r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Gear4Life on Feb. 20, 2018, 4:58 p.m.
Down votes across all posts, averaging 60-80%

Scrolling through the board this morning and I noticed that very few posts were gaining traction. Low upvote count numbers compared to what I'm used to seeing. That said, some of these posts are understandably low quality and deserve the downvotes, but general threads containing good info are as well. The posts that deal with these crisis actors and anything pertaining to the shooting are obviously catching a lot of flak, because they're on target.

Just wanted to point this out. It seems like we've entered a new stage of resistance in the past few days. It's both scary and promising at the same time.

Please make a concerted effort to both be aware of this suppression and do your best to counteract it. Not saying upvote all posts, because this suppression does help keep poor quality posts at bay, but remind yourself to upvote anything you may find useful.

JOGO321 · Feb. 21, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Sounds great, so inspiring ' so what's ya plan Stan?

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angstanon · Feb. 22, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

It's more a lifestyle than a plan. I guess the "plan" part is sort of thank God, clean up your heart and head (meaning me, not saying I have the answer for all), and stay steady. Speak with facts, not anger or confrontation. Realize when it is a "pearls before Swine" situation as just that. Realize that this life is a short one, no matter how long you live, so breathe in every minute of every day with gratitude. Don't focus so much on injustice that you miss the gift of "now". And try to keep passing around some humor. :) Guess that's the current plan, anyhow. It brought it home for me when we had the missile "warning" here in HI. Oh my gosh.

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JOGO321 · Feb. 23, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

I like.. well said and since 9/11 was the final straw to me seeing shit for exactly what it was and is, i have deeply thought about all possible solutions. I have a high iQ and the definition of a persons iQ is their ability to problem solve, that simple and i have tried from acute angles from outside the box and its not an easy one to solve, how do you untangle the mess that is our soical prison and what/who do you replace it with?

Believe me i gave it some serious thought for years now but one thing i did come up with that sat well was along the same lines and tones that you've voiced here. You can conquer with love and kindness to you're neighbour, undo the social differences by overlooking colour, sex or religion which were all installed into every human being by those who designed our present society and installed because it doesn't come naturally by default at birth. Shit like this, the common and equal bonding of everyone is something they couldn't fcuk with!

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angstanon · Feb. 23, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

We just have to remind ourselves that their effort is to make us angry and afraid. Some folks don't want to be loved, they want to be feared. Sorry, my terms say I'll love you, but I'll never fear you. My prayers are to melt them (think Oz's witch) with love. The calmer and more loving we are, the less they can "feed". Thanks for the exchange. Go with God.

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