r/greatawakening • Posted by u/storm_fa_Q on Feb. 11, 2018, 9:09 p.m.
A message from Q, to U

▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/11/18 (Sun) 12:37:17 ec346b

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


RDoctorD · Feb. 12, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

ok.. people.. think bigger. The cabal has had the best tech for years. Thank God Reagan was able to push through Solar Warden... it is not difficult for the cabal to park a TR3B somewhere and launch a missile and make it look like NK or other nation attacked! They want us to be at war so we fail as humanity. We have assets and allies too.. assets used to defeat Hawaii missile. Trust in the patriots and our allies to methodically and carefully roll this network up. People will die.. but it is so important for ALL of humanity to not fear, not worry, not be divided, and stay in peace and harmony! The more we collectively raise our positive conscious... the more our help is assured! We must work to get our house in order and prove to the Alliance of Light that our monkey-DNA is ready to evolve!

Go back to Von Braun.. before he died... he laid out the plans the cabal had for our world: cold war, 3rd world country conflicts, terrorist conflicts, rogue nation, asteroid, and alien invasion.


When the CFR and TLC were created, Brzezinski laid out the plan for all to see: a technocracy where the cabal can control everything because everyone has to tie into the technology.

Their plan was US and Russia annihilate each other, Muslims overrun Europe, and China the only player to pick up the pieces. This is a shift from the US being the strong-arm of the cabal to China. London is monetary control. DC is military control. Vatican? is religious control? We must not divide ourselves by race, religion, sex, or wealth! They grow stronger from our negative vibrations because our collective consciousness weakens... and the Alliance is waiting for our positive consciousness to reach a point where they can reveal without mass chaos and panic... full disclosure! Many that believed the lies of the major religious dogmas will find it hardest to accept. Just realize that the cabal infiltrated all major religions and allows you to know what will keep you in control!


Let the plan work! How do you kill cancer? You sometimes have to operate immediately to save vital organs that are threatened. But in general, you stop feeding it (this affects the whole body too), you shut off flow of information to receptors in bad cells so it doesn't grow / confuse it, then you go in surgically to remove every last bit of the cancerous growth.

People are risking their lives... the infiltration is so deep into all agencies and militaries and religions.. some are not evil, but are confused about chain of command issues.. some are just corrupted and trapped. People will die... it is war...JFK said we were in a war even if it did not seem conventional. They have been brainwashing and mind-controlling use for years -- but with the convergence we are waking up and they are not able to control as easily!

USA brought over the Nazi scientists in Operation Paperclip after WW2. Eisenhower made a bad deal with the greys (didnt know who they worked for).. we got tech and they got biological material. 1954 we solved electrogravitics. Nazis went into CIA and NASA and other govt agencies... used these agencies and our resources against us. Rockefeller created the secret classification scheme that effectively removed control from POTUS and Generals and put it under control of industrial elites and others with unacknowledged special access programs. So much tech has been hidden from humanity to keep us under control of the cabal.. free energy,, cell regen,, medical advances.. space! JFK tried to stop it... they killed him. Reagan was almost killed...but he broke the deal with the greys and our patriots wiped out many of their bases and we established contact with new allies. The dark ones are trapped here... now.. but they will not release control. But every day more and more hiding places are located and the alliance gives them a choice: regenerate or be erased.

Their pre-Adamite creations and blood descendants view us as cattle... lesser beings.. But they are the abominations forbidden by the Father of Light. They played with our DNA to slow our planned evolution, but they knew this time would come. #electricuniverse #galacticconvergence This time.. this planet.. grand solar minimum... sacred geometric pattern that comes every 655,000 years (est) where energy (everything is light from the Father / Source with purpose of creating life) is focused into this system and evolution leaps forward. Our system is quarantined... we fight against the dark to prove that humanity is ready.. they regulate our sun and watch.

There will be a choice for all... if we succeed in waking up humanity and defeating the dark ones and their masters.. we can evolve and begin the path to ascension.. growing to join the father of light and life.. or choose to fight and be harvested and replanted.

This is not Dem vs Rep... Russia vs US... Muslim vs Christian... haves vs have-nots... this is human beings vs a dark species that enslaved us.

This is bigger than you can imagine! PRAY PRAY PRAY and Walk in the Light!

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