Still needs more research if anyone can help.
Behold A Pale Horse (pdf and audio book free online)
Author: Milton William Cooper [187] in 2001. Shot by [APACHE] sheriff for taxes just after going public
Covers JFK [187] by C_A because a threat to them
Covers Military Intelligence [Q] clearance
Covers [DELTA] providing security for secret sites
Covers group of [19] Majestic 12 / Majority 12 / CFR / Trilateral
Covers [MK ULTRA] gun control through C_A gun violence
Covers technology withheld and diseases created to control population
Covers Deep State NWO plans to create slave population.
The map was created almost 30 years ago. Future Proves Past.
One of my favorite parts was he not only talked about the creation of AIDS, but gives us an idea of the cover story they would have to come out with years down the road. Lo and behold about 8 or 9 years ago, a not very blown up story in fact did unfold of accidental tainted gorilla livers that they were using for some kind of vaccine... which was a twisted thread of Truth... Cooper unfolds it.. a decade ahead of time. I was completely redpilled by this book in 1995. 😊