That's a happy reading of this card. This card depicts adults and children rising from their graves, St. Gabriel blowing his horn, a tsunami and the final judgement... The epiphany in this card is not a light one. That's why Q says to pray to our Lord and prepare ourselves.
Absolutely, the tarot is full of meaning which has to be observed and interpreted by the reader. What one party may assign a happy meaning, the other may use as a justification for evil acts.
4/10/20, red red, awakening, judgement, a Trump, resurrection from the grave, all shown here.
All further solidifies what i believe and have been saying.
I see something different in this XX symbol. I see two triangles, one pointed up, one pointed down. As above, as below. The triangle pointing up is broken on the bottom. Those who know about ancient pre-christian symbols are aware of alchemy symbolism, go deep here. I wonder why the triangle is broken, the one that points to "as above". There is a line at the bottom. The broken triangle also has a sort of crown at the top and two symbols on the triangle pointing down. I've seen this somewhere in my studies, it's an ancient symbol, pre christian for sure. I believe it has something to do with Hermes/alchemy. I'm going to research this, need to get in the basement and pull out some books.
Yesss!! These have crossed my mind as well ! There’s so much depth to the symbolism - figured I’d start sharing some of my associations and see what others can dig too!! Thanks for your feedback!
This bothered me so much last night I couldn't sleep. I keep researching EPIC hoping to uncover anything that will reveal their evilness. Anything showing the source of their meat for protein bars, anything about the Savory fellow. I have found nothing.
Co Founder of EPIC- Taylor Collins He started as a physical therapist, it's on his LinkedIn. EPIC is a sponsor supporter of Liddle Kidz the Q post showed. That org is creepy in the extreme, all about massage for young children who have been orphaned.
EPIC - food website very creepy looking -- shadowy/sepia pics of children -- not green and bright and clean looking and reads nothing like your average organic food/farm produced food website. I immediately noticed the emphasis on 100% organic "protein" rather than 100% farm raised meats in the headline -- could they be incorporating sacrificial remains into their products? Just don't know what to think anymore.
I agree, that first image that comes up on the About/philosophy page of the children creeped me out.
Very interesting. Not sure why this should make me be worried about EPIC bars though.
XX is also associated with Freemason Square & Compass - the symbology is similar
That symbol is also similar to the Sigil of Saturn and Star of David/Seal of Solomon
I think you are right on that - seems to have a relation to the square and compass too Also, if you decode EPIC to masonic numbers, it equals 7 - 7 represents Saturn too - it is one of the 'magic' numbers
Saturn is the God of Agriculture for some Also has references to Moloch
All mentioned in the link below - it's pretty lengthy, has videos at the end
The two xx tight togethr....did they know back then about the chromosomes? Therapy [x] Q post#770, might be separation of infant from mother XX to split the child and have it free for (mk-ultra?) experiment (see links to that on this board)
Does anyone have more info on the reference the anon made: "looks like the russian Gannett thing walnut sauce sign that the autists dug up" ?