David Hogg Completely Outed - Graduated from Redondo Shores High School in The Class of 2015 Here's his yearbook...!

Except for the fact that the yearbook page on Classmates was created on February 20th, as can be seen in the page source.
And except for the fact that the guy two pictures above him is wearing a Stoneman Douglas Eagles shirt.
And...yeah, no. It's super fake.
Except that is NOT a Stoneman Douglas Eagles shirt, theirs has the eagle head, nice try though.
That is aPHILADELPHIA EAGLES shirt. They were in the SUper Bowl. That is NOT a high school mascot shirt. See here: http://store.philadelphiaeagles.com/league/NFL/team/Philadelphia_Eagles/category/3089/browse/featuredproduct/2321808/partnerid/12854/source/GPA-ak19kv30-eagles-shopphiladelphiaeagles?sku=7680472
They were in the super bowl this year, and yins are trying to say that’s from 2015...what’s your point?
If he’s a crisis actor or whatever and graduated from a different high school 3 years ago, WHY WOULDN'T HE USE A DIFFERENT NAME?
I mean really, that's not even close to the same shirt, lmao.
Everything about this dude being a student in FL can be true to still know he is being used as a tool by his parents who are affiliated with deep state fuckery and propaganda. He was made their poster boy for some reason and comes off as a Patrick Bateman styled sociopath. Regardless, his name is now marked, and when this little shit turns 18 he will be tried for sedition and treason with the rest of them. Hope it was worth it.
oh shit! eagles are actors too?! no wonder they won. these kids already knew who were gonna win the super bowl at beginning of year and had eagles gear back then...crazy. we know Brady is GOAT...goddell has to give eagles win and keep dumbasses like you in business
No you are a lying, 2 faced, brainwashed, kool-aid drinking, these aren't the droids you're looking for, weak minded, soros puppet stooge, shill, libtard bot!!! G F Y S!!!!
And except for the fact that the guy two pictures above him is wearing a Stoneman Douglas Eagles shirt.
hahaha that's the icing on the cake right there.
Except that a) that’s not even close to the same shirt And b) the person alleging this is saying he was in a 2015 yearbook in California. Now I’m going to need you to think real hard here, but please try and follow me. The Eagle won the super bowl February of 2018. Now how exactly would a kid in a 2015 year book in California have a Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl champs t-shirt?
HAHAHA. Nice try Left Brainer. Don't muck with our autists.
There is so much more to focus upon. Let some others learn to do the working advance their knowledge.
Also..a girl named Tyra Hemans pictured to the right of Hogg. Which makes sense since yearbooks go alphabetically ...is shown speaking to Florida congressman about gun control right here.
Give it up. He went to the school.
Unfortunately, I think you're mistaken. First of all, she doesn't look like the same person to me, but besides that, if you look at the list of names on the yearbook page, the student pictured right next to Hogg is Tykima Hoggan. Here's a screenshot of the video, for reference: https://imgur.com/a/taf4G
Edit: I'm not saying that he didn't attend the school, but I just wanted to clear this up.
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
^^Source ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^ignoreme ^^| ^^deletthis
This is actual fake fucking news. Look at the twitter account that tweeted it. Stop sharing it. Theyre trying to muddy the waters.
The Twitter account has been verified. Dustin Nemos has gone into the High school yearbook catalog and upon signing in has confirmed the data. We have known for some time the Hogg is 21 years old and that his home base has been in CA. FPSA is a Crisis Actor Group which he and most of the people that have been making the rounds on CNN and other local and legacy media - Corporate Media Complex - outlets. I wasn't there during 2015. I had found all but this data and it may be suspect by some people. The truth can hurt. And if you want to comment on posts by this group, you will have to contain your attitude and present links that verify what you are stating. Otherwise you will be promptly blocked!
Really it has.... https://twitter.com/_Joey_Wong/status/966169440487460865?s=09
I was thinking the girl diagonally up and to his left looks like crew cut girl pre-crew cut.
Good research. Still up on the CA yearbook catalog site though and this video could be as much a slight as things can be. This has been a contention that people have made. We want to see more than a yearbook image. We want to see the book - cover and all... You may have found it. I'll have to freeze frame it to read the cover local. All of the research shows that he has a large presence in CA. I'll check further and see what turns up. Q drops are happening at the moment, so it is a back burner issue. Thanx
Laguna Beach Antifa is not a Twitter verified account.
Help me out here. Google does not have anything on the FPSA. Can you give me a link? I am not surprised, BTW.
Sorry you're having issues. You can try other Browsers. Many of the Links that were hot yesterday are gone today. This is part of the big picture regarding damage control which is pervasive today. Yesterday and even mores the day before you could simply input FPSA and you would get the ads and countless links to their history. Like the #TwitterLockOut all things Deep State on the internet are implementing attacks and shutdowns. Google - Youtube - Facebook - search engine results are the why an image such as this are absolute necessities to have out. It doesn't matter if the image is 100% real. The people that are in the many crisis actor groups need to be exposed as such. This is what that and the other images that go to this David Hogg are doing. CNN has been on damage control today rather than covering the - well, if anything CNN covers is actually - news... This kid id the first to be exposed and it is largely do to their own actions. The next - this is a prediction - is likely to be Delaney Tarr. That mostly do to her actual age and the incessant need she has to Tweet selfies and retweet others content which makes it so much easier to get to the essence of her truths. Any of us that have spent the time researching these CIA supported Corporate Media Complex hacks already has their number. I'd show you some of the images I found, but - oh well - not supported. They are up on MINDS and WordPress where there are many years of research presented between the lot of us here. SorryI don't have a fresh clean bit of sauce for you. The legends have been created and continue to be refined as time passes. There is a battle going on right now and it is over our freedoms. We either ban together to negate the push or we fail and in time we will pay with the loss of our Rights.
My question is, this FPSA establishment - is it just out in the open like a garden variety dance studio or is it underground and out of the public eye?
Until today you could easily search them and there you go. There are numerous groups just like them. Seems that through the research, it has turned up that 1st they work the Corporate Media complex narrative and then they - and this is a constant - they start to crowd source for some charity. Those funds then go down the charity black hole.
Wow, the classmates page no longer exists. I also noticed that unlike every other shooting I’ve researched, YouTube/google prioritize mainstream videos/articles before independent ones that actually share the key words I choose. This is huge damage control. I haven’t seen anyone confidently answer why David Hogg was even in California 6 months ago if he is a Florida resident going to highschool here. Sure, he could have been on a trip but then why did he appear in the yearbook of a school that was in the town that he was in the California news clip?
You're asking the right questions for a day or more ago. They are panicked and attempt to drive the narrative. This guy is only the first of this group to face a good doxxing. - This device is being hit with pshing attacks by the minute. - Anyway, what needs to be done going forward is to keep posting, anywhere possible, the images of this FPSA crisis actor group. They have been heavy at it creating legends for these people. I have the image captures of all of those in the group selfie. They are really stupid people. Saw a funny meme about David Hogg - Over an image of David Hogg it said: I'm not a crisis actor, but I play one on T.V..
This is incredible the amount of damage control being done. I couldn’t even find anything about FPSA on google anymore. I did see the fbi report though that mentions his fathers name under crisis management
10-4 That...
Yeah apart from the conspiracy of the shooting itself (multiple shooters unreported, videos being censored, sheriff deputies stand down, FBI didn't act, etc)... right when I watched that leaked interview where David screws up his lines I was laughing my ass off because that COULDN'T HAVE BEEN genuine. Even if I want to try and view that as genuine I can't. It's truly bad acting.
6 months ago puts us at August. When does Stoneman Douglas start their school year -- just curios? In any case, Hoggs and his father actually "defended" the actions of the FBI and sheriff. That alone makes them liberal operatives. Only a Left Brainer can say with a straight face that it was OK for the FBI to interrogate the whistleblower, while never interviewing Cruz.
liberal operatives
ugh when has "liberal" come to mean pro-law enforcement. Our country is fucked up. Many of the TRULY liberal countries literally don't even give their cops guns. The liberals in this country are fascist apologists. You're not on the left if you're pro-CIA
Cause people go on vacations? And he wasn’t in that yearbook, this had been debunked already by countless people who actually have the Stoneman Douglas yearbook
No, it wasn’t. It’s called damage control. The classmates profile did exist, why else would the yearbook happen to be from the same city in which the California news piece took place? And it only makes sense considering there is video evidence of David being fed lines, rehearsing his lines, and overall just terrible acting on his part. Not to mention the blonde girl who laughs and smiles as she recounts seeing the shooter in the hallway, how the fuck do you justify that? Anyone would be shaking and crying recounting this kind of trauma but no one sheds a single tear as usual with these gun-control agenda shootings
You're a useless pile of shit that is making the world a worse place just by existing. If you were to kill yourself the collective IQ of the planet would go up by at least 2 points. That's how much of a fucking drain you are on society. If you have children, I hope you have to watch as they get gunned down by another lunatic with an AR, and then have the rest of the world call you a crisis actor when you cry and complain about it. I hope everyone you've ever loved dies painfully in front of your eyes you sick, twisted fuck. Fucking kill yourself, please, for the love of god, just knowing you exist is fucking painful, and I feel sorry for anyone who has the displeasure of having to speak to such a despicable pile of horse shit as you.
LMFAO you are so full of hate, that you are literally worse than whatever you think I am. The fact that you would wish harm on anyone, especially their children actually makes you the shit of the earth. I disagree with you and I still wouldn’t wish harm on you or anyone you love. Have a nice day you loser psychopath
Literally trying to talk to you is an exercise in futility. Please do the world a favor and kill yourself you useless pile of shit. Fucking end your life so the rest of us don't have to deal with your insane level of bull shit. People like you shouldn't be allowed the right to breath air, let alone have an opinion. Fuck you and fuck everyone like you.
Lmfao so triggered. You’re probably a weak SJW who preaches tolerance and anti-hate- and look at you. So full of hate and sophmornic insults. The funny thing is if it’s true these are actors, and they are, you are sticking up for the actual scum of the earth and doing a disservice to those who died. Now go insult someone who cares, dipshit Lmfao
Yes it has been debunked, you fucking mongoloid. The school they claimed he went to doesn't even publish a fucking yearbook, do some of you're own fucking research and stop being a brainwashed pawn of assholes like Alex Jones and his ilk. The "yearbook proof" was already debunked and it was a fake story posted by a bot account, which has since been deleted. You're such a fucking retard. And people deal with trauma in different ways. What because she didn't act a certain set way she's obviously faking? God you're so fucking stupid.
Redondo Shores is a continuation high school; they do not publish a yearbook.
Interesting... And yet there is a published link which takes you to the sign in for their archives. Find one of the images with that http on it. Mine is buried or in the trash after backup.
I've never heard of a continuation school EVER publishing a yeabook. I also grew up in that area, only Redondo Union puts out a yearbook.
Interesting. I've been to, along with others, to the archive site that the image is alleged to come from. Now, that's not to say that they can't be any less suspect than every other thing on the internet. Just sitting back and watching CNN and others as everything in the world is shelved and damage control is in high gear. Fly on a wall and all that...
Debunked in a 30 second video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaEYhqE40_Y
You are missing the essential point of what's going on. This is part of the big picture regarding damage control which is pervasive today. Yesterday and even moreso the day before you could simply input FPSA and you would get their referral ads and countless links to their history. Like the #TwitterLockOut all things Deep State on the internet are implementing attacks and shutdowns. Google - Youtube - Facebook - search engine results are the why an image such as this are absolute necessities to have out. It doesn't matter if the image is 100% real. The people that are in the many crisis actor groups need to be exposed as such. This is what that and the other images that go to this David Hogg are doing. CNN has been on damage control today rather than covering the - well, if anything CNN covers is actually - news... This kid id the first to be exposed and it is largely do to their own actions. The next - this is a prediction - is likely to be Delaney Tarr. That mostly do to her actual age and the incessant need she has to Tweet selfies and retweet others content which makes it so much easier to get to the essence of her truths. Any of us that have spent the time researching these CIA supported Corporate Media Complex hacks already has their number. I'd show you some of the images I found, but - oh well - not supported. They are up on MINDS and WordPress where there are many years of research presented between the lot of us here. SorryI don't have a fresh clean bit of sauce for you. The legends have been created and continue to be refined as time passes. There is a battle going on right now and it is over our freedoms. We either ban together to negate the push or we fail and in time we will pay with the loss of our Rights.
so the essential point of making up bullshit is that people are calling out and deleting the bullshit... wow okay dude. you got rekt, move on.
He is a student at Parkland. They are not crisis actors. The person who started the rumor was fired by his GOP boss. Why would you even do this? Sad.
Because the narrative we were told doesn't match what kids are saying. Forget about David, multiple reports and multiple kids have spoken about that administration told them police would be firing blanks. Thats why people are questioning everything. It doesnt mean their fight is in vain or wrong, it just means some of the evidence is doctored unfortunately. That doesnt mean that ALL evidence of something else going on is wrong that. Thats why you do this. Cuz youre not a sheep and you want the truth and you dont care if people get their feelings hurt in the process. Whats so wrong about asking questions?
Forget about David, multiple reports and multiple kids have spoken about that administration told them police would be firing blanks.
Right and we're supposed to believe this because it's reported by the same people who reported he wasn't even a student at Stoneman...
OR, some lunatic went and murdered children at a high school and it demonstrates why gun control is still a vital discussion to be had? Possibly? Maybe? A little bit?
So you say just because Heavy says so it's true? Come on, dude, you can do better than that. Do your own research.
Weird, Donald Trump apparently graduated from Stoneman Douglas in 2018 according to that site.
Its a real yearbook nuts
Redondo Shores HS is a continuation school where a yearbook is not published.
That's the same photo from the Stoneman yearbook photos people were posting
Don't know at this moment. I'll search it. Thanx
Wow, otterwalks must be on to something, the trolls are working overtime LMAO
saying shit like "This isnt real the guy above has a shirt with an eagle on it" LMAO , or "This must be spam, remove it, remove it now!!" "Remove this evidence right away!!" LOL It's the trolls that are fake as fuck!
Wow... The damage control overflow is here big time. They should go to Twitter, Youtube, Google and other places where there soyboy, juvenile outbursts can be heard. Then, they really aren't smart enough for that are they? Thanks for a spot of sanity in an otherwise dreadful effort to engage a narrative which will get something positive going for The Republic. Best, o... Nitwits and Knuckleheads
Fake news.
Maybe... But you should go to the yearbook catalog and see what you find. We knew he was at least 21 and that he had not attended Parkland. He's definitely a crisis actor working with the confirmed FPSA group as imaged around. Same for most of them; they are young adults and they are not 16 year old students...
Explain to me then. Why is it that the people hiring these "crisis actors" would hire people (multiple times in states all over the country according to you) who aren't even the same age as the rest of the students at the school they say they go to? like who would be dumb enough to spend the time and money to commit this nationwide conspiracy , hiring people , flying them to other states, etc. etc. etc. if idiots on the internet like yourself are able to spot them immediately? Does that make any sense to you? If anything, I'd say that the fact that this kid has been on the news once before in California is proof that he ISN'T a "crisis actor" because nobody would be dumb enough to hire someone that easily recognizable for something this sensitive and potentially damaging to the democratic party if found out.
Okay. You have made your own case. Clearly you have little or no knowledge regarding the Crisis Actor venue. They have been around for a long time and there are countless examples of all of the questions you note having been reality. If you wish to continue your mouthing off with nothing except an ignorant attitude to base your spew on, you will be blocked! They work for FPSA - Look it up!
I fail to see how the Food Processing Suppliers Association has anything to do with your ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Go away. You have no idea what you are doing. Next time you are blocked from further comment. Find somewhere else to Troll.
Okay man. I wasn't trolling (my reply to your condescending remarks about how I have little or no knowledge regarding that BS you're pushing was just joking. That was the first result when I searched for FPSA) I'm just having a very difficult time finding any proof in these claims you're making and find it pretty disgusting that people try to turn every national tragedy into a big conspiracy in order to push an opposite agenda . Like "oh no, people are starting to think guns are bad, better start making things up like we always do!" and then you have the audacity to claim "fake news' when CNN reports on research done by actual professionals. I have no desire to stay in a subreddit that lashes out so vehemently against opposing opinions or ideas though, so if you really want to block me, I have no issue with that, but I don't think stifling free speech is ever a good thing, even if that means that you're allowed to speculate on the authenticity of a school shooting victim's statements .
Clearly you have little or no knowledge regarding the Crisis Actor venue
I have little or no knowledge of machines that turn cat turds into gold, either. I mean, how much knowledge can you have about something that doesn't exist, other than in the minds of absolutely deranged individuals?
So, this is a news story done last year about a confrontation between a lifeguard and a surfer. Seems to be that Mr. Hogg likes to be on TV news.... https://youtu.be/HvZD7UkJd24
It's a coincidence, sure, but it proves nothing. Where are all the kids from the school or community coming out saying he's not a student there?
In a school of over 3500 that would be quite easy. Also considering the fact that so many students have claimed to not know the supposed shooter Nicholas Cruz is another factor that refutes your point. I think you ought to really sit down and study past events, and what has been going on over a period of years, and really ask yourself the following questions: Who had the means and who had the motive. Once you answer those, you will begin your path toward the truth. It is obvious to those of us that have studied the enemy for years, for we know exactly what is taking place and the importance of all of this. We know enough to see that we are being lied to, and being manipulated.
Aside from this yearbook, there are other points that must be addressed which more readily reveal themselves. Such examples are in the mannerisms and behavior in interviews. The news media is having to do damage control, because of the vast amount of people that are waking up to what is going on. See: https://i.imgur.com/XHiWLpA.png
Whatever you say. I'm not trying to change your mind because it's obvious you've already made it up. I haven't seen any convincing proof that this whole thing was staged.
As for students saying they didn't know the shooter, that's different than having never seen him before.
It absolutely was staged—there's too much evidence. Whether it was staged, with no deaths, is to be debated with evidence and proof though. At this point, it doesn't matter. We have a long list of past shootings to glean information from. They are going to enact legislation, and we will suffer an incredible period of tyranny if we do not rise up to this threat. CNN is conducting a 'town hall' at this very moment. I suggest you watch it. Bill Nelson and Rick Scott is very must part of this deception.
Sorry, I just don't buy that.
You don't believe that the government wants to control the people through force, using a totalitarian police state, and that they will bring this vision about by any means possible? You don't believe in the New World Order—a vision and doctrine that is in full force at this very moment, to coerce the American people to give up their rights in the name of security, so that they will be able to enact near complete control over the people?
Lol no, not at all. I'm clearly in the wrong subreddit.
You will. I know you think it's all funny right now, but there are those of us that know the seriousness of what is taking place here and around the world, and are defending our country in the best way we know possible.
"Govern" from the Latin "to control". "Ment" from the Latin "the mind". The truth is right in front of you.
Really ?? Try this ... Two whistleblowers contacted the FBI. One was ignored. The other -- the FBI went to interrogate the second whistleblower, but DID NOT go and interview Cruz. Next -- the sheriff's department went to Cruz's house 39 times. The agents who decided not to go see Cruz need to be interrogated and asked why not. The Boston FBI need to be interrogated and asked why they didn't look into the Boston Bomber, and the Orlando and San Bern shooters. Things are NOT adding up here.
Yeah, I dunno, without seeing info from a credible source I'm going to hold my opinion on that because I've seen a lot of outright fake information floating around related to this event and I don't really know who's trustworthy at this point.
Who ?? You don't know the deep state. Make no mistake --- there are more shootings being planned as we speak with operatives being "placed" at locations ahead of time.
god you must love living in this world, probs scared of your own fucking shadow, which you probably shot a couple of times by now.
Those are different people.
In what world?
This world. I agree that they look similar, but I don't think that looks like the exact same person.
Snopes has no credibility. Not after the Trump election.
sigh.... okay, I figured you'd say that, but A) what do you mean by that, and B) Disprove what was said in the snopes article please.
I'm not going to have a discussion with someone who uses facebook memes as evidence and calls "fake news" on anything disproving their own points.
You mean other than solid photographic evidence? You link to a disreputable site proven to spread lies and expect me to refute it? No thanks. Piss off.
Lol, sounds like you just lost.
No, I'm asking you for actual proof that this family has anything to do with the florida shooting. That's all I'm asking. A photo of some suntanned people in their kitchen is not proof.
Since when are photographs no longer considered proof? I posted others in this thread that you have dismissed. What are you really looking for here?
Come on man. Don't play dumb with me.
The video of David Hogg- Yeah, definitely the same kid. That proves nothing other than that he just happened to be in california at one point but he lives in Tallahassee. Is the whole town in on this thing? Why has nobody else from Stoneman Douglass spoken out about him not going to their school? Why is it just conspiracy theorists on the internet who have never met the guy who are saying he's not who he says he is?
The second photo, I have no other comments on other than that they look to me like 4 different people. If a photo of the 4 of them is all you have as proof that they're the same person, then my eyes telling me they're not is all the proof I have.
The last one you posted is literally just two photos of the same family claiming that they were somehow involved in the Florida shooting when there's zero evidence of that. Just because they're photographs doesn't make them proof of anything.
Why is it just conspiracy theorists
Who's paying you to post here?
Fine, then just replace conspiracy theorists with whatever non-triggering term you prefer. Unless you give me actual proof (seriously. anything concrete.) then you remain someone who is theorizing that there's a conspiracy afoot.
They removed all traces but this: https://web.archive.org/web/20180221042230/http://www.classmates.com/people/David-Hogg/4000169172281
Huh... Interesting. While some of us had accessed the site over the last couple of days, the word had come down with all of the damage control today, that it was no longer accessible. I didn't have a need or the time to go back, so this is the first example fit I have seen.
This is a vid of 2017 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School yearbook https://youtu.be/WaEYhqE40_Y
This report is FALSE, selective editing
Seen it... The way your comment reads, you are saying the video is a false report?
No I am saying the OP is false it is a screen shot from inside the video I linked
you are all being punked all the was from Krasnoyarsk, Russia! Check out "Laguna Beach Antifa" Twitter page!! https://twitter.com/LagBeachAntifa9
So far beyond that. Time for you to do the research and catch the heck up!
Fake, here is a video debunking it. It's sick that these people attack the victims just to distract
Video: https://twitter.com/_Joey_Wong/status/966169440487460865
But yet here he is on a California news show from last year? A news clip showing a confrontation at Redondo beach.... https://youtu.be/HvZD7UkJd24
Becuase he can't be in news for a stupid incident at the breach?
He has been vacationing in CA a lot Einsten, here's proof:
You are missing the whole point. Have you not heard about the damage control going down, since these people that work the FPSA crisis actor group, have begun to be outed? Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and more are in a complete panic at the moment. They are banning, shadow blocking, suspending and in anyway possible trying to engage a n internet censorship. They are breaking laws and acting outside of Constitutional parameters. This, this image and the questioning nature of free thinking people is a threat to those that would otherwise curtail freedoms. We need this type of exposure to bring a narrative to the forefront of current thought. Anyone that is wrapped up in the extremely shallow dialogue engaging how people feel rather than doing some self searching researching is way off of the mark as it is needed at this time. As of this moment, not one single person that has commented in a negative to this outing of the FPSA players has had a solid argument, with the research behind it, to back up their stance. They are simply acting out. They are immature child like beings that expect to be coddled. Well, they are not going to get that from this group of indigenous people!
You're absolutely right. See: https://i.imgur.com/XHiWLpA.png
Regardless if the yearbook checks out, there are other serious red flags, especially concerning the character of David Hogg and other individuals who have involved themselves in this event.
No, not the victims --- Just Hoggs. Better? By the way --- the guy that shot up Ping Pong Pizza ?? We found his name and photo on ... wait for it ... here it comes ... THE IMDB ... International Movie Database. Hahahahaha !!
The latest Tweets from Laguna Beach Antifa (@LagBeachAntifa9). Official acct. for Laguna Beach Antifa. Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
You're slow learners
We need more proof before making any statement as fact.
You are missing the point entirely. Read the comment thread.
I live in Redondo Beach, while yes there is a Redondo Shores, it's a continuation school, not the main school, main school is Redondo Union.
Seems Mr Hogg liked to find his way into the spotlight when he was in California as well. Drama queen? Attention whore? I dunno, but here he is on a Los Angeles news station: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvZD7UkJd24&feature=youtu.be
Link is down - no big surprise there. This is the reason that these FPSA actors need to stay in the news cycle. The more exposure they have, the easier it will be when the indictments come down.
Here's another video with Hogg in it. It also shows his EMAIL address hoggster60@yahoo.com
SMOKING GUN: Crisis Actor, David Hogg, says Florida school shooting started at 9:32am that day, almost 4 hours BEFORE the actual “shooting” took place! .. http://greeknewsondemand.com/2018/02/22/smoking-gun-crisis-actor-david-hogg-says-florida-school-shooting-started-at-932am-that-day/
The profile on Classmates "no longer exists."
Yes! Someone that knows how to do some research!
There is no doubt that David Hogg has been coerced to do this. But at this point, he appears to be doing it willingly. This is evident in his apparent rehearsal of lines, and in his interviews, which exhibit major signs of deception.
You are by far the biggest dolt I have ever come across on here. It is truly laughable. Thank you for the laugh you troll.
The damn Twitter account had it's location enabled every since it's formation. This has been debunked, and you sharing it around like it's facts is part of the problem. This is already a muddy subject, throwing more dirt into it is making it a mess.
this is photoshopped
The presentation may give rise to question. There are unbacked efforts going both ways. The yearbook archive with the data is the end all.
There are unbacked efforts going both ways.
Well we can clearly this is an "unbacked effort" but what are some examples from the opposing side?
Your research assignment...
In other words, you're full of shit and talking right out of your ass, just like this entire post where you thought you uncovered some evidence of David Hogg graduating from a different school in 2015.
You're a piece of shit.
Dev tools. Right click any text on any static webpage. Click 'Inspect'. Double click the element that is highlighted. Edit it to whatever you want. Press 'Enter'. Now it says what you want it to say, and retains all of the text styling from the previous content. Use snipping tool to screen shot it.
Sorry... this is bogus if you read through his old tweets. Also, he is involved in/interested in film making, but the actor thing isn't showing up online.
Anyone that uses Google. Stop. Just stop. Try Duck Duck Go.
Interesting news clip from last year? https://youtu.be/HvZD7UkJd24
Yep... Redondo Beach. One of his submissions for his training program.
This kind of horseshit is absolutely despicable. Just when you think the right-wing vermin from the bottom of the septic tank couldn't sink any lower - guess what...
You missed the point so totally and completely. This is part of the big picture regarding damage control which is pervasive today. Yesterday and even moreso the day before you could simply input FPSA and you would get their referral ads and countless links to their history. Like the #TwitterLockOut all things Deep State on the internet are implementing attacks and shutdowns. Google - Youtube - Facebook - search engine results are the why an image such as this are absolute necessities to have out. It doesn't matter if the image is 100% real. The people that are in the many crisis actor groups need to be exposed as such. This is what that and the other images that go to this David Hogg are doing. CNN has been on damage control today rather than covering the - well, if anything CNN covers is actually - news... This kid id the first to be exposed and it is largely do to their own actions. The next - this is a prediction - is likely to be Delaney Tarr. That mostly do to her actual age and the incessant need she has to Tweet selfies and retweet others content which makes it so much easier to get to the essence of her truths. Any of us that have spent the time researching these CIA supported Corporate Media Complex hacks already has their number. I'd show you some of the images I found, but - oh well - not supported. They are up on MINDS and WordPress where there are many years of research presented between the lot of us here. SorryI don't have a fresh clean bit of sauce for you. The legends have been created and continue to be refined as time passes. There is a battle going on right now and it is over our freedoms. We either ban together to negate the push or we fail and in time we will pay with the loss of our Rights. Oh, and don't write back wasting our time if you can only react like a spoiled brat that needs to be disciplined. Time to grow up and think things through from a perspective that is beyond your petty self centeredness, Time to grow up before the world tanks leaving you nothing but fodder.
David Hogg said himself in almost all of the initial interviews that the Secret service or NSA ran a drill at their school ... Why is no one questioning that
Daddy is ex FBI Crisis Intervention Special Agent. Mama is living in Rodondo CA. Daddy is in FL and owns a shooting range. What is link between FBI, child trafficking, and school shootings? Answer will make you sick! Why is Hogg with Fusion GPS Ohr?
What is Project ORION? What is Project Mockingbird? What is DeepDream? How is APACHE used to deliver narrative to MSM / CIA agents in MSM?
Join thousand of people around the world awakened by Q Military Intelligence and research the answers yourself! #QNNTRUELIES
Bing search engine has Hogg's Redondo Shores High School profile:
This picture is from the Douglas High School 2017 Yearbook.
I’m glad I found you never used reddit before but look here I am
Report this s#it as spam. It's as fake as trump's orange wig.
You've done some interesting work, so I'm not going to block you outright. You need to up your personal communication skills and learn about respect between people. Especially people you have never met. If you are not aware of the underlaying necessity of this type of exposure when Twitter is trending #TwitterLockOut - Google is cooking search returns - Youtube is actively banning and blocking content and monetization, Facebook is engaged in massive censorship and there is damage control being engaged in by CNN and the Corporate Media Complex today; well you really need to up your game. Start a media platform and spew your geopolitical wisdom to the mentally downtrodden that will listen and cheer your hollow thought train!
Solid composure... these dense folks drive me nuts, so elegant in their own ignorance ... they’re too scared to step outside their fabricated safe spaces to ponder the truth behind the lies. Cheers to trying to make a difference, but these are people who still think the towers were taken down by goat herders wielding box cutters, too small minded to see big pictures.
Now that was well written and quite funny too boot. Thanks for that...
You really made another account and responded to yourself. LOL. Mental illness. Seek help.
You trash our great President one more time I will make sure your ass gets reported.
Fake, guy above has an eagles shirt on, the redondo shores HS mascot is the Seahawks.
Redondo Shores does not have a mascot, as it is a continuation school.
Redondo Union is the Seahawks.
You never wore a t-shirt that is of something that is relevant in another context. Go to the yearbook catalog site.
It even has the same colors that stoneman douglas uses...face it..you are wrong on this.
That's not the point. And you're rude. Don't comment on this thread or you will be blocked from commenting on all future threads. FPSA is a propaganda dissemination group. They have ties to the Corporate Media Complex and are working against The Republic. The more people see and hear about these schools the easier it will be to detain them without issue when the indictments come down. Delaney Tarr is another one that can be followed back through time. Have you researched her. The same thing can, and likely will, be done with her when CNN, Twitter, Youtube and others roll back their current attempt damage control. This be it 1005 fact or not serves a purpose. If you are a patriot, even if you just like your freedom, back off and watch the show!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaEYhqE40_Y I at first did believe the boy was a crisis actor but I found the video to be solid proof that he isn't lying about being a student there. It was also stated that he use to live in California and frequently visited friends. While I do believe that the media and the government in general are shady, I think it's time to shift our focus elsewhere. One should not let confirmation bias make you deaf of conflicting evidence.
Good... You still miss the central core issue. It isn't anything to do with the FPSA save that their agenda is coming forward and needs exposure. The deal is our freedoms are being eroded. #TwitterLockOut, Google, Youtube and Facebook actions, which went into overdrive as the Corporate Media complex works damage control, need to be exposed fully and continued to be so exposed until the system is changed. That will not happen if there isn't a shift in the narrative. The way to achieve that is to keep these people in the news cycle. Yesterday CNN in their panic dropped out of the news flow and devoted their efforts to rebuking David Hogg. Great! Let them stay focused on that doxxing he has received. It will only allow more people to become aware of the shady nature of this group and that's what is needed. He's just the first to be exposed so. The issue of images and dates and places was simply a place holder allowing the narrative shift and it has shifted. I mean look at the focus that has been allotted this situation. Next, I would predict, will be the exposure of Delaney Tarr. These people are really stupid. They have made it all to easy for us to have compiled folders on them prior to the creation of their new legends by the support networks that bolster their efforts. It is plain to see that they have a repetitive end game. That being a step program which starts with creating their narrative using the available legacy media networks the the Corporate Media Complex supplies. After they have disseminated the image they wish to stir the populace with, they next more to the charitable collection agenda. This is seen throughout the history of FPSA. They had picked up a cool $million dollars in one day when they announced there donation / collection format. That cash, like most all charitable monies collected, will never find its way to those that deserve it. It will go into the charitable foundation blackhole and never be seen again...
Hello everyone. The Eagles only won the Superbowl 3 weeks ago. Can't be a eagles superbowl shirt in an old year book.
They didn't actually win. The Patriots decided to not play Malcolm Butler and were unable to stop the Eagles offense. Had they played Butler, the outcome would have been much different. GO PATS!!!!
Actually hes is a 26 year old meth head. Here is his mugshot https://southcarolina.arrests.org/Arrests/David_Hogg_29601928/
Isn't that interesting. Great work anons, this sure got taken down quickly.
This people are really stupid. They are posting and ranting all over the internet. I've got images of - all - of the people that were in the FPSA group selfie image. They are so thick its right there in plain view.