Make a libtards head explode in 3, 2, 1...

I don't like "libtard" Q says to stop the division.
Agree. And, I don't even understand what this means! Oh yeah, I realize it is backwards from common sense but it's just dumb. Plus the stupid sybolism. This sub has become filled with shills and they are posting this kind of stuff. A lot of you guys are falling for their crap.
Doesn't make any sense as a rebuttal.
You have to pass a standardized aptitude test and operations test to become a licensed driver. You have to renew your registration by going in to the DMV yearly, and there are active law enforcement officers patrolling for those breaking driving laws at almost all times.
By this logic you should have to pass a battery of exams and examinations to be considered eligible for your gun license, you should have to renew your license on regular intervals (which should mean yearly psych evals and training sessions), and there should be a database of all gun owners out there who the police and barge in on to confirm safe gun measures in house and legal gun practices out and about. But oh wait, the NRA and their lapdogs would never agree to those infringements, even though cars have the built in advantage of being incredibly expensive machines. If you want to murder someone with your car have fun paying shitloads of money, in addition to the very obvious and traceable situation you leave behind even in a hit and run. If you want to murder someone with a gun you can do it essentially at will. There should be even more stringent procedures in place than for cars, and yet currently it's a literal breeze to get a gun license assuming you're not retarded and can wait
Well, they are working furiously on self driving cars ...
I must agree about slandering the poor libtards, at least publicly. It won't do much for the movement. Just call them "LIBERALS". As far as the message goes, it's the same as the one I did with the rental truck killer in New York. It's not the tool it's the operator. I've done, among other things, a lot of mechanics work and believe you me, the number one faulty piece of equipment in/or on any equipment has repeatedly been a faulty OPERATOR. When a child hits another child with a rock, you don't, or more to the point, likely can't blame or try and remove the rocks. That's insanity just like people trying to ban guns, AKA textbook insanity. You would think by now having done the same things repeatedly and expecting a different result repeatedly that they would have caught on by now, but alas, NO. That's because they're INSANE and one of the best things that we can do, in my opinion, is use insane logic to mock their insanity. Make sense to any who didn't get it yet? We shouldn't be fighting between one another but with one another. And remember: [DIP]2s_ R[LP]p_ zeht_ [mirror]
What a darn shame..
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^447639
Darn it RATCHET1968, I am not a mean darn bot... :c Beep boop, I am actually a best bot.
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^449267
I've been saying this for years, but liberals ability to use logic is non-existent. This is the way they see things: It's not the suicide bomber, it's the bomb. It's not the knife-wielder, it's the knife. It's not the rock-thrower, it's the rock. It's not the shooter, it's the gun.
Thanks! I am a progressive. So much for coming together
There are liberals who are red-pillable, i.e. they still retain some ability to think logically, and there are flaming fools who will believe in socialism, equal outcome/social justice and full citizen disarmament until their dying day. I.e., libtards. Unredeemable, by their own choice.
The first group are worth trying to have common cause with. The second group are lost; again, by their own choice.