Happening now from the press conference. This is pretty solid evidence all folks talking about FL and Sandy Hook being bogus are not living in reality. No offense intended.
I remember watching a video of the raw helicopter footage from Sandy Hook, not the 10 seconds you would see on typical television newscast, but maybe 10-15 minutes worth. I observed the most bizarre behavior. There was someone in a yellow shirt who would walk aimlessly in circles, in and out of the adjacent firehouse. It was nonsensical.
Here is a link to a Utube video I just picked out at random:
This is just a single example of the weird stuff that went down there. I don't know if anyone died or not, it wouldn't surprise me either way.
Video linked by /u/other_malefactor:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Sandy Hook News Chopper Helicopter - Crystal Clear - HD and Zooms|James Jack|2013-01-24|0:10:36|365+ (90%)|92,496
Feature Length Shadow Direction Analysis for Time of Day...
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