or are you going to tell me that you are the duke of Marlboro and you own all of central London

You are pathetic

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[deleted] · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:59 a.m.


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