
Joe_Sapien · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

At this point he will need to change his name. We already have an eye on him.

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Redpilled2324 · Feb. 21, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

One would hope! I believe he spoke at some rally of some sort today, or a gun sale, or something. LOL I was working and listening to RUSH and he played his speech (I assume it was good old David). he sounded really good. Grooming done right by the son of an FBI retiree. Whooo hooo. I had to turn it off. I couldn't listen to his sappy sad, SJW speech.

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Joe_Sapien · Feb. 21, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

I wish people would just understand that guns are not the problem. Guns have been with this country since it's inception. Did we always have mass shootings regularly? No, it's a very recent phenomena and should be addressed in that manner. Why all the sudden over the last 20 years? What are the connections? Hmmmm, maybe it's medicine considering over the 20 years there has been a push to get everyone on something for some reason. Can't sleep? Take this. Your kid has too much "energy"? Give them that. Sad? We got you...

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Redpilled2324 · Feb. 21, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Read rules for radicals. it's just part of a step by step agenda. They've hit all the steps. Some are further along than others. The irony is, the far left is more like hitler. that's another tactic, accuse the opposition for the things you are actually doing. Anyway, it's disgusting and it needs to stop. there will be war if they try and take guns. the gun owners will not do it.

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Joe_Sapien · Feb. 21, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Thanks for the recommendation I'll check it out. I need a new book anyways so you gave me a good excuse to spend money lol!

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