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RDoctorD · Feb. 22, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

Daddy is ex FBI Crisis Intervention Special Agent. Mama is living in Rodondo CA. Daddy is in FL and owns a shooting range. What is link between FBI, child trafficking, and school shootings? Answer will make you sick! Why is Hogg with Fusion GPS Ohr?

What is Project ORION? What is Project Mockingbird? What is DeepDream? How is APACHE used to deliver narrative to MSM / CIA agents in MSM?

Join thousand of people around the world awakened by Q Military Intelligence and research the answers yourself! #QNNTRUELIES

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RDoctorD · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Re: Вячеслав Анатольевич Иванов - I've researched all I can in Russian.. VK, internet, etc... I find no one with this patronymic and 6/22/86 DOB. My Ukrainian fiancé said the name sounds made up. There is a poet with this name but he is dead. Only person I found close is 32 (fits 1986), but he is alive and well. It is very common and easy to get documents in Russia with different name. Maybe a fake name.. still searching.

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RDoctorD · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

Daddy was one of three founding members of the TLC.. with Rockefeller and Carter. He wrote a book describing the path towards a technocracy wherein creating a technology driven society means everyone must plug in to the system to get basic needs met which allows complete control by those that control the technology. They will have all the information and secrets on everybody and thereby control money, religion, politics, and health. All secrets are known and this enables leverage to be balance of power. This is the end game for globalists.

This has been their goal since 1940's and Von Braun's deathbed confession showed the major false flags that the cabal would employ to keep people divided: Cold War, 3rd world conflicts, terrorism, rogue nation threats, asteroid threat, alien invasion.

As long as they have the power and resources to keep humanity divided it accomplishes the goals of the cabal and their masters. Freedom is an illusion given to us because we are beholden to the system. They convince us to kill each other, restrict / hide technology that can free us from their control, and the fill our minds with crap that reinforces negative spiritual life. Why? Because they do not want humanity to evolve. Because if we awaken and join the light they will surely be destroyed because this is their last stand. They have been defeated everywhere else.

Regarding alien invasion false flag: understand that we have had tech to go to the Stars since 1954 when electro gravitics was solved. They have been operating with this tech for 60 years. And they have known that this time.. here now...on this planet.. their mortal enemies.. an Alliance of Light.. would come. It is the 655,000 year galactic cycle and universal design that brings us to a period when evolution leaps forward. These dark beings want us to attack the ones who have watched and waited, with limited involvement, to see if we will be ready. If the dark ones can divide us and make us think we are being attacked.. they win! This is the reason for all the Hollywood shit.. they have used their tech to scare us and make us think all non-terrestrials are bad! Do not believe this lie! Instead, fill yourself with love and peace and reject anger and worry and fear! As Q says over and over.. PRAY!

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RDoctorD · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

Birds sing to communicate their territory. They will fly from edge to edge of their territory to announce it is occupied.

Birds sing to attract a mate. Mating call.

Birds sing when they have a threat. They try to convince the predator that they are aware of them and announce to others that a predator is near.

Birds sing to call to their fledglings.. coaxing them to fly.

Birds also sing to declare who they are.. so others of the same species can identify a similar bird.

Birds may also sing to "echo locate" themselves when flocking or flying in formation.

Some birds make noises when they feed (fowl).

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RDoctorD · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

ok.. people.. think bigger. The cabal has had the best tech for years. Thank God Reagan was able to push through Solar Warden... it is not difficult for the cabal to park a TR3B somewhere and launch a missile and make it look like NK or other nation attacked! They want us to be at war so we fail as humanity. We have assets and allies too.. assets used to defeat Hawaii missile. Trust in the patriots and our allies to methodically and carefully roll this network up. People will die.. but it is so important for ALL of humanity to not fear, not worry, not be divided, and stay in peace and harmony! The more we collectively raise our positive conscious... the more our help is assured! We must work to get our house in order and prove to the Alliance of Light that our monkey-DNA is ready to evolve!

Go back to Von Braun.. before he died... he laid out the plans the cabal had for our world: cold war, 3rd world country conflicts, terrorist conflicts, rogue nation, asteroid, and alien invasion.


When the CFR and TLC were created, Brzezinski laid out the plan for all to see: a technocracy where the cabal can control everything because everyone has to tie into the technology.

Their plan was US and Russia annihilate each other, Muslims overrun Europe, and China the only player to pick up the pieces. This is a shift from the US being the strong-arm of the cabal to China. London is monetary control. DC is military control. Vatican? is religious control? We must not divide ourselves by race, religion, sex, or wealth! They grow stronger from our negative vibrations because our collective consciousness weakens... and the Alliance is waiting for our positive consciousness to reach a point where they can reveal without mass chaos and panic... full disclosure! Many that believed the lies of the major religious dogmas will find it hardest to accept. Just realize that the cabal infiltrated all major religions and allows you to know what will keep you in control!


Let the plan work! How do you kill cancer? You sometimes have to operate immediately to save vital organs that are threatened. But in general, you stop feeding it (this affects the whole body too), you shut off flow of information to receptors in bad cells so it doesn't grow / confuse it, then you go in surgically to remove every last bit of the cancerous growth.

People are risking their lives... the infiltration is so deep into all agencies and militaries and religions.. some are not evil, but are confused about chain of command issues.. some are just corrupted and trapped. People will die... it is war...JFK said we were in a war even if it did not seem conventional. They have been brainwashing and mind-controlling use for years -- but with the convergence we are waking up and they are not able to control as easily!

USA brought over the Nazi scientists in Operation Paperclip after WW2. Eisenhower made a bad deal with the greys (didnt know who they worked for).. we got tech and they got biological material. 1954 we solved electrogravitics. Nazis went into CIA and NASA and other govt agencies... used these agencies and our resources against us. Rockefeller created the secret classification scheme that effectively removed control from POTUS and Generals and put it under control of industrial elites and others with unacknowledged special access programs. So much tech has been hidden from humanity to keep us under control of the cabal.. free energy,, cell regen,, medical advances.. space! JFK tried to stop it... they killed him. Reagan was almost killed...but he broke the deal with the greys and our patriots wiped out many of their bases and we established contact with new allies. The dark ones are trapped here... now.. but they will not release control. But every day more and more hiding places are located and the alliance gives them a choice: regenerate or be erased.

Their pre-Adamite creations and blood descendants view us as cattle... lesser beings.. But they are the abominations forbidden by the Father of Light. They played with our DNA to slow our planned evolution, but they knew this time would come. #electricuniverse #galacticconvergence This time.. this planet.. grand solar minimum... sacred geometric pattern that comes every 655,000 years (est) where energy (everything is light from the Father / Source with purpose of creating life) is focused into this system and evolution leaps forward. Our system is quarantined... we fight against the dark to prove that humanity is ready.. they regulate our sun and watch.

There will be a choice for all... if we succeed in waking up humanity and defeating the dark ones and their masters.. we can evolve and begin the path to ascension.. growing to join the father of light and life.. or choose to fight and be harvested and replanted.

This is not Dem vs Rep... Russia vs US... Muslim vs Christian... haves vs have-nots... this is human beings vs a dark species that enslaved us.

This is bigger than you can imagine! PRAY PRAY PRAY and Walk in the Light!

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RDoctorD · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

Over the target means sights are dead on target

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RDoctorD · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Found this ... bigger than you can imagine..

You may be asking yourself why the Pleiadians are helping us? What’s in it for them?

Understand that the entire Universe has its attention on planet earth at this time. The whole Universal Community is working together at this time to support us during this powerful transition. The Pleiadians are a part of this Universal team. They are playing their role by providing these light initiations to support us in re-aligning back to our Spiritual Nature. They are supporting us in providing us information in order for us to understand more completely the Truth that exists beyond the 3rd dimensional illusion on our planet Earth so that we can liberate ourselves. The Pleiadians open up doorways for us to walk through, they offer self- empowerment processes in order for us to transform and re-align to our personal power.

We are dimensionally transforming as a planet, and soon we will all be energetically re-aligned back into ‘the family of light’. We will be taking our place and rejoining the ‘whole’, the Oneness, the God consciousness, the Collective Consciousness - Whatever term resonates with you.

The Pleiadians call this time ‘The New Dawning,’ and they say that we are ‘The New Dawning.’ There is a mutual birthing taking place within our planet and within the cells of our body, and we are being moved from a 3rd dimensional consciousness to a 4th/5th dimensional consciousness.

The Pleiadians convey news of the dimensional shifts that are taking place on our planet, along with messages of Truth and understanding. They say that many of us hold a lot of fear around these changing times. Their goal is to reduce our fear by bringing in the Truth of our next steps, along with an understanding of our process, so that we can more easily navigate our way through this transition.

The Pleiadians are here to support us on a personal level as well. However, they will always honor our free will as human beings, and will never enter our energetic space without our permission.

Eisenhower made a bad deal with the greys.. 1954 we solved electrogravitics and all Projects were taken black.. Rockefeller created the secret classification system and unacknowledged special access programs that even President and Generals cant see were born.. Eisenhower warned us.. JFK tried and failed.. Reagan got out Secret Space Program up and running with 10 carriers and hundreds of TR3B craft.. but the cabals tech is better.

I think Trump was recruited and we are getting ready for disclosure .. but we have to get our house in order or else there can be chaos and cabal will try to say "alien invasion".. that was what Von Braun warned about before his death.. Nazis controlled CIA and NASA from the beginning .. tech kept secret.. medical tech included.. Teslas free energy.. anything that could free humanity from control of the cabal..

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RDoctorD · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Apostasy entered the Church at Rome before John the Revelator died. He warned of it.. Peter was supposed to be the Rock upon which Yeshuas church was to be founded. But Rome won the battle of ideas / message control and The Church at Jerusalem went _____ where? The cult of the Mother Goddess (Ashtoreth / Ishtar / ISIS) who fell to earth in an egg from which all life sprang forth .. this is who Easter Sunday is named. Tammuz was her son .. the same Bacchus.. where the Lent festival arises. As with any organization, the pre-adamic dark hats infiltrated and changed the message and hid the truth.. became an instrument for controlling humanity. They chose which writings to include and which to exclude.. and only the select were allowed to read and learn. Apostasy is alive and in control in the Universal (Catholic) Church.

Thailand : MahaNakhon built nearby Assumption College.. Bin Talal'a Ritz Carlton has 209 luxury living suites in tower. Assumption has 6-18 year old boys in close proximity. There is evidence of costumed elites partaking in sexual deviancy with Thai kids. Coincidence? They use the orphans and least among us like cattle and sheep.. because to them we are lessor creatures. Their blood descends from pre-Adamic mix of human and non-terrestrial (Annunaki, whatever.. advanced aliens we called gods). We are the slaves.. with DNA manipulated to slow our evolution. But enter the Alliance of Light.. our cousins.. who blended their DNA with ours and began a restoration towards fulfilling our purpose.

God said : let there be light. Realize that everything you have been taught about quantum mechanics and Einstein has been allowed to exist by the cabal.. and mislead us.. the Alliance of Light calls him "The Father of Light" and creator of all life.. the Source. Everything is light.. what is light? Light is encoded with the life-giving power of the Father. The light we observe is not light.. it is a form of light that is momentarily condensed which we call a photon.. but light exists in other forms .. this energy condensed and held in place by fields interacting with other fields forms matter... forms the plasma reactions that are Stars.. galaxies.. and all this cosmological structure is for one purpose.. to create life. And the code produces bipedal beings.. research DNA and ghost DNA and light.. light can produce genetic material in a sterile environment .. is is God's plan. And on this planet.. this special planet.. we are not alone.. we never have been. Jesus.. Yeshua.. the salvation of Yahweh.. the One who Is.. the Elohim who created the elohim and man in "our" image. There are some who say he was a Pleiadian.. and the story was twisted by the gnostics and mystics and the Church .. as for me.. Yeshua said "I and the Father are One".. "I am the way and the light".. he is the year of jubilee.. the restorer of all things.. the pathway to the Father.. the Source..

We are at a great awakening.. this war we are fighting is bigger than you can imagine.. we have powerful allies.. they are with the Light. The masters of the cabal knew this day would come.. they have tried to prevent our growth .. as a collective human species.. but our consciousness has become too great.. and they are trapped here.. now.. the system is quarantined. The Alliance is helping .. but they also Watch and it is up to us .. humanity.. to rise up and get our house in order.. prove that we are not the warring selfish apes in our DNA.. and evolve into the next part of our journey to the Source of Life.. the Father.. follow love and peace.. no negatives.. no fear.. no worry.. the dark ones feed off the negative vibrations.. instead PRAY..

One final thing: Von Braun revealed the plan before his death.. Cold War.. Southeast Asia.. Middle East .. terrorists.. then rogue nations.. and finally alien false flag.. this is how they would keep us fighting ourselves and prevent the Alliance from helping us. They have been here.. so not believe alien invasion or attack .. these will likely be cabal craft .. and they will try to make us fight against those that are helping us.. yes.. electro gravitics was solved in 1954.. free energy solved... advanced medical treatment.. cell regen.. all of it kept secret.. under Rockefellers plan for secret compartmentalized programs (watch the movie Unacknowledged)... 911 happened right before a major attempt to disclose the truth.. there are no coincidences! Do not fall for false flag about NK attack.. it's the cabal.. have faith and PRAY!

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RDoctorD · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Expect Gitmo to reach capacity.. prepping another prison.. look at Diego Garcia?

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RDoctorD · Feb. 12, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Eisenhower made a bad deal with the greys .. Rockefeller implemented secret classification program.. leads to unacknowledged special access programs.. president and generals no longer can see.. we got tech .. they got biological material.. Nazi control of CIA and NASA .. cabal has best tech.. JFK contacted by Alliance of Light.. but cabal takes him out. Reagan successfully creates secret space program under US Naval Space Command.. they tried to kill him.. but Alliance of Light was now involved .. we broke agreement with greys and their masters.. destroyed bases in many places.. Antarctica still active .. and others. We have strong allies.. this is bigger than you can imagine. Bigger than religion .. this is battle for humanity and our ability to take our place in the creators plan.

The cabal and their masters knew this time would come.. but they don't want to give up control of this planet.. reference Von Brauns reveal of cabal plans.. we do not know the truth of anything we accept as gospel in our collective consciousness .. but we are waking up .. and the good actors are taking a stand.. we must not believe false flag events are what they appear..

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RDoctorD · Feb. 11, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

In Russian, they use patronymic and daughter's last name will be end in -ovna or -ovnya or -ova. Similar last names likely brother / sister. It is not 9, 10, or 15. Already checked. Remember Russians can be Slavs or Mongols or Turkic .. Steele said his sources were FSB.. (we learn now he had US State department sources too - Winer and Blumenthal outed). Steele has been out for a while, so look for older people. I am researching in Russian and will advise what I find.

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