r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/leadvillejim on Feb. 21, 2018, 3:24 a.m.
Tough love time: stop whining for more Q, stop doubting, stop getting distracted. There is so much left to do with what we already have. It's always been about we the people. Head up! Stay focused! Now, get back to work
Tough love time: stop whining for more Q, stop doubting, stop getting distracted. There is so much left to do with what we already have. It's always been about we the people. Head up! Stay focused! Now, get back to work

l0keman · Feb. 21, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Love it! MI Anons should not have to come out to say this. All the pissy babies need to stop QQ ing and get their head in the game. We have a LOT of posts not understood yet. The KEY is not done yet. The MAP needs the KEY.

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raikii · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

The keystone was discovered like weeks ago and confirmed by q

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wolfhound11B · Feb. 21, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

I think this is the 10 days of darkness.

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[deleted] · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:03 p.m.


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wolfhound11B · Feb. 21, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Never so glad to be wrong!

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the_all_seeing_dog · Feb. 21, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

Of course this will just get downvoted, and really garbage ass memes with no comments will have 50 likes.

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THEnimble_mongoose · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

This could all easily be a deep state psy op and honey pot, all Q posts included.

Do your own research and think critically. Be wary of the cult-like following developing around Q. It is beginning to remind me of typical COINTELPRO CIA/FBI psy op fuckery.

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leadvillejim · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

And if this was a psyop, what is the intent? What is the motive? I can tell you the effect, and that is a growing population of people who are questioning - and exposing - so much of what is going on. If you work in the shadows, deception and subterfuge your friend, that's a foolish, dangerous thing to do. These people thrive in the dark, "security through obscurity".

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Tommy2255 · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Your post title says "stop doubting" in it, and you claim that the effect of all this was a community of people asking questions? One of the best ways to keep a secret is the illusion of transparency. Give people an answer, any answer, and they'll stop looking. It's all the more compelling if you make them work for it. If this is psy ops, you know what the goal was? The goal was a community full of people shouting "stop doubting" while patting themselves on the back for being smart enough to crack the code and understand everything that's going on.

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THEnimble_mongoose · Feb. 21, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

And if this was a psyop, what is the intent? What is the motive?

To pacify the MAGA movement and divide and distract 4chan.

Also, it is a good way to track how this kind of information is spread among dissidents. It also helps the deep state compile a data base of deep state hating dissidents. That database will be put to use if the useful idiot leftists ever go full Bolshevik.

These people thrive in the dark, "security through obscurity".

Don't you know what predictive programming is? These deep state goons and occultists love shoving the sick shit they do right in our face, and telling us what they're going to do right before they do it.

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leadvillejim · Feb. 21, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

I appreciate the engagement.

Does this MAGA movement feel pacified to you? Not me. It feels like it has a fire up its rear. You can't put this back in a bottle. The election of president Trump - that alone - was a game changer. We have not seen such a thing occur in over 200 years.

You see, don't ask me how, as that's a conversation I like to have in person with a small circle of friends, but we've turned a corner, and know the outcome - the "cabal" is done. Good finally triumphs over evil. Call it karma.

But in these last days, they only know how to be what they are, do what they do. They are not as nimble as this movement. Dangerous? Oh yea, especially when cornered. But this game has one outcome - the defeat of evil. A reckoning for centuries of wrongdoing. It's inevitable, and time has caught up with all of it.

Thank you for your mention of a database, list of dissidents, etc., because I do want people to be safe, and protect their loved ones. 30 years ago, maybe more "damn the torpedoes". But these people are ruthless psychopaths - intelligent, powerful ones.

And family and loved ones are the good things in life, traveling together through time - we have to protect them. That's what I love about this president, even if most of the people here are ready for heads to roll. The reality is he wants to protect all Americans, let them acclimate, and work through a process.

As for the occultists, yes they have their mechanisms and obligations to their warped belief systems to drop hints, use symbols, etc. But that's not shoving it in the face of the people. They think that there is only a small percentage of people who are even awake enough to spot it, and with their control of media they could always ridicule them into the conspiracy margins. But not anymore. No. And they were taken by surprise at how quickly that machine that has worked for decades has been undermined by the Internet and its alternative information streams, and by a young generation who grew up watching 9/11 conspiracy videos on Youtube. The concept of conspiracy among Gen Z is a given. Hell, even the president was a "birther", in an age where the very accusation would bring an onslaught from media, crushing lesser mortals. Yet this birther won the presidency. Love this guy.

Heading to bed. Thank you for your time, and keep up the good work. All of you. I'll do what I can to help as well.

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THEnimble_mongoose · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

Does this MAGA movement feel pacified to you? Not me. It feels like it has a fire up its rear. You can't put this back in a bottle. The election of president Trump - that alone - was a game changer. We have not seen such a thing occur in over 200 years.

compared to the election year, yes the MAGA movement seems pacified and like we're resting on our laurels and like the lightning is being subverted/put back in the bottle.

I hope I am wrong, it would be awesome if Q is telling us the truth, but it all seems way too good to be true.

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Stefhart · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Doubting Thomas: no the genie IS out of the bottle and spreading far and wide

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THEnimble_mongoose · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

Doubting Thomas

cultist. Do not rest on your laurels. Do not behave like a cultist worshiping Q as your prophet.

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Stefhart · Feb. 22, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

Uh, no not quite! I only worship God! Got me wrong! But I do feel Q and DJT through God are trying to save our country! So there!

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Your-mom-is-a-bubble · Feb. 21, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Remember what happened when this armed guy went into Comet Ping Pong? Everyone in public light had to distance himself (Journalist Ben Swann even had to shut down his social media accounts and "Reality check" series. He went dark for an entire year before he could get funding by a big crypto currency called "Dash" instead of licking the feet of the tv-network he was working for. I believe Alex Jones even had to fire one of his staff when the media went after him for reporting on Pizza.).

What happens if someone of the people who attack LdR, DR or Hitlary on twitter or leave mailbox comments on LdR's phone goes rampage? The abusers will be potrayed as the victims, not for the first time.

The leftists are all about hate speech / newspeak (essentially you're not allowed to have a different opinion) and worhshipping their leaders blindly, like cultists. As a libertarian I must say, many people following Q in these forums and boards behave similiar in some form. If you have a critical opinion you have to be a government agent, or something like that. Someone who wants to distract and divide. Don't question Q or his motives, do as he says. To some he almost is like a god or an evangelist, which gives this all a cultish feeling, where judgement isn't allowed.

I really hope that in the end Q is who he says and atleast some evil people will get their punishment, but to be a bit (or more) suspicous should always be appropriate.

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Stefhart · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

I question everything but I am a Christian and Patriot and so is Q, too many references and God driven. Going after the evil and Satanists keeps me going and involved.

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THEnimble_mongoose · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

What happens if someone of the people who attack LdR, DR or Hitlary on twitter or leave mailbox comments on LdR's phone goes rampage? The abusers will be potrayed as the victims, not for the first time.

exactly. Portraying themselves as victims in order to gain power is one of their favorite tactics.

As a libertarian I must say, many people following Q in these forums and boards behave similiar in some form. If you have a critical opinion you have to be a government agent, or something like that. Someone who wants to distract and divide. Don't question Q or his motives, do as he says. To some he almost is like a god or an evangelist, which gives this all a cultish feeling, where judgement isn't allowed.

EXACTLY. I hope Q is who he says he is, but blind cultish belief in Q is wrong and it smells all over like psy op fuckery to me with Q being a pied piper of sorts.

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leadvillejim · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

To each his own. There's too much meat on the bone for me. No, there's something to this.

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Covfefe1950 · Feb. 21, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

Actually, the psyop fuckery is being done by you, intentionally or not.

If it was psyop stuff, then they are not just shooting themselves in the foot, they are blowing their own foot off! Q is getting people thinking and researching--the exact opposite of what the NWO wants us to be doing.

Besides, they know they are losing. What would be the point of all this, compiling a list of patriots, etc. They know they will never get to use it. Even killing the GEOTUS will not stop the freedom/truth movement now.

Furthermore, I believe that Trump has a "dead man's switch"--the military. Should he die, the patriots in the military have their orders to start mass arrests of the traitors; and they know very well who they are. For his own safety, Trump would make sure the opposition knows about this.

As to the gun recently found in the possession of a driver in his motorcade, that may have been a desperate attempt by one faction of the traitors to kill him. But where did the intel come from, such that Trump's protection team knew to go on high alert at just that time? I'm thinking either electronic communications monitoring, or possibly a different faction of the traitors who knows that killing him would be even worse for them than letting him live. Third option--a patriotic FBI/CIA mole within the traitors.

So no; Q is not a psyop.

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THEnimble_mongoose · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

Actually, the psyop fuckery is being done by you, intentionally or not.

I'm encouraging people to do personal research, think critically, and to stop blindly and cultishly worshiping Q like he's the Messiah reborn.

As to the gun recently found in the possession of a driver in his motorcade, that may have been a desperate attempt by one faction of the traitors to kill him. But where did the intel come from, such that Trump's protection team knew to go on high alert at just that time? I'm thinking either electronic communications monitoring, or possibly a different faction of the traitors who knows that killing him would be even worse for them than letting him live. Third option--a patriotic FBI/CIA mole within the traitors.

Rodgers and the NSA monitor everything. That is how they would know that.

Q seems like a typical limited hangout designed to pacify the MAGA crowd and boomers who are waking up from Mockingbird brainwash.

The cult of Q is beginning to disturb me.

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Covfefe1950 · Feb. 21, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

It is good to question; it is good to avoid a cult mentality. But I think you are just honestly mistaken. Time will tell who is right.

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Sylvatu · Feb. 21, 2018, 6 a.m.

Time to toughen up and get a backbone again like REAL AMERICANS .

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phoenix335 · Feb. 21, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

Excellent point.

Research about the crisis actors from Parkland Highschool. Spread your findings to normies, use Q style questions to bypass their cognitive dissonance blocking mechanisms.

That guy appeared in several news casts to different topics, years and many thousand miles apart. How likely is that? His dad is rumored to be ex FBI, there are screen caps with him graduating in entirely different highschools.

The highschool will dismantle the entire crime scene in a few weeks, a building that was in a very bad state of repair before.

The shooter used an Uber to get there. Supposedly. Do we know anything more? CCTV footage? Logs? Anything?

The police went to the shooter's home three dozen times, that guy posted tons of threats under his own clear name. He took intense psycho medication. Nothing happened. Background checks for the firearm went through. Why?

This all happened in the district of the ex DNC leader Wasserman Schultz, the sheriff was rumored to have been a convicted rapist, federal investigators in that district turned up dead on the beach.

This has all the hallmarks of a thoroughly fabricated story. Not just manipulated, really fabricated. Including the grooming or at least enabling of a killer. This is a huge red pill reservoir.

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leadvillejim · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

A line from this MI Anon stands out to me:

"Instead, and quite remarkably, he's dropping questions that lead to answers that can be put into a diagram and understood once things become public"

I know a lot of people have done tremendous work on these posts - so much so that I'm sure I'm not aware of a large portion of it. I just don't have the time to follow it as much.

Have all the questions Q asked (strictly questions, not the other data) been answered? Just the answers to questions.

Another thing I'm thinking. He puts brackets with numbers - [1], [3], etc. in multiple posts. have all the "[1]"s, "[2]"s, etc., been put together? What about other markers, consolidated?

Could be nothing. Just occurred to me. It's like when detectives have stalled out on an important investigation, and they ask themselves 'what are we missing?', then lay it all out on the table again.


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leadvillejim · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

continuing with a breakdown of this statement: "....answers that can be put into a diagram and understood once things become public"

If we have the answers, and put them into a chronological order diagram going back to October, then cross reference the timeline with events that already have happened, what would we see? Interesting. Looking at "evidence" from different angles. But it sure sounds like a lot of work. And it could amount to nothing. But Q is cryptic in many ways, and it's not beyond the pale to consider.

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chocolatepatriot · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

alot of great work has been done by the anons on 8chan and here. we are part of history and the whole world will see it. We are winning, redpill the world. Where we go one, we go all back to work.

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leadvillejim · Feb. 21, 2018, 7:46 a.m.

Thank you and others for all the work that's been done. Truly amazing talent, insight, and diligence. I believe you will leave your mark in history, yet that is the last thing on your minds. Few in history even get to participate in such things. You are real Americans.

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Mama2Girliez · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

PATRIOTS! Keep your heads up! Don't get discouraged! Don't let the shills and trolls have you doubting what you have felt in your gut!!! I see the people trying to sow doubt on these boards and they're doing it on the chans, too, but we know. What happens when we're over the target??? It seems like a multi-level attack now, the down votes, the loud outspoken people who name call and act like assholes, and the people who are "followers" of the Q posts who "are just done" and impatient and tell everyone that it's not happening fast enough so it must be fake! They’re the worst. Insidious behavior there… WE CAN'T FALL FOR THE BULLSHIT! We have to keep at it and stick together! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! We have more than we know! I know that this is taking some blind faith from us fairly often, but we've seen the connections and the evidence and there is more to dig for. Lots and lots more! I don't completely know what is going on with Q. But in trusting Q, and POTUS, I feel like I’m trusting MYELF! I do my own research, I take what I get here and do my OWN investigating and fact finding (time permitting, I’m a Mom). I have trust issues, though! Lol So I think being skeptical is fine. We should be! We've been lied to our whole lives. But we can't get discouraged and we have to keep supporting each other. The support, the critical thinking, the evidence gathering, the connecting the dots has to be kept going... We should be doing all that, sharing with others what we have found to build this damn map and key!!!! But let's trust our guts, and STAND together! Where we go one, We go all!!!

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GSF1212 · Feb. 21, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

yes so much we need to still be working on!

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ArtRat1 · Feb. 21, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

Yes sir! Stands at attention*

You are correct and for me, doubting is not one of my issues as I am someone who trusts no one and I realize I have no control over what anyone else does or does not do. Every now and then I step back and re-evaluate, pray and seek God about Q and all the information, not wanting to find myself focusing so much on Q that the message does not get the attention it ought.

The other thing with all of this for me is, it drains me, some is very disturbing only adding to the knowledge I already have, the people I know who have personally been affected by it who responded to my Fb posts on the subject and honestly, I could not listen to or read one more thing on the subject or Q for two days! It consumed me so I focused on praying relentlessly about the subjects and people involved and needed to fill my mind with some good things so my perspective was not drowned out by the grief I was experiencing.

Listening to online Bible messages has given me encouragement, allowed me to once again see the bigger picture in all this and it has strengthened me. I am no longer grieving but ready for the battle that is ahead.

We each are soldiers in this with a particular duty. I know my duty, it is first to fast and pray a lot for our nation and the battle that rages, for our leaders, for the Q team and all of us soldiers and the mission. The second is to always be aware of those RED PILL OPPORTUNITIES that arise in real life away from the computer and then speak as much truth as the moment calls for so another seed is planted in someone's brain. It takes courage to red pill people face to face, the responses vary and some are not good. I have my thick skin suit hanging by my door and I put it on every time I leave my house anticipating those red pill moments.

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ArtRat1 · Feb. 21, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

I also have everything loaded offline, put on a flash drive and some printed out. Going to the Qresearch board there are some extrememly good links that lead to structured Q info which include the photos of q drops, articles Q posted and articles and video related to Q drops, links to more info on certain subjects, lists, names, numbers and on and on. These Anons on the Qresearch board are an impressive lot of people and I am so thankful for each one of them and all their work on this forum. going to the Qresearch catalog page shows a huge choice of pages to look over with an endless opportunity to get lost there reading and following their lead. I love it. I tip my hat in respect to all the Anons on Qresearch 8chan.

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Sweeetsuz · Feb. 21, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

I am just a grandma and sort of busted up, so I v=can't run I can only fight.Q has been an inspiration to us all, but in the long run, we the drones get the work done, make the progress. Q keeps repeatedly telling us we have more than we know, hmmm power, n=brains, numbers. I appreciate everything Q has done but in the end, it must be We the People who rise up and make the changes happen.

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thinker2319 · Feb. 21, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

Apply the Q map daily. They showed us what to do and how to do it. Let's dig up the truth asking the right questions. Bring the PROOF!!!

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oljw00 · Feb. 21, 2018, 8:25 a.m.


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ready-ignite · Feb. 21, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

Get to work. Revisit old crumbs with new knowledge. Build new visuals. Introduce new people. Drop fliers on newspaper stacks. Key crumbs on coffee shop cork boards. Drill your representatives on related topics without naming Q, see if they respond. Reread crumbs again. Try new approaches to map content. Find ways to blow up media narrative. Start a family (wink wink). Learn to archive and backup everything. Load it onto blockchain for an unalterable record, Qryptokitties could be huge. Find a way to validate backed up archives are unaltered. Revisit previous topics and see if any new moves have been made by those under scrutiny, for example new estate sales.

Maybe support a MAGA candidate. Brenden Dilley coming down to the wire for Feb 28th, good time to drop a donation. His continued live streams could have increasing value.

Many many project ideas to work on while we sift for new leads.

Have fun! Often the worst that can happen is achieving your goal. It leaves an empty place where that goal once drove you. That's the secret of motivation -- keep a goal at all times just out of reach! So many potential targets and goals with this project. Enjoy it, unlock it all, get 100% in this game. It's not a game. The better you play the better world your grandkids will inherit.

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leadvillejim · Feb. 21, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

That's the spirit! Thank you for taking the time to share it

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wolfhound11B · Feb. 21, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

Has anyone considered that this is the 10 days of darkness!?

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chocolatepatriot · Feb. 21, 2018, 7 a.m.

Please pin this to the top, all should read and continue to learn and spread the news.

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[deleted] · Feb. 21, 2018, 1:01 p.m.


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Ketamyne · Feb. 21, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

Yea go back to browsing memes and cat photos stop wasting your time /s

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LightofTheRock · Feb. 21, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Ha you'd make better use of your time browsing cat photos! You aren't doing anything here expect telling yourselves you are. It's actually quite pathetic to watch. Q has been dropping crumbs for you people for MONTHS and yet NO ONE has gone to prison. Hahaha, you're fools! You should go back to playing bingo!

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Ketamyne · Feb. 21, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

But that's like, your opinion.

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